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I stayed in my room most the morning. Ryder and Reed where downstairs in the game room. Reed said that the lunch is around 1:30, so around 11:30, I started to get ready. I didn't know what to wear so I texted Reed to come upstairs real quick. I didn't want to go down there. "Yes?" I hear Reed say peeking into my room.

"What am I supposed to wear?"

"Well, I'm wearing this." He says in jeans and a fairly nice shirt.

"So I can just wear some cute jeans and a nice t-shirt?"

"Everything looks cute on you." He says with his big grin. I smile back.

"That doesn't answer my question."


"Thank you. Was that very hard?"

"Yep!" He laughs and goes back down stairs.


"You ready?" Reed

asks from down the stairs.

"Yep." I come downstairs and I tell my dad I'm leaving. We get outside and Reed opens the door for me. I get in and he gets in the driver seat.

"I don't know if this place is any good, so i thought we could get a milkshake after." Reed says starting the pickup.

"I love milkshakes!"

On the way was mostly small talk, the occasional joke.


Reed opens my door. I get out and we start to walk towards the door. "Are you sure I wore the right outfit? This place looks fancy."

"You look perfect." Reed says grabbing my hand. I smile at him and we walk in.

"There they are." He says sighing. I can tell he is not excited about this. We get to the table and shake hands.

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