Make Everyone Happy (This Is It era)

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Today, Michael was on his way to the hospital to hang out gifts for the children.

Most of them weren't taking the pandemic very well, as there wasn't anything fun to do because of the coronavirus.

Everyone has been on quarantine for almost two years, and now the children were on spring break.

As the limo pulled up to the front door, I took out my mask and put it on.

Michael was already wearing his mask, as he always wore it when he had to go out in public.

There were no fans or paparazzi nearby due to the pandemic.

It was nice to not have a large crowd chasing us for once.

We walked into the hospital and a lady at the front desk looked up.

"Hello. What can I do for you, today"?

She asked.

"We came here to cheer up the children".

Michael told them, and saw that his bodyguards were carrying out presents.

He smiled, as he was looking forward to seeing the happy smiling faces.

"And we brought gifts".

I added, smiling in a kind way.

The lady looked at her clipboard.

"Well unfortunately, we cannot allow many visitors due to COVID-19 and our hospital has a strict rule about allowing anyone who hasn't had a vaccination to be let in".

Michael frowned.

"Listen, we already had our vaccinations done. All of my bodyguards and even my close friends and family members have recieved it".

He protested, but the front desk lady shook her head.

"If I don't have any poof that you have had your vaccinations, then you can't do your little childish baby party".

She said.

I gasped at what she told us.

Poor Michael's feelings were hurt, but he didn't want to be rude.

"We're telling you God's absolute honest truth. We all have our vaccinations done and we are happy and healthy".

He spoke in a calm voice.

Soon, Michael's bodyguards saw what was going on and they allowed us to go on to the Children's ward.

"Hey! You can't go in there"!

The front desk hollered at us.

But we just walked away while ignoring her.

Michael's bodyguards were tall, tough, and muscular.

They walked up to the front desk and gave the lady a cold, disapproving look.

"Madam, our boss was telling you the truth and because you decided to be a stubborn goat about it and waste time, I suggest that you stop disrespecting him like that or we can make sure that you loose your job".

The front desk lady looked shocked and scared.

"Are we perfectly clear"?

Michael's other body guard asked.

"Y-yes sir. Very clear".

And with that, the bodyguards went on their way to join Michael and me.

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