"I need to tell you something."

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"Yeah, they're a bunch of fancy people. They've had three governors in the family. They've run Charleston for, like, 300 years." Kiara spoke as the four teens drove their way up to the address that Pope had been given. "These kooks make our kooks look like Pogues." Alana giggled.

"You sure this the place, Pope?" JJ questioned as the truck pulled up to a fairly large mansion. "Pretty sure." He confirmed. "All right." JJ shrugged, crawling out of the truck after Lana.

"Fat City, for sure." JJ mentioned. "27 King Street." Pope read from his letter.

"Talk about home security." JJ said, referring to the spikes that the high fences had on them. "Are they to keep people out, or..." Alana let her words trail off. "No." Kie shook her head.

"The slave quarters are over there." Pope sighed, "these spikes were to keep people in."

"That's comforting." Lana mumbled, looking behind her before walking up to the large door, the others following suite.

Pope knocked a few times, maybe four. "You think that was too much?" He asked, "it echoed the entire house. That's for sure. So, they definitely heard it." JJ replied.

"Maybe nobody's home." Kiara attempted to come up with an explanation just as the door swung open.

A man stood in the frame, he gave them all a questioning look before his gaze settled on the curly haired boy. "You much be Pope." He pointed him a finger. "Umm..." Pope glanced around hesitantly. "Are you Mister Limbrey?"

"Ms. Limbrey was expecting you yesterday." The man spoke accusingly. "Oh. I— im sorry. My car broke down on the way up here." Pope began, "carburetor blew up in the middle of Nowheresville." JJ explained unnecessarily. "Sorry 'bout that." Lana added to the trail of unnecessary words.

"Yeah. She was, uh, real upset when you didn't show up." The man's eyes widened in a hostile joking manner. "We tried to call, but there's no number on the invitation. We got here as fast as we could." Kie attempted to better their reputation.

"She also expected you to come alone." The man said, Alana mentally rolled his eyes. JJ looked down when he felt the girl tense beneath him, he rested an arm around her waist. "I mean, these are my friends. They helped find the Royal Mercuent too. So I—"

"The instructions were explicit. You four can stay outside." The man tutted sourly. "Four?" Pope questioned, wondering if he had missed something. The man scoffed and looked down noticeably at Alana's stomach.

"Get the car running." Pope instructed, caressing Kiara's hand gently. "Son of a bitch." Alana muttered angrily once Pope followed the guy inside.


"Look, if Limbrey's legit, then Ward gets arrested, and maybe Sarah gets the gold." Kiara explained her thoughts as the three watched the house, waiting for any suspicious activity. "Does that look voluntary?" Kie asked as they watched Pope get pushed out of the house.

"Hell no." Lana denied. "Come on." Kiara began to open the door, "wait, hold on hold on." JJ grabbed her shoulder to stop the girl from going after Pope. "They're going into the alley. We'll meet 'em on the other side." JJ began to turn the truck around the corner. "Yeah, good idea." Lana breathed.

"Look, where did they go?" Kiara asked, seeing as they hadn't found Pope after a moment of driving around. "What if they went underground?" JJ offered stupidly. "'Cause in C.H.U.D, when they took people down into the sewers, it would turn the humans into humanoids 'cause of the radiation. And then all of a sudden—" JJ rambled on, being cut off by Kie.

"Focus. That doesn't make any sense." She scoffed. "Right, sorry. Did you seen him?" JJ quickly composed himself, "no." Kiara denied. "You're a right nerd, you know that?" Lana asked JJ, her smile not yet faded from when he was rambling about his tv show. The blonde boy blushed slightly and stared at the road ahead.


They had parked the truck around the side of the house and were waiting out Pope. "I'm really fucking hungry." Alana complained, Kiara instantly pulled out a candy bar to offer her.

"Wow, thanks." Lana accepted it, a little taken aback, when the three heard a loud grunt and the sound of someone falling to the ground.

"Shit, Pope get in!" Alana yelled, JJ opened the door and let Pope climb in frantically, he was half sitting on Lana's lap by the time that JJ sped off.

"That was crazy as shit!" He yelled, scooting off of Alana and squeezing between her and JJ. "Who the hell was that psycho?" Kie shouted.

"Here we go now!" JJ told as they drove down a small road at an alarming speed. "I think he's following us!" Kiara shouted, pointing to the man that had only let Pope in earlier. "This is a one-way, J!" Alana gasped when another car started driving right in front of them.

"Turn right, turn right!" They all shouted, missing the other car by mere inches. "Get out of the road!" JJ shouted suddenly to two strangers that were in the middle for the road. "Those were people! Jesus Christ!" Pope scolded him.

"Where we going?" Kiara asked, "I gotta lose him!" JJ's tone seemed nervous as he turned right into a small street, the car stopped abruptly when it started hissing.

"You say he fixed the carburetor! You said he fixed it!" JJ complained loudly to Pope, who was swearing his head off.

They all quickly got out of the truck, abandoning it as they sprinted down the steep road, JJ was slightly helping Alana run. "Guys, I think he has a gun!" Kiara yelled, the information making the situation all the more panicked.

"Left, left go!" Lana pushed them back onto the Main Street, where she swore that she heard somebody calling their names. "Did you hear—" her words were cut off by JJ pushing her further, running off into the busy streets.

"This way, we might have to split up!" JJ led them along. "I don't know where to go, okay? We gotta lose 'em!" He panted.

"Here!" Alana dragged JJ down a secluded alleyway, the other two followed. "He's right behind us!" JJ acted like those were words of encouragement, Alana breathed deeply when the finally got back onto one of the bigger streets.

The four almost got run over by a bike, Alana almost threw an insult at them, until she noticed who the two inhibitors of the bike were. She blinked in disbelief.

"Get in, get in!" John B quickly urged after they all stared at each other for what felt like a lifetime. "Pope, push!" JJ instructed as the two boys leaped into the back of the bike.

"Sarah." Alana whispered, holding her best friend in her arms. "Alana." She replied, wrapping her arms around the blonde.


"Okay, ready?" Pope asked JJ, whom was helping him push the boat - which somehow belonged to John B and Sarah - off of the beach and into the ocean. Sarah cheered once it docked off and they all began to speed back to the OBX.

"I thought you were dead, John!" Alana pushed her twin brother slightly before engulfing him into a hug, which he returned quickly.

She felt like a part of her had returned. Before this, the two hadn't been separated for more than 48 hours, so the past few weeks had basically been a living hell for both of them. Although they had grown up with JJ and Pope along side them, basically being brought up as siblings, the twins had always had the strongest bond of the group.

The Pogues all began to exchange their stories, something that they ended up doing all night.

It was around 4am once almost everybody had finally settled down and was sleeping in one or other corner of the speed boat. Alana approached her brother, whom was sitting on the edge and looking down into the water. She joined him, staring down at their reflections.

The two were practically identical, the only the differences were, well, obviously that John B was a boy and Alana was a girl, but Alana's hair was a bit lighter than his and her eyes a bit greener.

"Hey, John. I need to tell you something." Alana whispered suddenly.

"Shoot." John B chuckled lowly, not knowing that the information he was about to hear would forever alter his life.


JJ's pov:

I blinked my eyes open when I heard the sound of shuffling, I decided to keep pretending to sleep when I noticed that it was Alana approaching John B. I wanted them to have some time with each other after everything that had happened.

"Hey, John. I need to tell you something." She sounded nervous, I wanted to ask what was wrong. I hated when Lana was anxious.

"Shoot." John B chuckled, I held my breath, I wondered how he would react when he found out that she was pregnant.

"I killed Brent Asher."

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