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'You don't look so well' Shawn tells me as we enter our home, putting a hand on my right shoulder.

'You're right. My head is pounding. But most importantly, I'm starving like a cannibal.' I tell him casually.

'What? You haven't had anything for the whole day?' he gets more curious and almost gives me a death stare.

'You're right, brother. Just an apple and a glass of cider. I was too occupied.' I still sound normal and casual as if it's not a problem at all. However, I feel like I'm going to collapse any minute.

'Well that doesn't mean you're gonna starve yourself for a whole fucking day!' he shouts but not loudly.

'He's right, Ash.' Mary hops into our conversation out of nowhere but I'm utterly delighted to see her.

'I made dinner. Let's go and fill you up.' She winks and I get a feeling she's made my favorite pasta. Oh wow, I am already drooling. I keep my bags on the couch and run to the dining area. The aroma of the food is just unbelievably  alluring.

I ate so much that my stomach gets bloated. What the hell. My headache got worse but since I ignored it, it didn't affect me much. Now, it's just eating me alive.

'Here. Take these before drifting off to your dreams.' Mary says as we stand by the staircase, smirking, handing me some pills. Paracetamol.

'Thanks. For this and also that pasta. I'm well fed.' I laugh a little too much. I feel like a drunk person but I haven't had alcohol. 

'Ashley, freshen up quickly and go to bed. You seriously don't look good. Are you sure you want to go tomorrow?' She asks.

'Hell yeah! I don't care if I'm sick. I'm still going. Goodnight!' I tell her before climbing up the staircase. I've rescued myself from tripping multiple times because my legs are shaky and soar. I reach my room and change quickly into my sleeping outfit. My body is too weak to do anything else. Therefore, I take two paracetamol tablets and cover myself with the duvet. It doesn't take long before I completely doze off to sleep.



Next day, around 10:00am

'Bye Sis! And don't starve yourself today. I'm serious.' Shawn reminds me with a very low tone as I get out of the car. I simply nod at him, not taking it as seriously. Work comes first, for me.

The shooting area is different today, since I was informed that yesterday's shoot was perfect enough and it wasn't necessary for redo. Well, that's a really good thing since it saves valuable time. However, today, the scenes will be filmed.....near a beach? I still don't really understand the video's concept, maybe that's why.

Emily asked me to set up the cameras like yesterday, and I happily and willingly do it. But I was caught off guard by Harry soon after, when he appears out of nowhere.

'Shit, you scared me!' I blurt.

'Wasn't intentional. I just want to hang out for a while' his tone is carefree.

'You look eccentric. Any news?' I ask him while smirking a bit.

'Yeah! This music video shooting will be over by next week.'

'What?! That's tragic. I'm really enjoying it' I express my feelings in a funny manner and he laughs at it. But for real, I actually don't want this to end yet.

'We are only on the second day of the first week, so you have a lot of time ahead!' he tells me in a matter-of-factly way.

'Okay, so can you run me through the intricacy of the video? Because I still don't understand the-'

'Meaning, am I right?' He snaps his fingers and points at me. It's as if he just read my mind.

'How did you know..?'

'I'm a miiiinddd readerrr.' We both burst into laughter at his weird joke. I am too caught up in this that I didn't even realise that Emily was stood right there. Harry's laughter fades away in a second, and gets replaced with annoyance. It's like he just doesn't want to see her appearance.

Do they have bad blood, I thought.

'Ashley, I require your wonderful aid. Would you mind setting up the cameras at that spot?' she points at the opposite direction. She looks a bit annoyed at me. I nod at her and set off, leaving them alone. I don't even dare to look back.


She's always showing up at either the wrong time or where I don't want her.

'Ashley, I require your wonderful aid. Would you mind setting up the cameras at that spot?' she points at a random direction I have no idea about. Great. Ashley, being obedient, leaves the place immediately to set them up. I gaze at her but she doesn't look back, leaving me with her.
I set myself to leave as well, before I am halted by her.

'Harry.' The only thing that comes out of her mouth subtly. The same way she would call me out back when we had a thing.

Her intentions are not pure, Harry. Her intentions are not pure.

The random words echo in my head but I don't pay attention to it. I stand there, in front of her. She gets nearer, but I back away a few steps.

'Stop right there, Emily.'

'Okay okay. Jeez, your temper. It'll get out of your control one day.' She says stuff to me so casually as if it doesn't matter.

'What do you want?' I ask her coldly.

'Nothing. Just here to talk...with you.' I can feel her gazing at me as I don't intend to meet her eyes, yet. This alien perfume that she wears. Flashbacks start hitting every corner of my head. God, I wish she would never wear it, again...

'Say, you've been talking with Ash a lot. Like legit a lot. People will assume you are-'

'Best friends.' I cut her off and finally meet her eyes. I put on a professional smile.

'There's nothing to assume. We are best friends. And I l-'
I stop on my words. What the hell? What was I even about to say? I really need to think before speaking.

After coming back from my thoughts, I look at Emily. She's taken aback by my words. It's most likely that she can't believe what she just heard.

"Best friends? Seriously Harry? With her? She's fuckin' 18."

'So? Oh! Is it illegal to have a younger beat friend? Or are you just trying to get me back into your life again?' I blurt out rather angrily. Who does she think she is?

'Don't talk shit to me Harry. I have a son.'

'Yes. You do. And for the sake of your son, don't try to do anything of that sort.' I give her a clear answer.

She begins to chuckle for a while, making my head hot.
'Harry. Harry. You haven't changed. Still going around, making friends who seem to be problematic and troublesome, for you.' She smiles at me without any sort of regret in what she just said.
Instead of firing back, I calm down and play it cool. Let's trap her in her own conversation.

'Yeah. I came across 'troublesome' and 'problematic' friends. Doesn't that make you one of them as well?' Her smile starts to fade away slowly.

'But, but' I continue. 'I'm glad my current best friend ain't like that at all. At least, she hears me out and is actually there, when I need company.' I stop. I must have just given Emily some negative flashbacks.And  I don't regret it one bit. She needs to come out of her obscure senses and stop interfering in my life.

After half a minute of standing there silent, I decide to leave instead of wasting my time. Let her battle with her own thoughts.


I won't let them get away with this. There's no way in hell I am going to let my plans fail...

I am an adamant person and I have returned for a bit of point to prove. Harry, obviously, has changed a lot. But I didn't. I am still the same old Emily. People call me stuff like the 'beautiful psychopath'. Maybe I am and I don't take it as an insult. 

It has been two whole years since Harry and I separated. A four-year long relationship ended because of a fight that could've been avoided. Since then, I've never longed for him to return. I knew very well he wouldn't himself. I moved on, and a guy named Isaac entered my life. He showed me beautiful things and even blessed me with something which I'll never regret of having: Ryan. Our son. The moment that we lived with our son was so rejuvenating. Until lightning struck. Being the 'beautiful psychopath' that I am, Isaac eventually left. He still comes to visit Ryan and fulfills his responsibilities. 

But I had enough of Isaac and his shit. I need to have someone in my life now. Or more like I need someone back in my life, immediately.  


I don't get upset when Harry defeats me in my own conversation.He's always been like that. But I can't stand that cold look, that angry expressions that he gives me often. I don't blame him for that. He has a reason. But that is going to change... 

MINE. MINE. MINE. This is why I returned.





If she can't have him, then NO ONE else can. NO ONE.

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