A/n: I might have to make a few slight changes to the plot of She-Ra (if you haven't seen the show then don't worry about it). I realized that Scorpia and Catra never met a particular character yet, but they're one of my favourites and I really want to include them, so I had to come up with an alternate situation for them to meet.
—————Y/n's POV————-
Entrapta pushed us out the door, and shut it behind us. As soon as it was closed, Catra groaned.
"What are we supposed to do with them?" she asked Scorpia, gesturing to the rest of us. "If there was just one of them, maybe we could hide them, but five? Someone's going to find them for sure."
"Well, they are in Horde uniforms," Scorpia said. "I don't think anyone's going to ask any questions."
Catra clawed at the sides of her face. "They've never been to the Firght Zone before today. They don't know how to act like soldiers."
"Um, actually—" Lloyd started.
"Shut it, celery stick," Catra growled, then turned back to Scorpia. "They're going to get us in trouble."
Kai grabbed a staff that was propped up against the wall. He swung it once to get a feel for the weapon, then he hit Catra with it in the gut.
"Ow!" She shrieked. "What was that for?!"
"First of all, Lloyd's not a celery stick," Kai said, holding the staff in a ready position. "He's more of a green bean. And second, we're not helpless—we know how to fight. We can pass as soldiers without a problem."
Scorpia and Catra exchanged glances.
"Okay, fine," Catra said, with a fake smile. She was likely trying not to lose her temper on him for hitting her. "Follow me to the training room."
She led the way, and I could hear her grumbling under her breath. There was something strange about Catra; I could tell from the way she carried herself. I couldn't pinpoint what it was, but there was something off about her, something that went deeper than the surface. I wasn't going to be on Etheria for much longer, but still, I wanted to know what she was hiding.
"Here—go in and pretend to practice fighting," Catra said, opening the door to a big room with training weapons lining the walls. "It's a good thing there are five of you—it's the right amount for a team."
Kai, Lloyd, Adrien and Zephyr entered the training room, but I stayed behind for a second to thank Catra and Scorpia for helping us. Before I could however, someone appeared behind us.
"Force Captain Catra?" a voice asked. The person's tone sent shivers down my spine.
"Sh-Shadow Weaver?" Catra questioned, turning around, while accidentally closing the training room's door. Fear was written all over her face. "But—you—how—you're supposed to be gone! You... you left me."
Shadow Weaver laughed. "Oh, darling. I knew you wouldn't be tough to fool, but I didn't think it would be this easy."
"Huh?" Catra wondered.
Shadow Weaver suddenly changed into an exact replica of Catra herself. The real Catra shrieked and stumbled backwards.
"Who are you?" Scorpia demanded, helping Catra back onto her feet.
"The name's Double Trouble," the strange being said, in Catra's voice.
"You're a shape shifter?" I asked.
"Yes, darling," Double Trouble said, transforming into a version of me. "And who might you be?"
"I'm sorry, but I don't answer to people who impersonate me without my permission."
Double Trouble's eyes suddenly turned green, and they blinked like some kind of reptile. Seeing a mirror image of myself do that was kind of creepy.
"My apologies," they said, then turned into a reptilian creature that was at least a foot and a half taller than me. "I guess I just got carried away."
"What are you trying to pull?" Catra demanded threateningly.
"I'm not trying to pull anything! I live to serve... for a price of course."
"So you're after money, then," I said.
"Oh, aren't we all, darling?"
"No, actually," I said plainly. "I protect people because it's the right thing to do, not for payment."
"Huh, aren't you just a little goody too-shoes then," Double Trouble remarked, putting their hands on their hips.
Catra looked the stranger up and down. "So... you can change into anyone, at any time?"
"Change? Ugh. What I do is so much more than change. I prefer the term transform. My true gift is really getting into my characters."
"Yeah, yeah. Whatever," I said. I could tell they really loved theatre. "Okay, Double Trouble—I'm not sure if we can trust you. First you scare my friend Catra, then you pose as both of us. If you're after money, why would you come here?"
"The Crimson Waste is going through a bit of a financial crisis right now," they sighed in annoyance. "They're isn't anyone who's got the money to pay for my talents."
"So why not go to Bright Moon?" Catra asked. "I'm sure they'd love to have you on their side."
"Oh, darling, please. Everyone knows the rebels are all glitter, no grit. They don't want to play dirty, but all of you in the Horde? I know you'd do anything to take down She-Ra."
I glanced over at Catra to see what she'd say, but she was at a loss for words. I tried to read her expression, but I couldn't figure out what she was thinking. She seemed like she wanted to be happy about the chance to finally have a chance at beating her enemy, but she also had a flicker of another emotion... but I wasn't sure what it was.
"I'll leave you to think about that," Double Trouble said. "But I'm not worried—I'm sure you'll come to your senses soon enough."
The shapeshifter backed away into the next hall. I ran after them, but when I turned the corner, they were nowhere to be found.
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