dream sequence | ten

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Waves lapped incessantly at the shore, swallowing up the tiny pebbles and sticks that lay out on the muddy ground, before once again the water washed out into the vast lake. The cold, wet air coated the dying tree branches that littered the sky with a thick layer of frost. The water soaked through the back of my shirt as it rolled up over the shore yet again.

Rocks pressed uncomfortably into my back as I laid there on the bank of the lake, staring up at the black sky overhead. The heaviness I felt in my chest was the same feeling I had as to when I had listened to that stranger while they drowned. But there was nothing now. Just the stillness of the forest and the ghostly silence that always seemed to creep up after a traumatic experience. Was I really alone?

My question was answered by the sound of snapping branches as something big moved slowly through the woods. I chose not to look only because I already knew I'd see nothing through the dark, but I listened carefully.

Trees cried out in agony as the unknown being broke their limbs with no remorse. It was a heavy sound, which meant whatever it was, was dangerously large. My eyes clamped shut out of fear, my entire body tense in preparation for what was to come.

But to my surprise, nothing happened. I was still laid out against the ground, water continuously washing over me. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion and the fear that had crept up stayed with me as I opened my eyes and quickly sat up.

My lungs took in a quick breath of air as an actual wave hit me, sending me sprawling further up the shore. The unexpectedly force caused me to gasp and water quickly found its way into my lungs as I tumbled backward. I should have known the stillness was just the calm before the storm.

Muddy water dripped from my face as I turned over onto my stomach and pushed myself up onto all fours. I stood as fast as I could, the water pulling at my ankles in hopes of dragging me out into the lake. But before I could even take a step, that same ear-piercing scream sounded out. I froze in my place, waiting to hear the gasps and the gurgles of the drowning stranger. I tried to slow my rapid breathing, but as the seconds ticked by and there was still no sound, my breaths became unhinged.

It was a fear I couldn't place, an inner struggle between running for my life or turning to face what I knew was waiting for me in that murky water. My shoulders shook, tears filling my eyes as I took one slow step toward the tree line.

Air moved in and out of my lungs quickly and I decided in that second what I needed to do. I pivoted on my heels and turned to face the lake that seemed to have grown tenfold in size. Just as I had thought, there in the water flailed the person I didn't know.

There was no hesitation as I bolted into the lake, diving into the shallow water. I didn't think, I couldn't. I knew if I thought over my options I would have only chosen the path of the coward. So for the first time I swallowed my fears and faced my demons head on.

The freezing water slowed my heart rate, making it harder and harder to keep my blood pumping. The short burst of adrenaline I had slowed with my dying heartbeat and I took a moment to look back toward the land. I stopped my strokes for only a second as my shadow caught my eye. There was an interest in his movements as he watched me from the trees.

I turned away, once again letting my arms pull me through the water. My muscles burned from the workout as I pushed myself on, but the person never seemed to get closer. I willed myself forward, knowing that even if I couldn't get there I had to at least try. I had to prove to myself that I was willing to face my fears.

A gust of wind shook the forest and I could hear the laugh of my shadow as it watched me struggle. Small ripples of water hit my face as I finally came within feet of the person. With one last breath, I reached out for the only hand left above water, but just as I came into contact something tugged at my ankle, pulling me away.

In that same moment, the lone hand disappeared under water along with the body it was attached to. I propelled myself forward, diving down in hopes of catching them. My eyes were open wide as I searched frantically for the person, but there was nothing. My frustrated yell was muffled through the water as bubbles surrounded my head and face. There was no one here. And I stayed there like that, submerged in the depths of the lake.

This was how it was supposed to be. Even finding the courage to swim out here wasn't enough to save the stranger, or to save myself. I should have known I would end up alone.


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