heh heh. Maybe adding The Owl House into this story was a bit random, but... Lumity is such an OTP. And now that I think about it, this unplanned trip might actually have a purpose in the plot (I think).
Luv ya guys!
Y/n's POV
Luz grabbed my hand excitedly and started skipping away, towing me along with her. Lloyd and Amity followed close behind.
"Luz, where are you going?" Amity demanded.
"Not only are we skipping down the halls, we're also skipping class!" Luz laughed. I cringed; this girl's positive attitude was starting to weird me out.
"What?! No! I can't have an absence on my report card!"
"Well, sucks, cuz you already agreed to come along on this adventure!"
"Adventure?" I repeated. "No, we don't have time for that! Our friends are still waiting for us to get back from the Eiffel Tower."
"Whoa! You guys are from Paris?" Luz asked.
"No, we're from Ninjago," Lloyd said.
"Wait, Ninjago?" Amity asked. "As in, the mythical realm?"
"It's not mythical," I grumbled, but Lloyd nodded in response to them.
"We appreciate your offer but we don't really need your help," he said.
"Aww," Luz pouted. "I like adventures."
"Heyyy, Mittens," two voices said from behind us.
Amity skidded to a stop and spun around to face whoever it was that spoke. "When did you get here?"
I turned to see a girl and a boy, each with dark green hair, staring at us.
"We've been following you," the girl admitted. "We can't have our sister skipping class, can we?"
"How did you know I was skipping class? And since when do you care? You two don't really have the best record when it comes to attending school."
The siblings ignored Amity's question and stared at me and Lloyd.
"Where did you two come from?" the boy asked.
I didn't answer, and neither did Lloyd.
"These are our friends!" Luz piped up. "We're helping them get home."
"Pfft, okay," the girl said, then she held her hand out for me to shake. "I'm Emira, and this is Edric. We're the Blight twins."
"Uh, cool," I said, confused as I shook her hand.
"You don't need to rely on Mittens and her human girlfriend," Edric said. "Come with us; we'll have a ton of fun."
Amity's face went bright red at the word 'girlfriend.' Luz didn't seem to notice it, though.
I backed away and hid slightly behind Lloyd. I didn't like these two—I wasn't sure why, but they didn't seem as nice as they were trying to appear. I felt Ripple crawl out of my pocket and fly away to hide in my hair. I wasn't sure how that was gonna protect her any better, but whatever.
"They're not here to have fun!" Amity said. "They're here to... wait, why are you here, anyway?"
"It was an accident," Lloyd said. "And we really need to be getting back; our friends are—"
As if on cue, his communication device crackled to life. I thought it was broken, but I guess it got fixed at some point... maybe Entrapta repaired it. I don't know. Lloyd pressed a button, and the call went on speaker mode so I could hear it too.
"Lloyd? Hello?"
"Cole! Hi!"
"Where are you? Is y/n okay?"
"Right here!" I said, moving closer so he could hear me.
"What's going on? Why aren't you back yet? We're all worried sick."
"We... Uh... it's a long story," Lloyd said. "We sort of went to another realm."
"We didn't do it on purpose! We're not entirely sure how we ended up here."
I noticed Lloyd was leaving out the fact that we had gone to Darkley's first before coming to the Boiling Isles. I guessed it was just easier to explain if we didn't tell the others about that detail.
"Okay, but hurry back. Carapace can't bring us all back on our own."
"We'll be there soon."
And with that, he hung up.
"You have a phone built into your pyjamas?!" Luz shrieked. "That is awesome!"
"Argh, why does everybody think these are pyjamas??" Lloyd groaned. "It's a gi!"
As I watched Lloyd have his meltdown, I felt something moving around my head, near my miraculous. I kept trying to shoo it away, and after moving my hand back-and-forth a few times, I swatted something. It felt bigger than a regular bug, so I turned around to see what I had hit.
"Ripple!" I gasped. I had accidentally flung her at a tree. "I'm so sorry! I didn't know that was you."
"It's okay," she grunted. "I should probably be the one to apologize."
"It's my fault we ended up here," she explained. "I'm the one who tapped the miraculous— I was just trying to send us back before you physically assaulted me."
She said that last part with a little bit of bitterness in her tone. I scooped her up and held her in my hands.
"Why didn't you just tell me?" I asked. "And if you used the miraculous, why did the teleportation feel different than normal?"
"I think that glowing sphere had something to do with it. When I saw the symbol etched into the wall, it gave me an idea, but I didn't think you were going to activate the spell. When we teleported, we must have brought the light with us."
"I don't understand. Why would you want to go to the Boiling Isles?"
"This was the first place I thought of."
"You're not making any sense, Ripple! Why would we need to go to another realm in the first place?"
"Because I'm trying to help you realize you're making a mistake!" she yelled.
I blinked. "What?"
"I didn't want to tell you up front, because I knew you'd disagree with me. You've been getting worked up about choosing your home, but you're going about it all wrong," she said. "If you weren't being such an idiot, you'd realize that you can simply make a schedule and just go between the three realms... but that doesn't mean it's the right choice."
"Well, then what is?"
"It's your decision to make, but sometimes I know you better than you know yourself. You've dedicated your life to helping people, and I know you don't want to stop. You've got a power that allows you to aid people from across the universe, so for goodness's sake, use it! You don't have to settle down in one home right now; you're not even eighteen yet! Enjoy your freedom while you can; travel, explore, and live."
I only had a few seconds to process that before Lloyd called me. I opened my pocket up for RIplle as I ran to catch up with them.
"What happened?" he asked.
"Nothing," I whispered. "Just thinking."
He didn't seem to believe me, but he didn't say anything else on the matter. We continued following Luz and Amity—the twins thought we were too boring to be worth their time so they left—until we reached a house.
"Hi, Luz! What are you doing here?" an owl with a circular face asked in an annoyingly high pitched voice. He appeared to be built into the door. "Aren't you supposed to be at Hexside?"
"Technically, yes," Luz admitted sheepishly. "But we made some friends and they need to get back home to the human world! Where's Eda?"
"Don't know, don't care," the bird hooted.
Luz rolled her eyes and opened the door. She allowed the rest of us to come in, and we were immediately greeted by a strange-looking dog-dragon-hybrid-creature.
"Luz!" he said excitedly, running over on his hind legs. "Wait... aren't you supposed to be at school?"
"Why do I have to keep explaining this?" Luz groaned. "Lloyd and y/n need to get home. I was thinking that maybe we can use Eda's portal."
"Who needs to use my portal?" a female voice asked. A lady with a staff walked into the room. When she caught sight of Luz and Amity, she frowned and turned to the little demon. "King, what are they doing here?"
"Sorry to disturb you," I spoke up. "My friend and I were just passing through. We don't need to use your portal; as I kept trying to explain to Luz, we have our own way back."
"Well, why didn't you just say so?" Luz asked.
I face-palmed. "I did."
"Well, then," Eda said, her eyes wide with confusion. "Not really sure what's happening right now, but as long as you're not here to arrest me, do whatever you want."
Suddenly, someone knocked on the door. Before anyone could answer it, it flew open, and a woman with dark hair stepped inside.
"Hello, Edalyn."
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