Michael And His Kids Go For A Ride (You Rock My World era)

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Today, Michael Jackson had to go out and pay taxes because he didn't have a way to do it online.

Since there wasn't anyone else to babysit his children, he asked me to come along.

I helped the children get ready for the day and once we were ready to leave, Bigi grabbed his Peter Pan plush toy.

We got into the limo and Michael asked if we wanted to eat for lunch.

"I want a chwoclate (chocolate) chip cookie"!

Bigi excitedly said outloud.

"Cookies are for dessert, Blanket".

Michael said to his youngest child.

"But how about we get special treat on the way home, as long as you three promise to be on your best behavior"?

I winked at Michael and he giggled quietly.


The children said happily.

After we all ate our lunch, Michael told Bill to stop by the ATM bank so he could pay his taxes.

Bill smiled and nodded.

When we got to the ATM bank, there were lots of people around.

Bigi shyly hid himself from the crowd by crawling over to me.

Paris and Prince didn't seem to be bothered by it.

Michael put on his disguises and then he stepped out of the limo with his bodyguards following him close-by.

Bigi watched as I began to play a game on my phone.

"What's that your playing"?

Paris asked.

"Frozen Free-Fall".

I replied.

They watched as I slid my fingers across the screen.

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