Chapter 3 (Oops)

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You were waiting till Marcus comes back so you just go on your phone literally

one second later Marcus walks in with two plates. You 2 were eating tacos 🌮

"So how did it go?" You asked "Not very well." Marcus said. "What happened!?" You asked "So as you know I went downstairs to get food and Martinus was there too. So basically he asked why I grabbed two plates of food I just said I was really hungry and he believed me but then he said is it okay if I come at your room in like 5 mins and I was like okay so now he comes in 5 minutes!!!" Marcus explained. "OMG" you kinda screamed. You heard footsteps.. it was Martinus!! Well you know you and Marcus just stayed calm because it was a kind of prank. Martinus opened the door
And his jaw dropped "Y/N WHY THE HECK ARE YOU HERE?!" Martinus screams. "Hey Martinus" you say flirty.

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