The darkness lifted, and I found myself lying on a cold, metallic surface. The familiar hum of machinery and the faint scent of antiseptic filled the air. I didn't need to open my eyes to know where I was. The unmistakable scent of oil and the quiet whir of the high-tech equipment told me everything. This was my personal lab.
I bolted upright, my head spinning as I took in the sterile white walls, the rows of computers and screens, and the various gadgets and tools I had scattered across the room.
Me: What the hell...?
The realization hit me like a freight train. I wasn't at the U.S.J. anymore. I was home. Kurogiri had brought me home.
I scowled, rage bubbling up from the pit of my stomach.
Me: Kurogiri!"
My voice echoed off the walls, sharp and furious. Within seconds, the swirling dark mist appeared in the corner of the room, materializing into the form of Kurogiri, his expression—what little I could see of it—was calm as usual.
Kurogiri: Young Master Midoriya, I apologize for the sudden relocation, but—
Me: What do you think you're doing?! Why the hell did you bring me back here? I was in the middle of something important!
Kurogiri remained unflappable, even as my anger grew.
Kurogiri: I was following orders, sir. Shigaraki insisted that you be brought back immediately. He believed it was... imperative to keep you safe.
What is that idiot thinking?
I could feel the blood rushing to my face, my anger mixing with a sense of disbelief. Kurogiri continued, his tone as calm as ever.
Kurogiri: Shigaraki has decided to proceed with the plan to eliminate All Might. He assumed you would prefer not to be involved directly and suggested it was best for you to be away from the action.
Me: Eliminate All Might? Today? Are you out of your mind? Kurogiri, that's not a plan—that's suicide! And why the hell would I want to be away from the action? I've got more at stake there than he does!
The calmness in Kurogiri's demeanor was starting to grate on my nerves. How could he be so indifferent when Shigaraki was about to do something so reckless, so utterly idiotic? The pieces started to fall into place, and the realization hit me hard.
Me: Wait... Shigaraki thinks he can kill All Might? Today? At the U.S.J.?
Kurogiri: Indeed, sir. Shigaraki believes that with the Nomu and the rest of the League of Villains, they will have the strength to take down All Might once and for all.
Me: And he expects me to just sit here and twiddle my thumbs while he goes on this kamikaze mission? Does he have a death wish?
Kurogiri: Shigaraki was concerned that your presence would complicate matters, given your... affiliations.
I could feel my hands trembling, not with fear, but with pure, unfiltered rage. Shigaraki was planning to take down All Might, the Symbol of Peace, and he thought he could do it without me? Without even consulting me? And worse, he thought I'd be content to just stay out of it, like some fragile piece of porcelain that needed protection?
Me: Kurogiri, get me back there. Now.
Kurogiri: I'm afraid I can't do that, sir. Shigaraki was very clear about—
Me: To hell with what Shigaraki said! Get me back there, or I swear, I'll—
But Kurogiri didn't flinch. He simply stood there, his form unwavering.
Kurogiri: I understand your frustration, sir. But my orders are to ensure your safety. Shigaraki is confident that this operation will succeed without you, and he—
Me: Confident? He's confident? That moron wouldn't know strategy if it slapped him in the face! This isn't some game he can just rage-quit when things go south!
Kurogiri remained silent, letting me vent my frustration. The more I thought about it, the more I realized just how reckless Shigaraki was being. I wasn't afraid of him failing—I was furious that he thought he could do this without consulting me, that he thought he could cut me out of something this important. And what if he did fail? The consequences would be catastrophic, not just for him, but for everything I'd been working toward.
That idiot...
If this goes wrong, it could ruin everything.
I slammed my fist onto the table, my thoughts racing. I needed to do something, anything to stop this disaster before it unfolded. But with Kurogiri standing in my way, that was easier said than done.
Me: Kurogiri... get me back there. Now.
Kurogiri: I'm sorry, sir. But I must follow Shigaraki's orders and more importantly your fathers to get you out of trouble and never involve you in it.
I let out a growl of frustration. This was a disaster in the making, and I was powerless to stop it. All because Shigaraki, in his infinite wisdom, had decided to sideline me.
If this goes wrong, Shigaraki won't just be facing All Might—he'll be facing me.
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