Pregnancy Tantrums

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Hello friends... long time no see right ? well I missed you... trust me when I say this... I really really missed you... then why I didnt update ? because new job - new place - new people - everything was totally messed up .. I had training for 7 long weeks and the worst part was I didnt have any free time at all.... Thats the reason I was just not able to write... and with too many things in my head I was not able to focus on the plot as well... I wrote this 2 days back and after that I read this for like 5-10 times but I was not satisfied... something was missing, is what I felt... but if you like it please Vote , Comment and share.

Happy reading :)

This is the last chapter... Next part will be Epilogue.

Pregnancy Tantrums

Manik's POV:

This girl will drive me crazy.... She is cute lovely and all the good adjectives, but she is stubborn, cranky and the most difficult woman to handle in the entire universe sometimes. And this is one of such times. I agree that it was wrong on our part to hide the fact that she was pregnant, but we had valid reasons to do so. She pulled that stunt on us, which lead to too much blood loss from her body which could have been dangerous for her as well as the baby. For which she had to recover first. That's the reason we didn't tell her. And when the tantrum queen came to know about it she made our lives even more difficult.

She stopped listening to us... one whole week after we agreed to her stupid conditions, was literally frustrating. She 'ordered' me to sleep in the guest room... like seriously ??? she kicked me out of MY room... and thankfully today was the last day of that horrible torture that she put me through.

"Manik coffee ...." She said in half sleepy voice from the hall and I heard giggles of my 'Friends'. Was I her husband or a butler? I sighed in defeat because that discussion wasn't giving any good results.

"2 minutes" I said from the kitchen, and I know she must have dozed off by now.

Such a cute baby she is at times... no matter how much I try to stay angry on her, it is just not possible.... She has wrapped me around her little finger.

I took the coffee cup along with her favorite almond cookies and walked to the hall to see her sleeping in Mukti's lap. She slowly got up placing Nandu's head on the small cushion gesturing me to sit there. I adjusted myself in the remaining place and pulled into my lap, she struggled at first but then gave in by wrapping her hands around my waist and resting her head on my shoulder.

"I missed you" she mumbled sleepily and I kissed her forehead and replied a 'me too'

"drink this, then sleep" I said placing the coffee cup near her lips and she sipped it slowly and snuggled more into me once she was done.

"baby why do you feel so sleepy every morning ??" I was really confused with her behavior. She used to be a little cranky in the mornings but not this much.

"pregnancy hormones Manik" Aliya said and I gave her a confused smile. I didn't know about that. I just read few articles which said that pregnant women feel nausea, they have weird eating habits and get very emotional during this time. I have to do a little more research, I made a mental note in my mind to talk to Mom today itself.

"take her to the room and make her sleep properly ..." Dhruv said as he got up to get ready for office. I just followed what he said. These days that's the only thing I do.

'Manik do this.. Manik do that... Manik don't do this.. Manik don't do that...' I am getting irritated with all these orders because Manik Malhotra doesn't take orders.

"where are you lost... get up and take her to the room" Mukti said in a strict tone and I got up after muttering an irritated 'fine' to her.

I made her lie down on the bed but she didn't leave my shirt which she was holding in a death grip. I tried to loosen it but she was getting irritated as frowns were clearly visible on her chotu forehead.

I laid down beside her and kissed her forehead to erase the lines and just like magic they were gone and a sweet smile played on her lips. I held her closer to me and closed my eyes to catch some sleep, because without her in my arms I couldn't sleep properly in the whole week.


Handling Cabir and Nandini together is the toughest task in the entire universe. Currently we all were sitting and discussing the wedding preps of Cabir and Navya.

"no Nandu yaar... pink will not look good.... I don't want a princess theme wedding" Cabir cribbed again and Nandu stood up with her hands on her waist

"Cabir pink doesn't mean it's a princess theme... it will look cute.." she whined making a pleading face and Cabir looked at Navya for help to which she just shrugged.

"Nandu please" he tried his luck for one last time and my stubborn baby nodded her head in a No crossing her arms against her chest.

"fine.. do as your wish" he gave up and she started clapping and jumping

"Nandu..." me Aliya Mukti and Dhruv shouted at the same time and she got startled and was about to fall down when I held her in time as I was just 2 steps away from her.

"what the hell is wrong with you... how can you be so careless?" I said gritting my teeth... I was angry

She closed her eyes and held me tightly... I could feel her heart beating very fast against my chest... she got scared... uff Nandu ke Aaiyappa ...

"shh.. relax... I've got you..." I said patting her back and made her sit on the couch.

I signaled Mukti to keep quite as she was ready to charge on my baby.

"drink this water..." I said giving her a glass of water and she gulped it in a go.

"Manik I didn't do this purposely... vo I was very happy so I was... and you all shouted all of a sudden and I ... promise I'll take care of myself from next time... I will not let anything happen to our baby..." she said in a cute low tone making everyone smile.

"come let's have lunch... its her lunch time..." Dhruv said walking to the dining area and everyone followed.

I turned to leave when I felt a tug on my hand and when I turned to look at her she opened her arms gesturing me to carry her and I happily agreed.

"Nandu.. please little more" I tried again but she had just sealed her lips and wasn't eating

"Nandini.." Dhruv called her in a strict tone and she looked at him with tears in her eyes.

"please... I am eating fruits in the morning, then at 11, then in the evening.. now after dinner also... that's too much" she said hiding her face in her palms and started crying. Actually Aliya suggested her to eat fruits after all the meals... and Nandini was against it right from the start... but after getting threatened by Dhruv and Mukti she agreed. I made sure that she eats properly, but when it comes to eating fruits she is as stubborn as a 2 year old.

"guys... if she doesn't want to eat we will not force her... baby come lets sleep.." I dismissed everyone and carried her to our room.

"thank you Manik.." she said and kissed my cheek.

"I love you Nandini" I said making her lie on the bed and covered her with the duvet. I switched off the lights and laid down beside her and slept not before holding her close to me.

After 1 month:

It was Cabir and Navya's haldi today.

"Manik I am so excited" Nandini exclaimed as soon as she came out of the washroom wrapped only in her pink towel and I looked away. Control Manik she is pregnant and we have a function to attend. Her baby bump was slightly visible as it was her 3rd month and she looked more cute with that.

"Manik which kurta are you wearing... white or yellow? I think we should wear matching today... so should I take out the yellow one for you?" she was talking to me but my focus was only on her face which was glowing and she was looking the same when we got married... not that it has been very long since we got married, but she has managed to keep our relation same as we were before getting married, she is so chirpy, lively and happy that it forces you also to stay happy.

"Manik.." her voice brought me out of my train of thoughts and I gave her a blank look... I didn't hear a word of what she was saying... you are so dead Manik...

"baby..." I took a step closer and she narrowed her gaze and folded her hands across her chest... how cute she looks doing that... I just feel like.. ahem.. its better if I don't voice out my thoughts now...

"did you even listen to what I was saying?" she said standing in front of me putting her hands on her hips.

"what if I say no.." I said with a smirk and pulled her closer and her eyes widened.

"Manik ... no... we will get late..." she said in a horrified tone as if she could clearly read my mind

"its okay... we are married couple... people will understand why we were late" I said taking steps towards our bed with her in my arms and she didn't protest as if she was in a trance.

I made her lay down on the bed and hovered over her keeping in mind not to put any weight on her and she closed her eyes in submission. Just when I was about to kiss her


We both opened our eyes at the loud banging noise on our door and I got up immediately to see who it was.

"baby you take your clothes into the washroom and change and I'll see who it is.." I said and walked to the door giving her a peck on her lips and she ran away into the washroom in a blink.

I opened the door and trust me I wanted to punch him straight on his face, but didn't as I didn't want him with a black eye in his marriage pictures.

"what now Cabir ?" I said in an irritated tone and he smirked

"what was going on before I came or to be more precise disturb something?" he asked crossing his hands on his chest

"and why do you think I'll answer your stupid question?" I also replied in the same tone

"fine don't tell.. now get ready and come down... mom is asking for Nandu.." he said and left. I hope he gets busy after marriage and then finally he will not disturb me. Aaiyappa please do that for me...please...

I turned back to look at my cute wifey getting ready for the Haldi. She was looking so hot in the backless maroon blouse with yellow saree. He hair playing hide and seek with her not so exposed back. I walked towards her and wrapped my hands around her waist and she shivered at my touch.

"you are looking so beautiful" I said placing kisses and gathering all her hair to one side.

"Manik.. we have to go down..." she said in a trembling tone and before she could react I turned her to face me and slammed my lips to hers. She was too shocked to respond but eventually gave in. Feeling her breathless I broke the kiss and again kissed her with more passion. Her fingers were in my hair playing with them.

"Manik... calm down..." she said panting stroking my cheek with her hand and I hid my face in her hair. They were heaven.

"Manik.. go change... they might be waiting for us..." she said pushing me and tried to walk away but I pulled her close and said in a low whisper

"you can go fro now but no one will save you from me tonight... be prepared..." I said biting her tomato red cheeks and she gasped audibly.

I changed and she was also ready by then. We went down together and the function started after some puja. It was so much fun... more than haldi it was like turmeric holi...

"Nandu.." I called her once we were back in room and she just hmmed in response.

"come here na" I said in an irritated tone and she turned to look at me and I signaled her to come and sit in front of me.

She stopped doing whatever she was doing in her wardrobe and walked towards the bed and before she could sit on the bed I pulled her towards me and made her sit in my lap to which she squealed in surprise. I kissed her cheek and held her close to me, she too snuggled in my embrace and started placing feather kisses all over my face and neck.

"why did you call me?" she asked resting her head on my shoulder and that's when I remembered that I wanted to tell her something. I moved back a little from her face and then said

"baby did you notice one thing today?" I asked and she was confused and said "what?"

I tapped her forehead and continued "that Mukti was behaving a little weird around Abhimanyu.." suddenly her eyes widened but she composed herself. Now this is something interesting

"umm.. I think... I .. I didn't see... yeah.." she fumbled looking here and there and now im sure she is hiding something.

"I'll change and come... im tired..." she said faking a yawn and tried to get up but I didn't let her move and pulled her back.

"spill the beans Nandu... you know I'll find it out .. so just tell me whats going on" I said in a firm tone and she closed her eyes tightly, maybe she was calculating things in her chotu head. She pouted and opened her eyes and looked at me and said

"can I change and come... then I'll tell you... pakka..." she requested in such a cute way that I was not able to say no... I sighed and let her go. After 15 minutes she came back wearing her cute pink mickey mouse payjamas. She looked extremely cute in that night dress of hers. She sat next to me had her medicines and then sat in my lap and snuggled close to me and closed her eyes. I know she was avoiding talking about Mukti and Abhimanyu, and I was waiting patiently for her response.

After few minutes she slowly opened her one eye and looked at me and I blew a kiss to her. She closed her eyes and blushed. I sighed and said

"baby till when are you going to avoid the topic?" I asked her and she opened her eyes to look at me.

"umm even I don't know exactly but I think they are dating..." she said the last word just like a whisper. This was not the news I was expecting from her. I already knew that... I had a doubt on them when I saw them together at the hospital when Nandini was admitted. I did few calls after few days when Nandini was doing well and I understood they were seeing each other. But didn't the matter go further?

"just dating?" I asked raising my eyebrows and she nodded her head in a yes vigorously.

"ok" I said dismissing the conversation ... I'll have to talk to Mukti directly.

"sing a song na Manik... it's been so many days" she said adjusting herself in my lap wrapping her hands around my waist and her head on my shoulder. This was our favorite way of cuddling. I pulled her close and started singing her recent favorite song.

Saawali si raat ho, khamoshi ka saath ho
hmm Saawali si raat ho, khamoshi ka saath ho
Bin kahe bin sune, baat ho teri meri
Neend jab ho laapata, udasiyaan zara hata
Khwabon ki razaai mein, raat ho teri meri

hmmm mmm...

Jhilmil taaron si aankhein teri
Khare khare paani ki jheelein bhare
Hardam yun hi tu hansti rahe
Har pal hai dil mein khwahishein
Khamoshi ki loriyaan sun toh raat so gayi

Bin kahe bin sune, baat ho teri meri
Saawali si raat ho Khamoshi ka saath ho
Bin kahe bin sune, baat ho teri meri

Barfi ke tukde sa, chanda dekho aadha hai
Dheere dheere chakhna zara
hmm Hansne rulane ka aadha-pauna vaada hai
Kankhi se takna zara
Ye jo lamhe hain lamhon ki behti nadi mein
Haan bheeg loon, haan bheeg loon
Ye jo aankhen hain aankhon ki gumsum zubaan ko
Main seekh loon, haan seekh loon
Ankahee si guftagu, ansuni si justajoo
Bin kahe, bin sune, apni baat ho gayi

Saawali si raat ho khamoshi ka saath ho
Bin kahe bin sune, baat ho teri meri


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Take Care

Loads of love

Until next time

Neeraja :)

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