Michael's Allergies (Thriller era)

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It was springtime and the pollen from the flowers were making Michael sneeze.

It was triggering his allergies.

As we were watching a movie on TV in the living room, I noticed that Michael's nose was a little bit pink.

"What's the matter, Applehead"?

I asked him, leaning my head against his chest area.

Michael grabbed a tissue and blew his nose.

"I've been sneezing a lot and it's all because of this pollen that's in the air. And I can't breathe through my nose very well either".

The singer tried to inhale air through his nostrils, but all that did was make him feel worse.

I went to go get him some more tissues and when I came back, Michael started coughing.


"Bless you"!

I handed him the box of tissues.

Michael blew his nose and then his head started to hurt too.

"Let's get you to bed, maybe a nap might help you feel better".

After pressing the "on/off" button on the TV remote, I took ahold of Michael's hand and led him to the bedroom.

There were a few dirty tissues laying around on the floor and even some were next to the pillow.

"Michael, I think there's something wrong with you".

I said, feeling surprised at the large amount of used tissues that were scattered everywhere.

"Y-you...Tis' choo!...think so"?

Michael asked, as he climbed into bed after I'd finished cleaning up all the nasty tissues and throwing them into the trash.

"You've got a really bad cold, and that means that you can't rehearse today".

I said, as I sat down on the bed next to him.

"N-no. I c-can't do that. I have a show to perform on the third Saturday of April for the special needs children".

Michael tried to get up out of bed, but I refused to let him to do that.

"You're sick. You have to let your body fight off this nasty cold. If you don't take it easy, your symptoms will only get worse".

I explained.

Michael felt like crying.

He'd promised those sweet children that he could perform a concert for them.

"Aw, don't cry sweetheart".

I used my thumb to gently wipe the tears away from his eyes.

"B-but I c-can't! Ohh F/n. I feel so horrible"!

I crawled into bed with him and then wrapped my arm around him.

"Shhh...it'll be okay. You'll have plenty of time to get better and then once you're not sick anymore, you can continue your journey to perform your concert for the special needs children".

I kissed his head while stroking him lovingly in a comforting way.

Soon, Michael fell asleep in my arms and I smiled and decided to take a nap with him.

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