New York

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Once we get to New York, Katniss see's the Empire State Building.
Once she see's it she starts taking pictures of it and she won't shut up about it, but it's so cute how she's amazed by it.

"Babe calm down it's not going anywhere" I tell Katniss.
"I know just it's amazing and my first cheer competition is here, HERE IN NEW YORK!" She says

"OW brainless your hurting my ears,I think they're bleeding."Jo says
"Well um babe your ear is bleeding actually."gale says
"WHAT THE HELL! HOW?" Jo says really irritated.
"Hahahahaha Jo's ear is bleeding" Katniss says.
"Watch your mouth before you don't have one" Jo says then everyone starts laughing hysterically.

Once we reach the hotel some guy opens the door, and once we walk in I see a bunch of dudes eyeing Katniss which makes me extremely uncomfortable. But I guess Katniss notices because she kisses me as a guy was about to walk up to her.


I see a bunch of guys eyeing me and I see Peeta getting a bit stiff. Once a dude is about to walk up to me after taking to some other dudes I cup Peeta's face and kiss him. Once i stop the kiss I see the dude walk back extremely red and I'm guessing his other friends saw and started laughing on the floor and yelled out "BURN",Ha well that taught him.

Once I get our room keys I see their is only 11 keys.
" Hey guys I'm so sorry but you guys are going to have to share rooms" I say sarcastically and everyone just says
"Yay" in excitement but Finnick says
"Hell yah I finally get something exciting" and Annie starts to blush like crazy and says
"Uh no Hell yah cuz you are not getting excitement tonight I'm to tired" and everyone just laughs at what she said.

"Well what we are doing today is going to my cheer competition that's in 2 hours and then we are going out to dinner." I say
"Ohh kitty planned the day?so I'm guessing the end is to have fun with baker boy?" He says emphasizing fun

"Umm it ends with me laying in bed with him sleeping together." I say
"So now Finnick."
"Yes kitty"
"I'm going to say this once and only once."
"O-o-ok" he says a bit scared
"Ok...shut your freakin mouth before you have no mouth to kiss Annie,and stay out of my business and nothing will happen to your little friend down it?"
"Y-ye-yes yes I got it!"
"Good" I say evilly with a smirk
"Now everyone go get ready before you get the same speech I gave Finnick,even you jacob" and everyone laughs while going to their rooms


Wow! I never knew Katniss would say that so now I'm Really scared and I try to stay a distance from Katniss because who knows what she could do to my little friend.

Now I'm getting ready for katniss' cheer competition. I still can't believe they won,the way she flys is amazing and pretty terrifying that she'll die in a matter of seconds.

Once I'm already I just go on Instagram and start taking pictures of me and clove. Once me and clove take a good picture I post it and tag @katniss_A_everdeen @Clove_19 @peeta_J_mellark @FinnickFish @annie_hood22 I still never get that one @johannah29 @galeTthorne @madge15 @glimmer_girl10 @marvmarv11 once I tag everyone I post it.
After I post the picture me and Clove just sit on the couch and watch bring it on,since katniss is a cheerleader why not?


My phone lights up once I see it was a post of Cato and Clove kissing I liked it and commented 'awww you guys are so cute but be ready to leave๐Ÿ˜๐ŸŽ€'

After I comment my phone starts playing 'sledgehammer' by fifth harmony. Once I answer I say hello
(k=Katniss d=delly)
D-hey katniss is my brother their?
K-um yah do you want to speak to him?
D-um yah that would be great
"Peeta babe your sister is calling you on my phone"
"I'll be right there babe"
M-hey del um your brother will come right now he just got out of the shower
D-ok thanks so much katniss,and oh good luck at comp I'll be cheering you on in the front row
K-what do you mean?!
D-haha oh I forgot to tell you that the coach asked if I wanted to help you guys and I said yah
K-oh my gosh del that's amazing well bye your brother is right here
D-bye see you later Kat


I take the phone from katniss so she can go meet her cheer team down the lobby.
(P=Peeta D=Delly)

P-hey sis what's up? Peeta
P-um yes del what's wrong?
D-well can I go on the road trip with you guys?
P-why I thought you were going to hang out with your friends all summer.

D-well I was but I'm helping Katniss make the routine for cheer
P-oh well I see why not but let me see if Katniss is ok with that
"Hey babe are you ok if Delly comes on the road trip with us?"
"No I don't mind she can't stay with us but she can stay with my cheer team she can do things and ride with us though"

P-hey del she said yah but you can't stay with us you need to stay with her cheer team but you can do things with us and that stuff.
D-yay! Thank you so much Peeta you're the best twin brother ever
P-no problem little sis
D-I'm not that little you're just 3hours older than me
P-yah whatever bye see you later
D-yup see you later
And the line goes dead.

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