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*I'm so sorry about the late update, but I personally love this chapter, it's one of my favorites, so enjoy*


I guided the horse through the forest. It wasn't long before I heard horses' hooves behind us.

The Telmarine soldiers had already followed in pursuit.

"They've seen us!" Lucy looked back. My heart thudded as I increased in speed. I spared a glance behind to see many more following. I immediately stopped the horse and climbed off. At this rate, they'd attack us before we reach Aslan, I'd have to stop them.

"What are you doing?" Lucy looked at me as I stood on the ground.

"I'm sorry, Lu. It looks like you'll be going alone after all." I guided the horse away and watched as Lucy rode off. She took once last glance back at me, then disappeared among the trees. I turned back towards the soldiers, drawing my sword.

As they approached horseback, I made sure to slice only them, not their horses. But the numbers only increased, and my arm grew weak. I had killed off maybe five or six...? But more kept coming. One came in from behind and I quickly sidestepped. But the horse reared, and I fell back.

The soldier raised his spear at me as dread filled my bones. I scrambled back, but another was behind me. Was this the end? No... it couldn't be...

I still had one more trick up my sleeve.

I raised my hands, calling upon the power in my bones. But before it rushed towards me and I could use it, the soldier in front of me froze. A tip of a sword protruded from his chest as blood blossomed out of his wound.

He fell back and I noticed Edmund sitting on a horse behind him. He took down the rest of the soldiers before he came to me. He jumped off his horse and stood above me. His face softened as he extended his hand.

I took it, using his support to stand up. "Thanks, Ed." I said gratefully. He nodded and brought the horse nearby. He hopped on, then extended a hand towards me. I gladly took it and sat behind him. We rode off, out of the forest.

It wasn't long before we came to the fight. When we arrived, I noticed how it was going. Peter's helmet was gone, whether he took it off on purpose, or he lost it in the fight, it left him unprotected. He noticed us ride in from over Miraz's shoulder.

"Does his highness need a respite? "I heard Miraz say to Peter once we neared.

"Five minutes?" Peter asked.

"Three." Miraz stated. I hopped down from the horse as Peter and Miraz limped back to their respective sides.

"Lucy...?" Peter asked, looking between me and Edmund. His gaze was razor sharp; his features set in a hard line.

"She got through..." I assured him. "With a little help." I tilted my head towards Edmund.

"Thanks, Ed." Peter nodded towards Edmund.

"Well, you were busy." Edmund glanced at Miraz who had just thrown his helmet on the ground, muttering something to Sopespian. Peter looked towards me, a certain mischief glinting in his eyes.

"I think I'll be needing that good luck kiss right about now." He joked. I didn't have time to react as he pulled me closer, bringing his lips to mine.

One of his hands were on my back while the other on my chin, tilting my face up. I leaned into the kiss, savoring it. Electricity trickled beneath my skin, illuminating every little touch, and igniting it. We pulled apart after what seemed like minutes, when only was a few seconds.

He rested his forehead against mine. "If that's what your 'good luck' kisses feel like, I need to fight in more wars." He whispered.

I laughed, stepping back. "Speaking of wars, we're in the middle of one." I reminded him.

"You're right." He nodded, still a light smile playing on his lips as he stepped back.

"Better get up there, just in case." Edmund said to me, pointing back to our troops stationed at Aslan's How. "I don't expect the Telmarines will keep their word." His eyes were tired as sweat dripped from his hair. Yet, he still cared for my safety. I never had siblings back home in Seattle... but Edmund was now like a brother.

I walked forward and put my arms around him, enveloping him in a hug. He was first shocked, but then awkwardly patted my back.

"Thanks, but I'd like to stay and support Peter here." I told him.

"As long as you take care." He whispered back. I stepped back from the hug and Peter adjusted the sword in his hand.

"Keep smiling." Edmund muttered to Peter. Peter looked at the Narnian crowd and raised his sword, plastering a fake smile on his face. They cheered. It was good to keep up the army's morale.

Peter then sat down on his chair, catching his breath. He held out his arm, but then winced. "I think it's dislocated." Edmund noted, assessing Peter's arm.

"What do you think happens back home if you die here?" Peter softly asked. "...You know, you've always been there, Edmund. I never really— AW!" Peter sputtered as Edmund cracked and locked his shoulder into place.

"Save it for later." Edmund patted his back and stepped away.

Peter shook his head when offered his helmet, deciding to go without one. Miraz did the same. They walked out to the fighting area.

Peter attacked quickly, but Miraz parried. Miraz then started hitting Peter with his shield. Peter fell, and Miraz ran towards him, Peter blocked and instead tripped Miraz. They both recovered fairly quickly, springing back to their feet.

But almost immediately, they were back in action. Peter knocked Miraz' sword out of his hand. They continued fighting, but Miraz resorted to using his shield. Peter tried to stab Miraz but failed. Miraz took the chance to knock Peter's sword out of his hand. Then he tried to slam his shield into Peter, but Peter caught it. Peter twisted Miraz' shield behind him. Miraz's face showed pain, but he elbowed Peter in the face and then pushed him into a pillar.

This was tense.

Miraz picked up his sword and swung, but Peter blocked it with his vambraces. Peter stood up and punched Miraz' wounded leg. I think it was already wounded because of the way Miraz howled in pain and fell, dropping his sword.

"Respite!" Miraz pleaded as Peter stood above him. "Respite!" But Peter hesitated.

"Now's no time for chivalry, Pete!" Edmund yelled out. He was right, I was certain in the same situation Miraz would've killed him if he had the chance. Miraz held up his hand preparing for the blow. But then Peter suddenly lowered his arm and turned around to start walking back to his side. But right as Peter turned his back on Miraz, Miraz grabbed his sword and ran towards him.

"Peter!" I shouted.

"Look out!" Edmund yelled at the same time. Peter dodged the blow just in time. He grabbed Miraz's sword, twisting it, then using his own sword to stab him beneath the arm. Miraz gasped and fell to his knees. Peter, now holding Miraz' sword, hesitated again.

"What's the matter, boy? Too cowardly to take a life?" Miraz whimpered, gasping for air.

"It's not mine to take." Peter simply said. Then he turned back to look at Caspian, who stepped up, taking the sword from Peter's hand. Peter retreated to his side. Caspian slowly raised the sword.

"Perhaps I was wrong." Miraz looked at Caspian in his eyes. "It seems you have the makings of a good Telmarine king after all." Miraz bowed his head. Caspian raised the sword, screamed, and stabbed...

the ground.

"Not one like you." Caspian seethed. "Keep your life, but I am giving the Narnians back their kingdom." He announced. Caspian turned away and the Narnians cheered him.

Behind, I could see Sopespian walking over and helping Miraz up. They muttered a few words which I couldn't comprehend. But then suddenly behind Miraz' back, Sopespian pulled out an arrow. But not any arrow. It had bright red feathers sprouting from one end.

Susan's arrow.

Sopespian muttered one last thing and Miraz fell over, the arrow sticking into his back. Sopespian ran up and took Miraz' sword.

"Treachery! They shot him! They murdered our king! To arms!" He shouted to his army.


But his army didn't know that.

They only saw Susan's bright red arrow poking out of their king.

Immediately Edmund and Caspian jumped on their horses, already heading back to Aslan's How. One of the centaurs brought a horse for me and Peter. I hopped on mine as Pete climbed on his. We followed Edmund and Caspian to Aslan's How as the Telmarines charged behind us.

We entered the cave where hundreds of Narnians were waiting inside.

-3rd Person Perspective-

"Narnians! Charge!" Caspian shouted, lacing everyone with courage. With Caspian leading the way, the Narnians charged down a tunnel beneath the battlefield. They all knew the plan from now.

"One, two, three..." Y/N counted under her breath.

"Four, five, six..." Peter said, riding beside her.

"Archers to the ready!" Susan shouted, outside the caves. The Narnian archers put arrows to the string.

"Seven, eight, nine..." Edmund said. "Get ready!"

"Take your aim!" Susan shouted.

"Now!" Caspian yelled.

The Narnians underground began smashing the stone pillars. The ground collapsed and most of the Telmarine horses fell into the pit.

"Fire!" Susan yelled as arrows fell into the pit, killing the Telmarines one by one. At the end of the underground tunnel, two dwarfs lowered a platform. Caspian used it to lead the Narnians out into the sun, and circle around to the Telmarine cavalry.

They were surrounded.

A soldier climbed out of the pit and saw Reepicheep in armor.

"You're... a mouse?" The soldier said in disbelief.

"You people have no imaginations!" Reepicheep scoffed.

The battle continued.

Peter looked up at Y/N in hopes of her knowing where Lucy was. Y/N shook her head. "Lucy..." Peter whispered a silent prayer to himself, hoping she was okay. Soon this battle would turn, and their forces would go down. They needed Aslan to finish this.

Peter looked at the Telmarine army. It was already overpowering his. He raised his sword. "Back to the How!" He shouted at an attempt to save his people. The Narnians began retreating towards Aslan's How.

"Cut off their escape!" Sopespian yelled. The Telmarine trebuchets were loaded. All the Narnian leaders looked in a mixture of awe and fear as the trebuchets launched rocks at the how. Debris from the How fell down and blocked the entrance.

They were trapped.

It would be open massacre.

Rocks fell around the archers. "Brrrraaaccce Yourrrrssseellffff!" Susan yelled out, her voice shaking with the ground beneath her. She fell, but Trumpkin caught her, allowing her to slip below and fall safely down to the next level.

She got down to join the others. They looked around and saw that they were surrounded, and the Telmarines were closing in.

"Crush them all." Sopespian yelled.

The warriors all exchanged glances.

It would be a suicide battle. There was no sign of Lucy, and at this point it was too late. They'd need one of Aslan's miracles to save them now.

Luckily, they had one.

Y/N looked over at Peter. An understanding passed between their gaze. Peter shook his head, silently pleading Y/N to stop. To not go through with the plan that was racing through her mind.

But she couldn't.

She knew she was their secret weapon. She couldn't ignore the power that now coursed through her veins. She took a deep breath and looked away from Peter, facing the army now striding towards them. She stepped forward, opening her arms. The power had always been there, bubbling under the surface, yearning to break free and escape her.

So she let it.

An invisible wind erupted from her hands, pushing the army back. They flew backwards, flying off their horses. They screamed as her power ripped them to shreds... tearing their very flesh from their bones.

But even to her, it was nothing short of agony. It felt like flames on her skin. Crimson red pain on her lips. Her own screams drowned in her power. She could not afford to stop now. So she pushed harder until the whole front of the armada fell, torn apart by her rage.

She capped the power, taking it back. Before she could collapse onto the floor, Peter rushed toward her holding her up. She had no strength left, barely enough to let her lungs take in oxygen. Her eyes fluttered as she saw the silhouette of her lover holding her up.

"You're safe now." Peter whispered, lowering her to the ground, keeping her upper body held in his arms.

"Narnia..." She managed to mutter.

"You saved us." Peter assured her.

That was enough for her to rest. She let her eyes close, and her body go limp. "No!" Peter shook her shoulder, urging her to awake. "Y/N?!" He screamed. His tears fell from his eyes onto her face.

His voice was raw with emotion, but she couldn't hear it.

His face etched with fear, but she couldn't see it.

His heart beat rapidly...

but she couldn't feel it.

She had long fallen into the darkness; Peter only held the husk of her soul. He let out a guttural cry as he realized there would be no response.

"You take care of her; we'll finish the war." Edmund said, putting a hand on Peter's shoulder. But Peter couldn't hear anything, he'd blocked out everything except Y/N.

Although Y/N had wiped more than half the army, the rest knew she was out of the picture. And so, they charged. Edmund and Caspian led the Narnians to battle. Each held a newfound courage in their heart.

"For Y/N!" Their voices murmured in a chant.

A few Telmarines ganged up on Caspian, and he fell into the pit. Glozelle walked over with a pike and lifted it. He saw that it was Caspian, and hesitated.

Then suddenly, a tree root grabbed Glozelle and pulled him away. Edmund helped Caspian out of the pit... and they saw that the trees have come to life.

"Peter look!" Edmund shouted. But Peter only stared at Y/N.

He did not see what happened next.

The Telmarines continued launching rocks, and one of them knocked over a tree. Another tree stuck a root into the ground. It came up further down, taking out a trebuchet.

The trees were alive.

Aslan was here.

"Peter!" Susan ran up to him as he clutched Y/N. He didn't listen. "Peter it's Aslan!" She urged.

At that Peter looked up in haste. If there was one person that could save Y/N, it was Aslan. Peter watched as the trees fought for Narnia. Only Aslan's return could initiate such magic.

He stood up in a rush, holding Y/N up in his arms. Her head dangled back, so he adjusted it, making it look like she was just resting it on his chest.

"We can defeat them if we draw them to the river!" One of the soldiers shouted.

"To Beruna!" Sopespian instructed. The Telmarines started to retreat. But the Narnians followed. The Telmarines reached the bridge and started crossing. Peter ran, carrying Y/N in his arms, along with the army.

He watched the Telmarines make their way across the river. Halfway down, Sopespian brought the army to a screeching halt.

On the other side stood...


She was alone.

She reached in her pocket and pulled out a dagger.

It was a seemingly harmless sight. But then she smiled. And behind her came...


His mane fluttered in the wind. Simply the presence of him made a wave of fear pass through the Telmarine soldiers. They had to be extremely stupid to fight him now.

But Sopespian was just that.

"Charge!" Sopespian shouted. The Telmarines, although hesitant, charged towards Aslan. The lion roared and the Telmarines stopped.

Then the water beneath the bridge started behaving strangely. It suddenly shot up and formed the Rivergod. The Rivergod lifted up the bridge easily and the soldiers fell off. Sopespian now stood alone on the bridge in the Rivergod's hands. He blindly swung his sword wildly as the water came crashing down on him. The Telmarines climbed out of the water, accepting defeat, and handed their swords to the Narnians.

They had won.

The water settled.

Edmund, Susan, and Caspian went to kneel before the lion. But Peter ran straight to him, forgoing any tradition.

"Aslan!" He fell to the ground before the lion, still clutching Y/N in his arms. "Please save her." He pleaded with everything in him. He laid Y/N down at the lion's feet and looked up. "Please." He whispered.

Aslan looked down at the girl. Her face already losing color as the cold wind of death seeped in her bones.

"Ah Y/N..." The lion muttered.

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