1 What's one wattpad goal?
To be able to share my works with as many people as possible
2 Are you still surprised when you get a new vote, follow or comment?
There is no better feeling when someone makes a comment that they like something they read and give you a pat on the back with a vote. Negative comments help too–they can make your writing better. I always look at a follower's page–they might have something interesting to read and I'll follow back.
3 What's your favorite movie?
Avatar for superb visual effects. Dances With Wolves just for the sheer beauty of it. Disney/Pixar for enjoyment.
4 What inspired you to write?
Poetry started as a away to note the Beatles and Cassius Clay but evolved into a more personal life long introspections or observations. Whiteloc used an invented Dungeons and Dragons world to create a lead character mind adventure.
5 What's the best way to handle a bully?
Talk with family and friends. Be honest. There are a lot of tools in place now to combat bullying–especially on social platforms. Do not put up with it! You have a right to be you!
6 What's your favorite holiday and why?
Labor Day because sometimes it falls on my birthday!
7 How would you celebrate a publishing deal?
Give family and friends an autographed copy and then act like the Little Red Hen.
8 What is a good piece of advice for a newcomer?
Tell a good original story. Proofread, edit repeat. Fall in love with your story. Read others in your genre. Utilize feedback you receive to hone your writing skills.
9 What's your favorite snack?
My own recipe for homemade chocolate chip cookies.
10 What is your favorite book?
Tough. Have three: Lord Of The Rings, Hunger Games, Divergent. Guess I like trilogies.
11 What is your favorite thing about wattpad?
Having a platform to use to create literary works and share instantly.
request time
Whiteloc takes place in a world where majik is the technology. It is the story of a young woman who overcomes obstacles to learn the complexity of her task that was assigned at graduation. Through this task she learns, along with her friends, of her musical ability, the complex past of the world she lives in, and through her heart she can do anything,
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