This has been in my drafts for a while, at first it was a Kiri x Shy! Reader but now it's morphed into this lmao, anyway I'm going to be switching from calling him by his first and last name. But I hope you enjoy it and yes this is the oneshot to my story idea on my message board, also you're both aged up to 20 years old. I'm gonna have fun with this ~Author-san
Y/n's POV
Eijiro and myself were on our mid afternoon hero patrol, everything more or less eventless until we saw blue flames and a huge cloud of smoke, looking at each other we both half smiled and said.
We then ran to the scene telling on-lookers to get somewhere safe and I called for backup, after doing that Eijiro and I ran into the burning building and getting everyone evacuated. Around five minutes later we had gotten everyone safely out except for a young child, who to be around the age of six, holding them close I use a part of my hero costume as a mask for the child.
"(H/N) (Hero name) you head out, I'm going to do one last check of the building." Eijiro calls out.
"Are you mad? Red Riot that's a suicide mission!" I exclaim, using Kiri's hero name.
"I'll be fine, just go and wait I'll take less than ten minutes." He calls out again.
"Ok..." I reluctantly agree.
Running out of the building, still holding the child close, I get them to some paramedics that were onsite I go around and check to make sure everyone is ok. Ten minutes have passed and I'm now anxiously waiting for Kiri to emerge from the building. Although, what I saw next broke something inside of me, the building despite having the fire put out as of a minute ago, collapsed.. and Kiri hadn't emerged.
"RED RIOT!" I yelled, scared for my partner.
I went to run in and start digging for him but Aizawa's scarf held me back. Not being able to fight out of his scarfs grip, I stood in shock of what I had just witnessed.
{The next day}
It'd been a day since the building incident and Eijiro was nowhere to be found amongst the fallen debris of the building. I had just assumed he exited from somewhere in the building, and either went home or something to the same extent. To see if I was right, I picked up my phone and called his home phones number. It rung for a minute but there was no answer.. 'Damn it Eijiro, why didn't you just listen to me?!' I thought to myself. Although I shouldn't jump to conclusions, it's been little over a day and his quirk is hardening, he should be fine... right?
"Of course he will be, I'm just paranoid." I say to myself, sighing.
Deciding I need to get my mind off of the whole ordeal, I got dressed in a cropped hoodie some jeans and put my hair up. After getting dressed I grabbed my phone, purse and keys, and as I opened the door I saw someone standing on my front porch.
"Y/n! I'm glad I caught you!" The female exclaimed.
"Oh hey Mina, what's up?" I asked, stepped outside locking my front doors.
"Well it's about yesterday.. I saw what happened on the news, has there really been no sight of Kirishima since the building collapsed?" Mina questioned.
"No, unfortunately there hasn't.. but I'm not worrying too much, it's been little over a day..." I say calmly, though worry was visible in my eyes.
"Well true.. anyway, where are you off to?" Mina asks.
"Somewhere to get my mind off of the whole situation.. even if it's only for a couple hours." I tell her.
"Well I was about to head over to Kaminari's for a bit, I'm sure he wouldn't mind if you came as well, he misses you a whole lot." Mina says, hinting at me tagging along.
I haven't seen him in ages.. and he's always fun to hang around.
"Yeah, if you're sure he won't mind I'll tag along." I say, smiling.
{a rather large time skip later, around 2 months exactly}
It had been two months since that building collapsed, and as of a week ago Eijiro was pronounced dead... I don't believe it. I won't believe it, he has to be alive! Sighing, I go to the fridge to make some tea but notice I'm out of milk, well guess I have to take a trip down to the shops.. thank fuck for late night shopping. Putting on one of Eijiro's hoodies and some shoes I grab my keys, phone and purse I head out and lock the door behind me. Pulling out my phone, I preordered some f/f and headed to the closest shopping centre. Although I had a feeling I was being.. watched, I brushed it off and continued to the store, getting there about 5 minutes later.
I get what I need and pay for it, then headed to the restaurant to pick up my food and the feeling of being watched returned, honestly it's creeping me out.. so I start jogging to the restaurant but got pulled into a nearby alleyway.
"Wow, you're still as beautiful as you were when I last saw you."
To be continued~
Alright, that's it, my brains out of ideas now- anyway it's a long awaited update for those who've still kept reading this! So I hope y'all enjoy and my apologies about the cliff hanger :) I'm probably going to make a part two then that's it, well.. see you all in the next chapter (whenever that's gonna be-)
~Word Count: 964~
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