Chapter 10- Do I Deserve it?

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Tommy POV

Tommy opened his eyes, yawning. It had been two days since he had run off. Over those days he had learned more about the people taking care of him. He still couldn't believe how nice they were being to him. He just didn't understand why they would care. If his own step mother hated him, shouldn't everyone else too?

He slid out of bed, running his fingers through his hair, attempting to comb out some of the knots. He sighed, giving up after a minute of no success. He moved towards the hallway.

Another door opened and he looked up to see an exhausted Wilbur.

"Hey Tommy." he yawned. Tommy smiled, glad he was starting to be nice to him.

"Hi Wilbur." He turned around, immediately running into someone. Tommy fell backwards, having no time to catch himself. His fall was prevented by a strong hand grabbing his arm and pulling him back to feet.

"You alright there nerd?" 

Tommy felt his face heat up in embarrassment. "S-sorry- I didn't see you." he stammered.

Techno chuckled, "Maybe you should open your eyes." 

Tommy burst out laughing, making the brothers smile. There was no other laugh like his, it just made everyone want to smile.

Wilbur snickered, "Come on, Dad's waiting."

The trio headed towards the kitchen where Phil was making pancakes. He smiled warmly, "Good morning boys."

"Morning." they all chanted.

"Hope you're all hungry for pancakes." he flipped one, nearly dropping it in the process.

"Three please." Wilbur said, grabbing a plate.

"I'll just have two." Techno added.

Phil nodded, serving the pancakes. Finally he turned to Tommy, "How about you Tommy?"

Tommy shifted uncomfortably, not used to being offered food. "I-uh... just one, if that's okay?" He didn't want to refuse, knowing that would be rude.

Phil gave him a concerned glance, "You sure you don't want more mate? There's plenty left."

"I'm sure." Tommy bit his lip. Phil handed him a plate, ruffling his hair. 

Immediately everyone began eating except Tommy, who simply stared at his food. Small bites, he told himself. He grabbed his fork, beginning to eat small pieces.

"Schlatt is heading over here today." Phil commented, looking at Techno and Wilbur.

"Why do you keep trading with him?" Wilbur groaned, shoving another piece of food into his mouth.

"He needs help Wil." Phil explained quietly.

"But he doesn't pay you back!" the brunette exclaimed, "Before you know it, we'll be in the same position he is!"

Phil sighed, "He just needs help getting back on his feet, that's all."

Techno raised an eyebrow. "You've been saying that for months Phil."

"Well what do you want me to do? Let him and Tubbo starve? You know how the town disgraces him!" 

Techno and Wilbur said nothing.

Tommy looked at them, trying to figure out who they were talking about. "Who's... Schlatt and Tubbo?" he questioned, hoping not to start an argument.

"Just some friends. Don't worry they're good people." Phil reassured him. "Actually, Tubbo is your age. I'm sure you'll get along great with him."

Tubbo? What a strange name. "Is his name really Tubbo?" Tommy bit his lip, praying he wasn't stepping over a line.

Techno shook his head, "His real name is Toby, but he prefers Tubbo."


A knock interrupted him, causing Phil to walk towards the door. Wilbur and Techno finished their plates before joining them. Tommy, however, decided to stay put.

Voices echoed near the door.

"Phil! How's it going?"

"Good mate, how about you?"

"Good, good."

"Hey Tubbo!"


"Tubbo, there's someone I want you to meet."


"Yup, he's in the kitchen."

A pattern of footsteps entered the kitchen and Tommy looked up from his unfinished food to see a young brunette standing in front of him.

"Hello! I'm Tubbo!"

"Tommy." the blonde smiled.

"Are those pancakes?!" Tubbo exclaimed, his mouth watering at the sight.

Tommy nodded, "Yup,"

"I'm starving."

Tommy thought about what Phil had said, deciding that he wouldn't let Tubbo starve either. "You can have some." He pointed to a plate of untouched pancakes, praying that Phil wouldn't be mad.

"Thanks!" Tubbo smiled, racing towards the plate. Immediately he began stuffing his mouth with food, like he was afraid they might disappear. "These are soooo goood!" 

Tommy laughed, making Tubbo laugh as well.

"What are you boys doing in there?" Phil called, making Tommy freeze. 

Phil was going to be mad. What if he hit him? No, no he wouldn't... would he? But Phil was safe... wasn't he?

"I see you found the pancakes."

"It's my-y fault, don't yell-l at-" Tommy stammered, standing up. He was prepared to shield Tubbo, even though he had just met the boy.

Phil's eyes widened, "Tommy, I don't mind. You- you don't need to be afraid. I won't ever yell at you." 

"Y-you won't?" Tommy looked up at him, surprised.

"Never." Phil promised, holding out his pinkie. 

Tommy reluctantly linked his pinkie with the man's, but that didn't mean he trusted him not to yell.

Ivory had broken the same promise.


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