Michael Hurts Himself (This Is It era)

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Today, Michael wanted to go to the public pool and he took me with him.

We were both in good spirits as the pandemic was slowly going away and more people were getting vaccinated.

After I put on my one piece bathing suit, some other children came out.

They went into the pool to swim.

Michael was listening to music with his ear buds and I was smiling while watching him.

His three bodyguards were nearby guarding him.

Things were fine until someone sneaked out from a hiding place and he took a quick picture of Michael.

Michael saw what had happened and he angrily walked to a security camera that was on the wall.

He grabbed it and started breaking the thing to pieces until it fell to the floor.

"Mr. Jackson, please stop! It's not worth it"!

All of a sudden, Michael cried out in pain as he had accidentally slit his wrist on the broken glass.

"Oh my god"!

I ran to Michael and his bodyguards came with a towel.

"I can't take it! I can't take it anymore! My children are going to be taken away from me"!

Michael started having a mental breakdown.

He cried as he sunk to the tile floor with his back against the wall.

I was scared and shocked when I saw the wound on his wrist.

"No Michael! They won't take your children away".

I got down on the floor, wrapping my arms around him.

"Mr. Jackson. Please...calm down. It's going to be okay".

The bodyguards were using a first-aid kit to care for Michael's injury.

I started crying because of how hurt Michael was.

"Michael...I love you so much. I will never leave you or your sweet children. I promise".

Michael slowly started to calm down.

He laid his head down on my chest.


The bodyguards were gently hushing Michael.

After that, we decided to go home.

The bodyguards were able to track down the person who took the tabloid picture of Michael and they confiscated their camera.

I spent the rest of the night comforting Michael while we were alone in the bedroom.

"I know that you would never hurt a child. I'll always believe in you, Michael".

Michael was lying close to me in bed while I soothed him.

"I-I l-love you too, sweetheart".

He held onto me as if someone was going to take me away from him.

I pulled the blanket out and covered us up with it, and then I sang him a lullaby to help him sleep.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.

You make me happy when skies are gray

You never know dear, how much I love you.

Please don't take my sunshine away".

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