Meredith was sat on the toilet in the main bathroom because Addison was in the shower in their en suit. When Meredith sat down she saw something poking up out of the bathroom bin. She picked it up and as she looked at it further she realised it was a positive pregnancy test. She got up and ran downstairs. It was the fastest she had moved in a long time.
"Whose fucking pregnancy test is this." She said as she stormed down the stairs. Zola, Bailey, Ellis and some of ellis's friends sat at the kitchen table. They all looked at her horrified. "Mum? Where did you get that." Zola asked.
"I'm the bathroom bin." Meredith asked. Zola turned to Ellis and said. "If this is your idea of a joke then I swear to god I will kill you." Ellis looked surprised. She shrugged and looked away.
It was nearly 20 minutes of intense staring later Bailey spoke up. "Look I think we can all agree that it isn't mine so I'm gonna leave now. Have fun doing whatever it is you are doing." He said as he left. At this point Addison came downstairs and instantly sensed the tension. She looked to Zola who just shrugged and Ellis did the same. "Mer?" Addison said. Meredith just showed her the stick. Addison's eyes widened and then she said. "Well I have work to do so I'm just gonna go. Um yeah good luck." She left in a hurry. She didn't like tension and she knew that the argument that followed this would be massive.
It had now been about an hour and all of Ellis's friends had left now leaving only Zola and Ellis. Meredith hadn't said a word and yet both of them where petrified to move. They knew they would be in trouble. Zola and Ellis had been making eye contact for a while and had managed to have a conversation. They had figured out who it belonged to but Meredith still stood over them unaware of the secret conversation.
The three of them had been sat in silence for over 2 hours now and finally the person who the stick belonged to stood up. "It was mine." They said.
It was about three weeks later and Zola and Meredith where meeting Addison at the hospital. It was time for Zola's abortion. They walked down the stairs and reaches the little room where it would happen.
"Are you sure this is what you want." Meredith said. Zola nodded. The abortion when as planned and Zola went back to work the next day. Meredith was proud of her for owning up even if it did take 2 hours of silence and tension to make her do it.
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