6 - School

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A/n: am I the only one who sees an issue with the age of the characters in Miraculous? I mean, why the actual heck would you trust a bunch of fourteen-year-olds to protect the city?

Sorry, that was a little random. Anyways, on with the story!

~Y/n's POV~

Unfortunately, Master Fu insisted that I go to school. I didn't really want to, he but got my attention when he mentioned Collège Françoise Dupont; isn't that the school that Adrien and Marinette went to?

"You said you're fourteen, are you not? It's important that you get an education."

"But it's the middle of the year! Why can I wait until the fall?"

"Because there's no sense putting off until tomorrow what can be done today."

I rolled my eyes; Sensei used to say that, too. "Alright, fine, I'll go. But I won't enjoy it."

-----time skip------

I nervously walked through the doors of Françoise Dupont, wondering which way to go. I had just visited the principal's office to register and to get my timetable--which was a difficult task since there weren't any records anywhere of me even existing. I was now trying to find the science classroom, and I finally came across a door with a number on it that matched the one on my timetable, so I went inside.

"Take out your textbooks and turn to page--excuse me, who are you?"

"I'm y/n, I just got enrolled," I said shyly. This teacher was scary.

"Oh. You can take a seat in the back, then."

"Uh, Ms. Mendeleiev?" somebody asked. "Nino's not here, so y/n can sit beside me and I can catch her up with what she missed."

"Alright then, y/n take your seat next to Adrien. You two can share a textbook."

——————-Adrien's POV—————

"Hi," I said quietly as y/n sat down. "You new here?"

"Yeah," she replied simply. I could tell by her accent that she wasn't from France.

"I'm Adrien," I said, opening my textbook for us both to read. "How long have you been living here?"

"Only a couple of days."

"Cool," I said, then started working on the assigned questions.

I lent y/n some paper and pen, since she didn't have anything to write with. Thankfully, I was pretty good at chemistry, so the questions weren't that hard. About ten minutes passed when I realized y/n hadn't even started; she was just staring at the page.

"What's the matter?" I asked.

"I...um... I'm completely lost."

"That's okay! The periodic table can be tricky. You want some help?"

She nodded gratefully, so I started explaining. It didn't take long for her to understand the material.

"Hey, um, I was wondering," I started after a while. "Since you're new to Paris and all, do you want me to show you around the city?"

She smiled. "Sure!"

"Meet me after school and I'll take you on a tour. Say... have you been to the Eiffel tower yet?"

"No, not technically."

I smirk. "I guess I'll be taking you there tonight."

Y/n laughed. "Looking forward to it."

I turned back to my work for a few minutes, then started another conversation.

"I hope you don't mind me asking, but when you said you didn't understand this stuff, was that because you hadn't been taught it yet, or..?"

y/n sighed. "Truth be told, the only elements I've ever learned about are the ones you can wield."

"Uh... okay," I said. What did she mean by wield? "I'm guessing you're used to a different school system."

She scratched the back of her neck nervously. "Well... I'm not used to any school system, actually."

I was taken aback. "You were homeschooled?"

"Homeschooled! Yeah! Sure."

"That's awesome! Me too!"


Before I could answer, the bell rang. We packed up our things and headed for the door, but then, suddenly, the skies outside went really dark, and a strike of lightning illuminated the sky. I rushed to the window, y/n right behind me.

"Whoa, where did that come from?" Alya asked as she and Marinette joined me and y/n at the glass. "The weather forecast wasn't supposed to be a storm."

"I don't think that's a storm," I said, noticing a person on top of the Eiffel Tower. "Looks like someone's been akumatized."

"Ooh, this will be perfect for my Ladyblog!" Alya said. "I'll get a better shot if I head outside."

"Alya, no way!" Marinette protested. "That's not safe."

"Yeah, you could get struck by lightning," y/n said.

"Fine,"Alya huffed. "At least I can capture the fight from the window. Hey Mari, do you want to help me set up my phone?"

"Sure, um, I just need to go to the bathroom first."

"Yeah, uh, me too," I said, and followed Marinette out of the room.

As soon as I'm in the bathroom, I head into a stall to transform. Once I'm Chat Noir, I escape through the window and head over towards the tower.

"Kitty? How'd you get here so fast?" my partner asked as she came running up beside me.

"Good afternoon, M'lady!" I replied, not answering her question. "This is purrfect weather to battle a villain, don't you think?"

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