We walked across the lava, moving on the stone bridge which led to the castle.
"Who is Madam Webb?" I asked.
"Our mother." Anna informed me.
"Your mother?" My eyes widened. I was finally meeting one of their family? They had never mention their family before in all the years we've known each other.
Approaching the gate at the end of the bridge, we stood in front of the castle. From here you could really see how humongous the castle was.
A guard looked over from the top of wall, seeing who arrived. "Johnathan and Annabeth Webb?" He asked.
John nodded. "That's us. He's also with us." John stated, pointing towards me.
The guard nodded. "Come on in!" He yelled down to us. He pulled a lever from his position up above.
The gate started to open, allowing us entrance into the castle. We walked through the gate, entering a courtyard which divided the walls and the castle.
John took a right, with Anna and I following close after. He walked towards a tower on the edge of the castle, entering through the door at the base of the structure.
We climbed up the spiral staircase, all the way to the top. It felt like forever in the few minutes it took. By the time we got to the top, my feet were already tired. I really should work out more.
We stood in front of a wooden door, preparing ourselves to enter. Both John and Anna took a deep breath, calming themselves.
John brought his hand up, and knocked on the door.
"Come on in." An older, feminine voice came from inside the room.
[Mission] - Impress Madam Webb
[Reward] - 30 AP
[Punishment] - Be eliminated.
Uh...I don't like the sound of this. "Be eliminated?" I hope that doesn't mean death. Looks like I kind of have to accept the mission. Sally, can you accept it?
"Of course Host." Sally replied.
The mission was accepted, the screen disappearing from my view. I focused back on the door in front of us.
John opened the door, walking in with me and Anna following closely after him. We entered an office, which contained a giant desk in the middle. The back wall was a giant window, giving a great view of the castle's courtyard.
Madam Webb sat behind the desk, smiling upon the arrival of her children. "John, Anna. It's been a while. What brings you here?" She greeted. Her voice was incredibly soothing, as if it would take away all of your problems and make them fly away.
Just like her children, she had caramel-brown hair with sharp blue eyes. Unlike her children, her spider appendages were free, and all six of her eyes were visible, as her hair was combed to the side in a single, braided ponytail which rested over her shoulder.
"Hi Mom." Smiled John. "This is Jack, our best friend."
"It's nice to meet you Ma'am." I replied. If I want to impress her, I need to have good manners.
"We...want to ask you something..." John nervously started.
"Go ahead." Madam Webb replied, motioning for him to continue.
"Jack found out about the supernatural when a Corrupted attacked him and Anna." John quickly told her.
"I beg you, please don't eliminate him." He added, bowing.
"Please don't eliminate him." Anna pleaded, bowing down as well.
This isn't good. I don't want to be eliminated! I'm only sixteen! I have so much to live for!
"Um...please don't eliminate me." I asked, copying the twins as I bowed down.
"I see." Madam Webb responded, thinking. "So he discovered the supernatural."
"Usually this would result in his death or a complete memory wipe, but there may be another, better possibility..." Madam Webb revealed.
"Thank you!" Anna said, bringing her head up to look at her mother. I could see small tears in the corner of her eyes. She was that worried.
That warmed my heart. And my cheeks. I think there are some butterflies flying around in my stomach as well. Now my palms are getting sweaty.
Both me and John also stood up straight, looking at Madam Webb.
"Thank you." John softly replied.
Suddenly the [Freerunner] feeling emerged in the back of my mind. It urged me to go "Right".
I quickly moved my head right as a knife went flying by my head, impaling the wall behind me. I looked at the knife, before slowly turning to look back at Madam Webb.
Oh god. That almost hit me. My heart's pounding...
I'm sure fear was easily shown on my face.
It's a good thing I have the [Freerunner] skill...
[Freerunner] - Level Up!
The skill just leveled up?!
"Mom?!" Both of the twins cried out in a mixture of terror and surprise.
"I was just testing him." Replied Madam Webb, smiling.
She looked me straight in the eyes. "You are a human, correct?" She asked.
I weakly nodded my head. I may have dodged the knife, but I'm still a little shaken from that. Once second late, and I would have...
"Interesting." Madam Webb stated. She then smiled. "You have two options, young man."
"You can either be eliminated..." she started.
I gulped.
"...Or you can join my school." She finished.
Wait. Huh? Her school?
"Your school?" I asked, not sure if I heard her right.
"My school." Nodded Madam Webb. "I am the Headmaster of Hell High." She stated, gesturing around her.
Wait, this castle is a school?!
"What?" Asked the twins, also confused.
"If you join this school, you are completely under my protection." Madam Webb stated. "And I need a human to join the school. Besides, I wouldn't want to kill the best friend of my children." She explained.
"Uh, thank you." I sincerely replied. "Is there anything else I need to...know?"
"You'll stay in a dorm room here, but you can return back to the Earth Realm on weekends and other days of no school." Madam Webb stated.
"Okay." I replied, nodding. That's not too bad. It's way better than being eliminated, that's for sure. "Thank you for this."
Madam Webb smiled. "It's fine. This is very helpful to me."
She then looked to her two children. "What about you two? Do you still want to stay in the Earth Realm?"
"No." Anna immediately responded. "I'll follow Jack."
Madam Webb instantly gained a grin. "I see, so that's how it is..."
Anna's face lit up in a blush. "Y-yeah." She shyly admitted.
What am I missing? What are they talking about? Seriously, sometimes I don't understand women...
"I'll also follow Jack." John agreed.
Oh, thank you two so much! You are true friends!
"If you keep friendzoning Anna I think she'll die of heartbreak." Sally commented.
Ah. I didn't think about that...
I'll try to not say anything that friendzones her. I don't want to crush her heart.
But I can't date her either! It wouldn't feel right if I started dating her, only to make moves on other women because of my System.
Why is this so complicated?
Madam Webb smiled. "I'm happy to see you two back. It looks like your rebellious phase is over~"
"Mom!" The two twins cried out in embarrassment.
Oh, I could get used to this. This is fun to watch.
"Your dorm room is the same as before." Madam Webb informed the twins.
"It's been so long since we've been in there..." Anna commented, reminiscing on the past.
"I can't wait to sleep there again." John replied. "My bed there is nice and soft..."
Oh John, you and your sleeping. That really is your favorite hobby, isn't it?
"As for you, Jack, I will get you enrolled in school soon. I already have a dorm you can live in. But first, we'll have to talk to your family about the school transfer." Madam Webb explained.
I nodded. "Alright."
A new panel popped up to my right.
[Mission] - Impress Madam Webb. Completed.
Sally, please claim the mission for me.
"Affirmative." Sally responded.
She claimed the mission, allowing me to gain my 30 AP from the mission's reward. Now I've bumped up to 180 AP. Sweet!
I sat in front of my family, Madam Webb sitting next to me.
"A new school?" Asked Mom.
Madam Webb nodded. "Your son has been doing a great job in school, and we believe that his potential will be better used at my school."
"Your school?" Wondered Dad.
"Yes, my school." Madam Webb nodded. "I am the headmaster."
"The headmaster wants him to join?! We have to let him!" Mom suggested.
Dad nodded. "I agree. We want him to have the best future as possible."
Lilia clenched her fists, gripping the couch hard.
Don't worry Lilia! I may be leaving, but I can visit on the weekends! I'll be back!
"Sis-con." Commented Sally.
Shut up!
"He will be staying in a dorm, but he can come visit on days of no school, like Saturday and Sunday." Madam Webb informed them.
Mom nodded her head. "I like it. Let's have him transfer then."
Dad nodded. "I agree."
You kind of have to, Dad. We both know you always lose in arguments against Mom.
Lilia clenched her fists even tighter. Don't clench them too tight! I don't want you to draw blood! Wait, or is that just an anime thing?
Madam Webb smiled. "Thank you. I'll be taking him to the school now."
"You're already packed?" Asked Mom.
"I am." I affirmed. "I packed earlier."
"Oh my boy, he's growing up so fast!" Mom wailed, tears starting to stream down her face.
"It's okay Honey." Replied Dad, rubbing my mother's back.
I walked over, giving both Mom and Dad a hug, before patting Lilia on the head.
"I'll visit this Saturday." I promised.
"Okay. Love you!" Mom replied, still crying.
"Love you too." I responded.
A smile wormed it's way onto my face. Seeing how much they cared for me really warmed my heart. Of course I knew, but seeing it is much more impactful.
"Bye!" I said, waving to them as I headed to the front door. Grabbing my suitcase on the way, I took it outside with Madam Webb.
"Alright. Now it's time for you to go to your dorm and meet your roommate." Madam Webb stated.
"Wait. Roommate?"
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