"What the hells up with you, huh?" Big John pestered Alana, who had stomped inside the house with tears streaking down her face. "That kid Barry's giving me shit. You've gotta pay him back, dad." Lana sighed, her voice was shaky from the cold night outside.
"Yeah, yeah." Big J replied absentmindedly, not looking up from the map that he was fawning over. "Dad, I'm serious. This ain't the first time that he's done something and it won't be the last unless you pay him back." Alana attempted to explain, almost desperately.
"You tryna tell me what to do, kid?" Big John turned around slowly to face the young girl. "No, I— dad I just—" Lana faltered a bit. "How about you pay him back, Ana?" The man snapped, making the teenager flinch back a bit.
"What? Fuck are you on about, dad?" She asked, puzzled. "Listen, Ana, you ain't a little kid anymore. Go out and help me out, you get what I mean?" He said calmly, paying no matter to how outrageous his words would sound to anybody that heard them.
"What?" Alana deadpanned. "Don't make this harder than it has to be." Big John stood up , glaring at the girl whom avoided eye contact with him.
"C'mere." He called for her in an almost sweet tone. Alana couldn't help but oblige, as she stepped closer to him. Big John grabbed her jaw and turned her face to his.
"Shit." Lana breathed, gripping her red-turning cheek quickly.
"Get the fuck out. Don't come back 'till Barry owes me money."
Alana shot awake, panting and drenched in sweat. They were still on the boat, but seemed to have just started docking. "You alright?" John B asked her, she brushed him off.
The girl stripped her small tank top off, so that she was left only in her bikini top and some loose shorts. Her stomach wasn't too big yet, seeing as she really hadn't eaten anything within the last forty-eight hours.
"Anybody else starving? We need to grab some sort of breakfast." Lana heard JJ saying, she grumbled something in agreement, which he ignored.
"Don't worry, we're gonna find some food." Sarah grabbed Lana's hands and pulled her off of the boat and onto the dock, the girl stumbled slightly at the force. She wasn't quite present after her nightmare, the girls body usually shut down for a few minutes after the had them, it had done so since she was a child.
"Ugh!" Kie groaned, crouched down as she dug through some plants in search of something edible. "Jackpot!" She exclaimed, holding a large watermelon above her head.
The girls split it into the three halves, Alana got the biggest piece, even after losing rock-paper-scissors, seeing as she pulled the pregnancy card.
"Mmm." She groaned at the taste of food finally hitting her tongue. "Holy shit." Sarah mumbled between bites.
"Okay, so you really got married?" Kiara questioned disbelievingly. "To my brother?" Alana added in a tone of fake disgust.
"It wasn't exactly legal, but... yeah." Sarah smiled happily at the two girls and Alana couldn't help but join her.
"Am I crazy, or is there definitely something going on between you and Pope?" Sarah asked Kiara, who blushed and looked at the ground. "Maybe." She giggled, shrugging casually.
"That's not a no." Alana chuckled. "It's not a no." Kie replied playfully.
"Girl." Sarah laughed.
"Let's go back to the guys." Alana broke the silence that had washed over them, they all agreed and walked back towards the boat, grabbing a few extra watermelons on their way.
"Hi." Kie greeted, the three girls all gave each other looks when the guys fell silent. "What yall talking about?" Alana asked teasingly.
"Uh— fishing." John B replied quickly. "Dropping lures. That's... that, you know." JJ added awkwardly.
"Mkay." Sarah smiled, "you need some help?" JJ offered to take the watermelon that she was holding. "Goodness gracious." He muttered, taking it into his arms.
"What's that now?" Pope asked, "we got breakfast." Kie replied.
Alana moved to stand next to JJ, who tensed a bit beside her. "You alright?" She asked, giving him a cautious look. "Yeah— yeah all good." He stuttered out in reply.
"There she is." John B spoke happily once the chateau came into view. "Must be good to see her in her old bones, right?" JJ looked at the rickety house fondly.
"Welcome home, guys." Alana gave the home a longing look. "Gonna be honest, I'm not exactly looking forward to a check-in at home. My parents probably already arranged my funeral." Kie mumbled, Lana cringed when she remembered that Kiara had told her parents that she would return within the night.
"I also predict unpleasantries at the Heyward household after I left the truck in Charleston." Pope sucked in his teeth.
"No-one knows we're here, yeah? And you two aren't gonna get into any more trouble for showing up twelve hours later. Am I right, or am I right?" JJ rambled, he had a fairly smart point for once.
"You're not wrong." Pope shrugged, "so that means we have twelve hours to do whatever we want. Huh? A little Pogue fellowship. How's that sound." JJ announced his plans, Sarah shook her head slowly.
"Let shit hit the fan tomorrow." Alana agreed, knowing full well that nothing was actually going to happen to her, considering that both of her parents were either absent or dead.
"The cops could be looking for us. It could be really stupid." Sarah sounded apprehensive. "Sarah Cameron. You've heard of my philosophy, right?" JJ asked, approaching her. "No." She shook her head with a smile.
"Stupid things have good outcomes all the time." JJ told, the others all mouthed along with him. "Just look at me and Alana!" He gave an example, which everybody seemed to understand other than the girls twin brother.
"Huh?" He whined, annoyed at not being included in the joke. "Who's with me? Let's get some beer!" JJ changed the topic quickly.
JJ and Kiara fetched the beer, whilst the others occupied the boat. "Whoo!" Sarah cheered when they brought it on with raised arms.
It was dark but not too late, the Pogues were all in or around the hot tub, with the fairy lights turned on so that they could still see.
JJ had been a bit wary of Alana all night, something that didn't go unnoticed by her, but he seemed to have loosened up thanks to the help of alcohol. A lot of it.
The boys were chugging beers while the girls sat in the Cats Ass watching them.
They were all pretty drunk, JJ and Pope seemed to have gotten the worst of it though. Alana had had a beer or two, or three... to be quite frank, she had completely lost count. The girl had been trying to avoid alcohol, for the baby's sake, but her brother had peer pressured her into it, and who was she to say no to a dare?
"Whoo!" The Pogues cheered for Pope, who was freestyle rapping.
"Get it, Pope!" The kids egged him on, although he was definitely in his own world by then.
"Ah, come on! Give me that shit, give me it!" JJ yelled, laughing euphorically when Pope leaned up to kiss his neck.
"I'm done, im out of here!" Pope announced after tackling JJ to the ground as if he weighed no more than a feather. Kie stood up and walked after him, as far as Lana could tell she was walking in a straight line, the girl seemed sober enough to go do whatever she was going to do with Pope.
"Really?" Sarah laughed in disbelief. "Yeah, way to be discreet!" JJ yelled loudly towards the two teens, who were already gone.
"I leave, and this is what happens." John B complained jokingly. "Are you blaming us?" JJ slurred. "Just a little bit. Uh-oh. Your boys out, beer time." John B quickly excused himself once he noticed JJ begin to rant.
"You guys— are the ones that— died, okay? That was..." JJ failed at his sentence a bit from the feeling of Alana's lips on his neck, he whined quietly and leaned down further to her. "Literally, one job you two." Sarah smiled, JJ and Lana both started arguing with her, the latter whom had her hands entangled in her boyfriend's hair.
"C'mere." JJ beckoned the girl onto his lap as he reached his hand up under her t-shirt to hold her stomach, the rested other snug on the inside of her thigh. "Oh, shit." Alana whispered right into her boyfriend's ear once she noticed her brother looking at the grave that they had made in the tree.
"Oh, yo. Hold that thought." JJ told Sarah, walking towards John B as he carried Alana along like it was nothing.
"It's a cute art project." John B sniffled, his eyes shiny from tears. "Killed the tree, though." Alana giggled. She felt like crying as well. Not because she was sad, but because her brother was.
"Probably, yeah. Oops." JJ chuckled sadly, placing Alana onto the ground but still supporting her body with his.
"I freaking missed you, man." JJ whispered, pulling John B into a hug. "I missed you too dude." The darker haired boy sniffled again. They parted and walked back to Sarah, whom was warming herself up by the bonfire.
"Woah! All right!" The Pogues shouted and whooped once they saw the speed boat that contained Kie and Pope going in the direction of one of the islands beaches.
"Pope's poking on the Pogue." John B sounded unimpressed.
"You should—" John B and Alana cut JJ off.
"Do yall smell that?"
"Did you guys hear that?"
They asked at the same time, the Pogues all gave each other nervous looks. JJ clucked like a chicken, earning himself two hands over his mouth.
"Holy shit, it's Rafe." Alana suddenly realised out loud, assuming that he came closer seeing as the smell of him had become more profound.
"Quick, put out the fire." The shock sobered the kids up a fair amount, enough to be giving out orders, at least. "In the tree! It's the only place that we can go." JJ whisper-shouted, giving them all a leg-up before he himself climbed up.
Barry and Rafe both appeared right as JJ pulled his leg up, they were looking for them. Barry began to smash their windows, Rafe glanced around manically.
"I don't see 'em, Rafe." Barry mumbled after he had searched the Chateau. "Well, they were clearly right fucking here!" Rafe yelled angrily in reply.
"Oh, shit. P4L." Barry read the tree, "yo sister's a Pogue for life now, huh? How 'bout that." He mocked. Rafe nodded slightly, leaning down before loudly exclaiming, "shit!"
The sound made the teens in the tree flinch roughly, even more so when he shot the tree multiple times, one of the bullets missing JJ by barely an inch.
"He's finally lost it." Alana muttered quietly once they had both cleared out, leaving the chateau presumably empty.
guys keep in mind that I absolutely do not recommend or support drinking while pregnant, and this story isn't supposed to be a way to encourage it at all.
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