Pt 2

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I'm really PO'd abt the queer baiting but whatever. The animation was rlly nice this season and romelle was cool I guess. And hunk was p great and I like acxa but why are acxa and Keith all of a sudden p much canon

And Allura brahkbfrwkbf she doesn't deserve someone a good as lance.

And Keith and lance chose each other but Keith was rude to him and bob was rude but Veronica was p great and I don't want Adam to be dead. Like legit. I want him to have miraculously survived and Shiro sees him and lifts him up and kisses him and they cry and hug and Shiro tails him around in the air but I guess we don't het that.....

But whatever I'm just a bit disappointed but whatever

Lol my ranting wow

Also I'll explain the thing later I'm at 1%

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