Chapter 11- New Faces

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Ivory POV

"I want his heart." 

"His heart?" the man's eyes widened. "Why do you need his heart?"

"Do I keep you around to ask questions?" Ivory asked sweetly.


Ivory revealed a knife in her hand, seemingly pointed towards the man. She smiled, "Well?"

The man gulped, his eyes fixed on the blade. He shifted uncomfortably, choosing to be silent.

"That's what I thought."


Tommy POV

"Town?" Tommy repeated, his eyes shining at the idea. It had been so long since he had been allowed to venture outside the castle walls.

"Have you never seen a town before?" Wilbur questioned, puzzled by his excitement. 

"It's been a while..." Tommy admitted, looking towards his feet.

"Don't worry! It'll be fun!" Tubbo exclaimed, wrapping an arm around the blonde. Tommy was surprised by the action, first stiffening before leaning into the contact.

Tommy gave him a small smile, "I can't wait." 

"You boys head there now, we'll meet up with you in about an hour!" Phil said, turning towards Wilbur and Techno. "Keep a close eye on them, alright?"

"Don't worry Dad, I think we can handle it." Wilbur reassured him.

"I know, just be careful." 

"We will be." Techno promised.

The three of them headed out of the house and towards the buzzing town. It was small, but cozy. Everyone knew each other and everyone cared. It was a new environment for Tommy, and one that he liked.

"Hey Dream!" Techno called out to a blonde. He wore a strange mask, but somehow still seemed friendly.

Dream waved, "Hey Tech!" He looked down at Tubbo, laughing, "Got stuck babysitting my brother I see."

"It's not babysitting!" Tubbo huffed.

Dream chuckled, ruffling his hair. He paused, his eyes falling on Tommy. "What's the prince doing out here?"

"He's just staying with us for a few weeks." Wilbur said, immediately stepping forward. He wasn't sure what Dream might try to do.

"I see..." Dream stared at him for a moment before finally turning away. "So where are you guys headed?"

"Just to Karl's." Wilbur replied, nodding towards one of the houses.

"And we need to go to Sam's too, don't forget." Techno cut in.

Dream smirked, "Still trying to beat my axe? A sword is nothing compared to it."

"Just wait and see." Techno responded, looking bored.

"I'll see you in the next tournament, blade." Dream walked away, finally leaving them to themselves.

Techno rolled his eyes, "Cocky little loser." Tommy giggled, making Techno smile. "If only he didn't have the skills to back it up."

"He hasn't beaten you yet Techno." Wilbur reminded him as they began walking again.

Techno only huffed in response, walking a little ahead.

Tommy whispered to Tubbo, "Is Dream really that good?"

Tubbo muttered back, "One of the best."

"Wilbur!" a voice called. Tommy looked up to see another person running towards them. Large sunglasses fell beneath their nose, slightly overtaken by a mop of brown hair.

"Hey Gogy!" Wilbur snickered.

"Gogy?" Tommy repeated, laughing.

The man rolled his eyes. "It's George."

Wilbur leaned in, whispering to Tommy, "It's Gogy, he just won't admit it."

Tommy burst out laughing, making George glare at Wilbur. "Didn't know the prince was in town."

Tommy immediately stopped, shifting uncomfortably at his tone.

"You got a problem with Tommy?" Techno growled.

George thought for a moment before saying, "No, not at all." A smile appeared on his face, "Anyway, do you know where Dream went?"

"That way." Tubbo pointed.

"Thanks Tubs." George waved, following after the green man.

"You can't have Dream without George." Wilbur snickered.

"More like you can't have George without Dream apparently." Techno rolled his eyes.

Finally they reached a house, which was actually a library. Tommy stepped in and gasped. Every square inch of the house was filled by books, paper, and ink. Bookshelves were shoved into every corner, filled.

"Wow." he breathed.

"Karl!" Wilbur shouted. A crash echoed from another room before scurrying footsteps could be heard. A brunette appeared, a large journal in hand. His sweatshirt was an odd variation of colors that somehow all went together.

"Wilbur!" Karl exclaimed, setting his book down. "It's good to see you!"

Wilbur smiled, "It's good to see you too."

"Is that- what's the prince doing here?" he questioned aloud. Again, Tommy felt himself shrink a little. Karl noticed and immediately apologized, "Sorry! I didn't mean it like that! It's just- well- you've never been around here before."

Tommy nodded, "I didn't know it existed."

"Really?" Karl's eyebrows raised. 

"He's staying with us now." Techno explained.

"How'd you end up all the way of here?" Karl asked.

Tommy opened his mouth to respond, before changing his answer. "I- uh- I got lost."

Karl hummed, "Anything I can do for you guys?"

"Any new mythology books?" Techno perked up.

"I'm afraid not, sorry Techno-"


"No Wilbur, this is a book store. Not a music store." Karl cut him off, knowing exactly what he wanted. Tubbo giggled. Karl smiled down at him, "Want any books for you and your brother to read?"

"We're still working on the one you gave us." Tubbo grinned, adding, "Dream's a really slow reader."

Techno chuckled.

"We're headed to Sam's now, so we'll see you later." Wilbur finally said.

"Give him this for me, will you?" Karl offered them a book. It was some kind of monster book, filled with research.


"He asked for one." Karl shrugged. "I don't ask, I just deliver."

The four of them left the house, walking towards their next destination. Tommy looked around, feeling a strange sensation. Like someone was studying him. He shook it off, stepping into the next house.

It was definitely a blacksmith, as the house was filled with all kinds of armor and weapons. A furnace sat in the back, burning with heat.

A man appeared, gold armor sitting on his shoulders. He wore a mask, like Dream, however this one only covered the top half of his face. 

"Hey guys!" he smiled.

"Hey Sam!" Tubbo chirped, immediately running around and looking at everything.

Wilbur gave him the book, wanting to ask what it was for before being interrupted by Techno.

"Is the sword finished yet?" Techno asked, his eyes begging for the answer to be yes.

Sam sighed, "Not quite yet." 

Techno sighed, shaking his head. "How much more time do you need?"

Sam nervously ran his fingers through his hair. "I don't know if I can finish it before the next tournament."

"What?!" Techno gasped. "But I need it!"

"You didn't need it before." Sam pointed out. At Techno's sad expression he explained, "Look, I don't want to rush it. I want the sword to be the best I've ever made. That takes time." Sam's eyes finally fell on Tommy, he paused. "You weren't going to introduce me to the prince?"

"Just call me Tommy." Tommy told him. He really hated being referred to as the prince.

"Alright Tommy, then just call me Sam."

"You really won't be able to finish it?" Techno bit his lip.

Sam shook his head, "Sorry Techno- Tubbo! Don't touch that!" 

Tubbo shot back, tearing his hand away from the armor he had been admiring. "I wasn't going to touch it Sam." he said innocently.

Sam chuckled, "Sure Tubbo, sure."

Wilbur looked outside for a moment, "We should probably head out, Dad will be wanting to meet soon."

"Alright then, it was good seeing all of you." Sam said warmly. "And it was nice meeting you Tommy."

Tommy grinned in response.

After saying their goodbyes they left the house, moving towards the center of the small town.

Tubbo looked at Tommy, "Why don't you like being called the prince?"

Tommy shrugged, "I don't feel like a prince. So I don't deserve the title."


Suddenly Tommy was tackled to the ground by a dark figure. The blonde groaned in pain before trying to squirm out of his grip.

"GET OFF OF HIM YOU PRICK!" Techno roared, pushing the attacker off of him. With Techno taking care of that guy, Wilbur helped Tommy up, keeping him close to his side.

It wasn't much of a fight, with Techno clearly winning. A sword gleamed in Techno's hand, much stronger than the dagger the cloaked figure had. The attacker tried to stab him in the stomach, only rewarding himself in being stabbed in the stomach.

The cloaked figure crumbled to the ground, beginning to bleed out. Techno stabbed him once more for good measure before moving to comfort Tommy.

"You okay Toms?"

Tommy shakingly nodded.

He had a lot of explaining to do.


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