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Two months had passed since Cullen and Iron Bull had their talk. They often chatted privately as Bull gave Cullen advice on how to reveal to the inquisitor that he wants a threesome. He's been waiting, awfully afraid of what she will think of him. She had been loving to him, something he hadn't felt at all in his life and he was afraid of losing the woman he loved so much. He couldn't have the Hero of Fereldan as she was in the circle of magi, and trying to be in a relationship with her would've costed his templar position. He didn't want to lose anyone else.

Bull knocked on Cullen's door as a scout left the room, "how're you feeling?" He asked.

Cullen slumped in his chair and sighed, running his fingers through his hair, "Terrified. The usual... do we have to do it today...?"

Bull nodded, putting his hand on Cullen's shoulder, "If you don't grow some balls and tell her, you'll hate yourself for missing the opportunity. She will be very busy soon, so you must tell her hoe you feel before it's too late. It'll keep eating away at you until you can't handle it."

Cullen sighed heavily, standing up, "I suppose you're right.. let's... get this over with..."

Cullen and Bull made their way up to the inquisitor's room, to which she was being lectured by Josephine about mannerisms for when they get to the Winter Palace. It was scheduled for the next week and the inquisitor was taking a break before she and the others attended. Josephine smiled and walked out of the room, slightly confused at why Bull and Cullen were making their way to her, but didn't bother to ask. The pair entered the room and Cullen immediately became shy, anxious thoughts racing in his head.

"We need to talk, boss" Bull said, pushing Cullen slightly towards her.

The inquisitor looked at Cullen with a slightly worried look, "are you alright?"

He nodded, trying to find the words, "I... well.. we've been together for... for a while now and... I wanted to ask if.. you... I mean.. if you want..." Cullen's voice grew quieter with uncertainty.

"He wants a threesome. Us three. Spice up the bedroom pleasure. That alright boss?" Bull blurted out.

Cullen's face became redder and redder and the inquisitor just stared at them. She made a sneaky gesture to Bull and he locks the door. Cullen heard the door being locked and looked at her, feeling slightly calmer.

"So, you want to be dominated, Cullen? Well, we have some spare time," she said seductively, rising from her chair and walking towards him.

She got inches away from him, looking him up and down. Bull quickly went and closed the curtains then she pushed Cullen onto the bed. She smirked at him, finding this side to him adorable.

"Get undressed now" she said sternly but seductively. Her dominance shone, making Bull shiver slightly. He loved the idea of dominant women.

Cullen obeyed, taking all of his clothes off and throwing them aside. Bull had already taken his off and stood beside her, taking her clothes off for her. She smirked then helped Bull tie Cullen's arms to the bed post. He gasped, looking at the two dominators do their 'work'. He immediately became hard, he loved being submissive.

"You know, Bull told me about the talk you two had. And honestly, I'm glad you finally fucking said something " she said.

She sat on Cullen's lap, bending down to lick his nipples. He moaned softly, his face as red as a cherry. She grinned against him, teasingly slow. He whined and tried to buck his hips but Bull held down his legs and kissed his thighs. Cullen kept moaning softly, letting them have him, letting them do what they want to him. She finally slid him into her and moaned softly. Bull got into position and smirked, sliding himself into her ass. Her holes were filled and she felt amazing.

She bucked her hips, making their dicks thrust into her which made her moan louder. Bull spanked her and held onto her hips and Cullen held onto Bull's hands. They all felt amazing. Bull eventually pulled out of her and knelt down, pushing her slightly forward so she was face to face above Cullen. Bull lifted his legs and smirked before eating him out. Cullen jolted slightly at the sensation, the long slippery tongue exploring his entrance. Suddenly, the tongue snuck inside him, causing Cullen to moan loudly.

The inquisitor kept riding Cullen, moaning into his ear. She gently nibbled on the top of his ear, then sent kisses down to his neck before giving him small, purple hickeys. Bull kept eating him out whilst gently spanking his balls, making Cullen jolt at each slap. It felt amazing and surreal.

Bull soon got up then slid himself inside Cullen, thrusting deep inside him. Cullen moaned loudly, gripping onto the ropes around his wrists which had bound him down. The inquisitor knelt beside Cullen, sucking his dick. Her tongue teased his tip as she bobbed her head back and forth. Cullen felt himself get closer.

"Fuck, I'm gonna-"

They both stopped. Bull slid himself out and she slid his dick out of her mouth. He whined loudly like a needy puppy. He wanted to cum so badly, bucking his hips in desperation. They both smirked, then Bull started to lick the inquisitor's vagina as she teased Cullen by gently and slowly stroking his member. He whined loudly as the two moaned loudly.

"Just let me cum!!" He yelled, almost teary eyed. He was too desperate.

The inquisitor climbed on top of him again and smirked, "you both will cum in me at the same time, got it? So you have to hold on until Bull is ready"

Cullen nodded. The inquisitor slid his dick inside her then waited for Bull, who slid into her ass. He they both started to thrust hard and fast, eager to fill her up. They all moaned in unison, their pleasure almost combining.

"I'm gonna-!"

She slaps Cullen, who really likes it, "don't you dare!"

They kept thrusting together, moaning louder and louder. The loud sound of skin slapping against skin was drowned out by their moans which almost echoed throughout the castle itself. If they were any louder, the entire castle would be awake.

"Now!" Bull moans out.

They both thrust one last time, going as deep as they can before releasing their loads deep inside her. She moaned loudly, resting her head on Cullen's shoulder. After a few seconds, they both pulled out. She untied Cullen's arms and he stood up next go Bull. They watched as their seed leaked out of her, almost proud of themselves. At this rate, should could be pregnant but she's made sure she can't get pregnant just yet. They both got some spare cloth and cleaned her up as she lay, almost paralysed. She was asleep already.

"That's how you have a good time" Bull chuckled, flopping into bed.

"Agreed" he replied.

Bull lay in the middle and they both snuggled up to him. He wrapped his arms around them protectively, a happy man. Cullen and Bull soon fell fast asleep...

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