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Katniss is now stretching with glimmer. They are both currently in sports bras that say 'cheer on' and short shorts that say 'bring it'. But if I may say I like what Katniss is wearing not to be a perv but she looks amazing in it.
I snap out of my trance once Katniss says

"Like the view?" And she starts laughing "Well if I may say yes, yes I do" and everyone starts laughing even more so I join.
Once we all stop laughing I see Katniss stretching with one foot over her head and the other foot straight down on the floor.

"Katniss can you stop stretching like that because it's freaking me out and it seems like I'm dating an abnormal person."
"Well sorry babe but I need to stretch these muscles and it's not that bad the stretch is called a needle"

"Yah like that makes total sense for me, I'm not a cheerleader and no boy can do that"
But on cue once I say that I see Jacob do it
"DUDE! Who's side are you on! Mine or my abnormal, but beautiful girlfriends?!"
"Well I'm on Katniss' people say cheerleading is gay for boys but I don't just do Cheer I do football like you guys"
"Yah we all know that jacob" Katniss says

Knock knock knock


Once I say open I see my twin sister standing their with a guy next to her.


Once Peeta says open a girl which is his sister opens and we all stand there looking at her and a random guy.

"Um who is this?" I hear Peeta ask
"Um well Peeta he is my boyfriend" Delly says
"Mike?" Katniss asks
"Kat-Katniss?" This random dude says
"What are you doing here?" Katniss asks
"Well I came here with my girlfriend for the road trip"
"Um sorry but Katniss who is he?" I ask
"Well um mike my cousin" Kat says
"Well can we come in?" Delly asks

"Duh were not going to let you guys stand their like retards who came out out of some fun time" Cato says and we all just laugh.

"Katniss if I may ask why are you in a bra, short shorts, and in that position?" Mike asks
"Well dear cousin if you may know I'm the head cheerleader on the Mocking Jays cheer team and I need to stretch." Katniss says

"Ok but why are you in a bra,short shorts and in that certain position?" this time Delly asks.
"Uhh fine can I just not be comfy everyone in this room has seen me like this before, it's no big deal" Katniss says clearly getting aggravated.
"Ok guys it doesn't matter the girls need to go now so let's go."

And with that we drive to the stadium and Katniss and Glimmer start getting ready.

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