Hidden Inside

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The qunari was fixing his bed, making it all neat and tidy until the door behind him slammed open. He placed his final pillow then turned around to see the red faced commander storming towards him, a letter in his hand.

"What's the meaning of this!?" He yelled, utterly embarrassed, "Let's talk about your loud 'pleasures' so I can teach you something? What the fuck are you on about?!"

"Calm it Cullen," The Iron Bull chuckled, sitting on the bed, "You do know what you two were loud last night right?"

"What are you-"

Bull let out a hearty laugh, "You and the inquisitor. You two, well mainly her, were so loud! I can teach you a few things to make it more pleasurable" Bull winked.

Cullen quickly threw the letter at him then turned away, getting redder than before, "You will not do anything! You will not say anything, am I clear?!" He said.

"And why's that? You two not ready to confess to the world about your love? That's understandable, but you two oughta keep your moaning to a minimum for it to be a secret." Bull chuckled.

Cullen sighed, looking at the floor, "There will be talk about us... maybe scandles.. I.. she doesn't need any more stress..." he mumbled.

Bull walked over and patted his shoulder, his hand almost as big as Cullen's head, "I know. Perhaps I can keep this a secret. Maybe I could join in, teach you a few things."

Cullen kept his back to Bull, trying to be dominant, "No, just us two. Besides, I don't want anyone coming between us. I.. can't lose her..."

Bull gently curled a strand of Cullen's hair around his finger, knowing deep down that he wanted to be submissive, "I will give you both a good time. Besides, sex is just fun for me, so there'll be no strings attached."

Cullen quickly turned his head, "But I will lose her to you! You're so much bigger and better than I am, how can-"

Bull put his finger on Cullen's lips, "Shush. She will not lose you to me as I am not interested in a relationship with either one of you. Sex is just sex. Like playing is just playing, working is just working. Doesn't mean much unless you make it mean something."

Cullen nodded, feeling shy again. The thought of this hunk of a qunari dominating him was somewhat pleasant, but jarring.

"It's up to you if you want to try, Cullen. I'm here if you need me." Bull said, his thumb rubbing against his lip as he tilted his head up.

Cullen felt something inside screaming to get out, banging on the walls. It's as if someone else was inside his soul, wanting to break free, to be open. He stared into Bull's eyes, almost shrinking from the shyness and anxiety he felt. Bull nodded, as if he understood something. As if he saw the man inside begging to be set free.

"I'll let you get back to your work." Bull said before letting him go.

Cullen stumbled back, then quickly left the room. Bull smiled, staring at Cullen's ass as he bolted back to his office.

Time pass

Cullen placed around his office, the words that Bull said racing around his head. He was confused, but intrigued with the offer. He didn't want the inquisitor to run away or leave him, so he was conflicted. The guilt, the shame, it ate away at him all day. He didn't want to lose her, but he wanted to experiment. He wanted to experiment being dominated, being fucked, the feeling of semen flowing out of him. But he was too ashamed to think this way, to think he possibly loved men and women terrified him. He knows Josephine will love anyone, that she only cares for personality not looks or gender, but Cullen's been known as the shy straight boy.

He sat at his desk, deep in thought. Echoes of his family's disapproval of him being anything other than the "normal" straight ate away at him, crushing his heart and soul. His father was strict growing up, always teaching him that marrying a woman was right, that men and women cannot love the same gender or someone who doesn't think they have a gender. Cullen lay his head on the desk, shaking. Thoughts of the inquisition kicking him out, the inquisitor running away, being alone once again. He couldn't handle it...

The qunari opened the door to Cullen's office, peering inside. He saw the upset commander, pale as he panicked, anxiety controlling him. He quickly knelt by his side and comforted him. The commander let go of his "wall" and started to cry in his arms, explaining how terrified he is. Bull comforted him, stroking his hair and letting him cry. His tears rolled down his cheeks, falling onto Bull's "pillowy man bosoms" (quote from Krem lmao.)

After a few minutes of crying, the commander looked up at Bull, wiping his cheeks.

"It's alright, this world is more accepting than you think. Loving both men and women won't change who you are. I'm sure the inquisitor will understand and she'll love you as she's done for the past few months. Okay?" Bull said, his voice as smooth as butter.

Cullen nodded, clinging onto Bull like a child onto their parent. Bull kept hugging him until he fell into a deep sleep. Bull chuckled, letting go of Cullen and placing a pillow on the desk, then his head. He placed a blanket around him then blew out the candles, allowing the night time darkness creep into the room. He smiled to himself, then left to let Cullen sleep...

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