THE ONE | Drarry |

THE ONE | Drarry |

257,418 6,209 36

Draco Malfoy's mother is a pureblood veela and his father a vampire. His 16th birthday is coming up and he has to find out why Harry Potter's blood smells sweet to him. Meanwhile Harry is battling his own mind because he wants to tell his friends that he is bisexual but he doesn't know how they will react.Also Harry hopes that in his 6th year he'll find THE ONE he was looking for after he realizes that he is not who he thought he was. !DISCLAIMER! I do not own the Harry Potter franchise it belongs to JK Rowling.I originally got this idea from another drarry story so don't attack me if you know that story... The owner of said story is Drarryspotter (sorry if I got the name wrong)TW:Mentions-abuse…

A Veela and his Neko

A Veela and his Neko

541,083 16,173 23

The trywizard trials have just ended. You'd think Harry would be relieved. But what if he isn't?Find out what happens when his true feelings come out and his inheritance comes in.Draco's inheritance just came in and he needs to know who his mate is. But what'll happen when he finds out?Read to see :3Want to point out that the cover of this book was drawn by Qinni on DeviantArt. Their art is really cool and you should head over there and check them out!…

His little Neko

His little Neko

453,574 10,180 19

After a terrible beating on his fifteenth birthday, Harry goes into an early creature inheritance inorder to survive. When he wakes up with ears and a tail, he is sure his life is done with. Finding out he has a mate after being summoned to Gringotts, might be his only chance at escaping his living hell alive.Draco has known for quite some time that he was a gay dominant veela, so when he woke up one night withering in pain, he knew it was his mate coming into their inheritance. When he gets called to Gringotts, he knows his life will change forever; he just didn't know who with.Warning!! This book will have offensive words in it. That is not me condoning the use of any of these words.…

Mmm daddy

Mmm daddy

47,484 618 14

This is a DracoxHarry aka Drarry story and it most likely to be kinky so if you dont like it dont read it…

Save Me

Save Me

50,074 1,155 8

Harry has been abused since the war not to mention he just got his inheritance. He has been severly depressed since the war and eventually just gives up until he gets a letter. He dreads going back to hogwarts for an eighth year especially now that he's a submissive and dominates are on the search for open mates. He gets threats all over and is hexed until an unexpected dom. courts him. How will this end read to find out.…

Veela's Loves

Veela's Loves

6,092 127 9

This takes after the war, Harry was suffering from ptsd, and was abuse by his muggle family, draco was gay and only his freinds knew. Draco come in his inheritance and found out that he is a Veela, he has to find his mate.Harry also goes into his inheritiance and uncovers some secerts that was hidden from him. Draco is changed but what about Lucius and Narcissa? Will they accept Harry as Draco's mate? Will Draco be able to help Harry from his mental issuesFIND ALL THE ANSWERS IN THE STORY AND SHIPS IN THE STORY#drarry#romine#severuxremus#lucuisxnarcissa…

Be My Wings {drarry}

Be My Wings {drarry}

967,295 24,404 33

Draco is a veela, and Harry is an inherited werewolf.{drarry- boyxboy. (very) sub draco, dom harry. don't like, don't read.}…

Potter twins

Potter twins

420 9 4

Amelia and Harry Potter, twins one with her mothers hair the other with his father's hair both born with their mother's eyes. Bright green eyes seem to run more in the Potter-Evan family. Harry and Amelia given to their aunt and uncle to take care of them then send them off to Hogwarts.Slytherin AU, Drarry AU, Lesbian Hermione, Herlia AU,…

I Need Time (Drarry) (Book Two Of Kidnapped Series)

I Need Time (Drarry) (Book Two Of Kidnapped Series)

14,204 441 18

Sequel to Kidnapped. Harry has ignored Draco for weeks, slowly killing himself in the process. When Harry goes on the most dangerous mission yet he gets possesed. Will Harry be able to stop a war from starting?Draco has to find Harry and kill him. If he fails Voldemort will kill Harry and himself. Draco needs to save Harry and himself before its too late. Will Draco be able to save his mate?Will these two boys be able to prevent a war before it begins?…

Unexpected Mates

Unexpected Mates

29,868 757 16

Draco Malfoy is a Veela and Harry Potter is his mate. See how growing-up, new friendships and unexpected revelations can change the outcome of a war. Set in sixth year…

A Veela's Mate || Draco Malfoy

A Veela's Mate || Draco Malfoy

822,380 21,865 70

Draco Malfoy has always known he was a Veela. His father had been preparing him for years for his sixteenth birthday, for him to finally come into his inheritance. Right before his sixth year, that finally happened. Going back to Hogwarts, he had one goal. To find his mate, the person he would spend the rest of his life with. But no preparation could have prepared him for the girl who would become his mate.Enemy's become friends. And friends become enemies. Nobody's ready for the outcome.(ᴅɪꜱᴄᴏɴᴛɪɴᴜᴇᴅ)[fem!harry potter x draco malfoy]Creature Inheritance Story…

Draco's suffering

Draco's suffering

160,135 4,351 47

When Draco is in his sixth year at hogwarts, at sixteen, before he leaves, his father, Lucius Malfoy, beats him to try to get him to do better in his classes, but really, all that that does is send Draco into a mass of emotional and mental instability. Finally, will everyone at hogwarts see Draco for who he really is, and his father for who he really is? Or, will Draco continue to be forced to live a life doing things and acting ways he does not believe in.(Warning: This does not follow anywhere close to the story line of the books)…

Mated to Malfoy Unedited

Mated to Malfoy Unedited

522,855 10,386 17

A Dramione Veela story. Enjoy :)Disclaimer- I don't own the Harry Potter characters. I own the plot.-Kaylie…

The Riddle's Love

The Riddle's Love

19,213 531 11

What if, on that fateful Halloween night at Godric's Hollow, Remus and Sirius were able to take their young godsons Harry and Fenriz Potter to Potter Manor and raise them there, away from the wizarding world?What if Harry's brother Fenriz attended Ilvermorny instead of Hogwarts until he and Harry's sixth year?What if Voldemort had two sons who are Harry and Fenriz's age, and Slytherin princes?And what if they set their eyes on Harry's brother?Oh, and I'm making Hogwarts go for nine years rather than seven, with the Tri-Wizard tournament happening in their seventh year.Creature inheritances will happen in times of intense emotions such as anger or joy after a witch or wizards eighteenth birthday…

[Drarry]Potter luôn có thể làm mọi chuyện tồi tệ hơn

[Drarry]Potter luôn có thể làm mọi chuyện tồi tệ hơn

31,826 2,440 9

Editor: Hàn Dã Au: digthewriterVăn án: Hẹn hò với một Veela là một việc cần chú ý. Phần lớn Veela có tính chiếm hữu rất cao đối với bạn đời của mình. Nó đúng, nhưng, khi một Veela yêu một người mà lại không nhận ra thì đó là khởi đầu của câu chuyện của chúng ta.…

Kidnapped (Drarry)

Kidnapped (Drarry)

147,432 3,950 26

Harry potter gets kidnapped by death eaters. When a vampire tried to kill Harry but turns him into a vampire his entire world is flipped upside down.Draco Malfoy goes into his creature inheritance as a veela. When he finds out his mate is Harry potter he immediately feels sorry for the boy. Both boys lives are upside down. How will they handle all the turns of their new lives and relationship.…

I'm a veela? She a Greengrass girl? (Dramione and Blinny story)

I'm a veela? She a Greengrass girl? (Dramione and Blinny story)

330,792 7,134 33

what happens when Hermione finds what she a Veela and she also a Zabini? What happens when Ginny finds out she was adopted? read to find out what is going to happen to these to best friends. what happens when Draco finds out he part Veela and haves to find his mate before his 20th birthday?what happens when Blaise finds out he a Veela and has a sister out there that doesn't know who she is?read to find out what is going to these best friends. I DONT OWN ANY OF THE CHARACTER THEY BELONG TO J. K. ROWLING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…

Dramione - What Can 2 Veelas Do To Hogwarts ???

Dramione - What Can 2 Veelas Do To Hogwarts ???

496,428 8,708 17

Blaise and Draco are veelas and they only have 31 days to find their mates, what could go wrong ? Every girl falls at their feet apart from two girls. The answer is hidden beneath the pages take a peak to see what becomes of tweo veelas and two angry mates !!!! Blaise Zabini - Ginny Weasley Draco Malfoy - Hermione Granger finished…