"I'm going now, a-jie!" Jiang Cheng shouted as he ran out of the gates of the Lotus Pier.
"Why is it showing you?" asked Wei Wuxian.
"How would I know?" asked Jiang Cheng.
"Where are you going?" asked Jin Zixuan.
"Why are you asking me?" asked Jiang Cheng.
"What's with all the question?" asked Nie Huaisang.
"You four shut up. You're making my head hurts." said Nie Mingjue with a glare.
"Be careful, a-cheng. Be back before dawn." said Jiang Yanli as she watched his brother's retreating back.
"Where is he going, shijie?" Wei Wuxian asked as he just arrived at the gates.
"He's going to meet up with his lover." said Jiang Yanli with a smile.
"Oh, instead of showing me carrying Lan Zhan, it will show my brother's date instead." said Wei Wuxian with a grin.
"Why?" asked Jiang Cheng.
"It can show everything but why did it decided to show such thing?" he added.
"Because it's important." laughed Wei Wuxian.
"He didn't bring me?" asked Wei Wuxian.
"Why?" asked Jiang Yanli.
"Shijie, how could he leave me here?" Wei Wuxian asked dramatically.
"Why would I bring you with me?" asked Jisng Cheng.
"It's a date, Wei-xiong. Of course, Jiang-xiong won't bring you?" laughed Nie Huaisang.
"Poor little me." said Wei Wuxian dramatically.
"He will go on a date, a-xian. So, if you're the one who is having a date, will you bring him?" asked Jiang Yanli.
"No." answered Wei Wuxian.
"But he must bring me." he added.
"That's impossible." said Jiang Cheng.
"A-xian is acting like a kid again." laughed Jiang Yanli.
"He always does." said Jiang Cheng as Wei Wuxian grinned at him.
"Now, now, lets just let him for now, okay?" asked Jiang Yanli.
"Next time, I will ask him to bring you if that's what a-xian likes." she added as he dragged Wei Wuxian and lead him to the kitchen.
"I prepared food for you knowing that you will throw a tantrum about it." she said and Wei Wuxian happily sat on the chair and waited for his food.
"You're spoiling him." said Jiang Cheng.
"XianXian loves to be spoiled." laughed Jiang Yanli.
"That's because shijie loves me more." said Wei Wuxian.
"Really? A-jie loves me more." said Jiang Cheng.
"I love the both of you, equally." said Jiang Yanli as her brothers started to fight.
The two continue talking while eating while on the other hand, Jiang Cheng is walking down on the empty and secluded street of Yunmeng.
"So you're just going to have a date around Yunmeng? What if I decided to follow you?" asked Wei Wuxian.
"I don't think so. A-jie won't let you." said Jiang Cheng.
"And at least give us some privacy." he added.
He was wearing a simple black robe with a little bit of purple, as usual his hair is on a bun and a trademark scowl is present on his face.
"Wanyin!" someone shouted and he was inside a tight embrace within a second.
"Damn, I didn't expect that." laughed Nie Huaisang.
"Why are you shouting?" asked Jiang Cheng.
"Maybe, brother-in-law just missed you." laughed Wei Wuxian.
"No need to shout." said Jiang Cheng.
"I miss you!" Lan Xichen exclaimed hugging Jiang Cheng more tightly.
"Lets go to the town." he said as he dragged Jiang Cheng into the bustling town.
"Why are you so hyper tonight?" asked Jiang Cheng.
"Yeah, why?" asked Jiang Cheng.
"That's strange." said Wei Wuxian.
The juniors looked at one another.
"Wanyin." Lan Xichen only said with a chuckle.
Lan Xichen intertwined their hands as they roam around the town buying everything that captured Lan Xichen's interest.
"That's just normal." said Lan Xichen.
"No, it's not." said Jingyi.
"What do you mean?" asked Jiang Cheng.
"Lets just watch." said Jingyi.
"Hey Lan Huan, why don't you try this?" Jiang Cheng asked showing a red-colored soup which is no doubt a spicy one.
"Lan Huan?" questioned Wei Wuxian.
"You call him in his birth name." he added.
"What's wrong with that?" asked Jiang Cheng.
"Nothing. I like it." said Lan Xichen.
"But, do you know what's wrong?" asked Nie Huaisang.
Jiang Cheng gave him a look.
"You're feeding him a spicy food." said Nie Huaisang.
"And?" asked Jiang Cheng.
"Is there any problem with that?" he added.
"No, there is none." said Lan Xichen.
"See, there is none." said Jiang Cheng with a smug.
"This is one of the best cuisine here in Yunmeng." he added as he raised the spoon towards Lan Xichen's lips.
"My brother is so sweet." teased Wei Wuxian.
Jiang Cheng frowned at him.
"I pray for Xichen-ge's tongue." laughed Nie Huaisang.
Lan Xichen immediately opened his mouth to have a taste only to frown when the taste burned his tongue.
"Is it bad?" asked Jiang Cheng and Lan Xichen shook his head but his face and neck is slowly turning red making Jiang Cheng panic.
"Poor Xichen-ge." laughed Nie Huaisang.
"It's okay, Wanyin." said Lan Xichen as he hugged the man.
"A Lan will do everything for their lover." laughed Wen Rouhan.
"First time I saw ChengCheng panicked eh." laughed Wei Wuxian.
"That's because I'm not like you." said Jiang Cheng with a glare.
"What's wrong? Is it that spicy?" he asked.
"Not really, it's just something I can't take, I guess." said Lan Xichen with a smile.
"Stop lying." Jiang Cheng said with a frown.
"Stay here, I'll get you a water. Don't move, wait for me." he said before running away to get some water.
"You cared for him so much, huh." said Meng Yao.
"We're lovers after all." said Jiang Cheng.
"You're really bold when it comes to him but can't take my teasing." said Wei Wuxian.
"I'm just telling the truth." said Jiang Cheng.
"For once, let a-cheng to be like that." laughed Jiang Yanli.
"He's not like that all the time." she added.
Holding a cup of water, Jiang Cheng ran back to where he left his lover only to frown when the man is not in sight.
"Where is he?" he asked as he looked around.
"I told him to stay here." he mumbled as he keep on looking around.
"You made him worried, brother-in-law." laughed Wei Wuxian.
"Where did he go?" asked Jiang Cheng.
"I didn't know about this." said Jingyi.
"Surely, Xichen will stay there if his lover want him to." said Qingheng-jun.
"Why am I having a bad feeling?" asked Jiang Cheng.
A moment later, a loud cry of a kid erupted and murmurs are going around the area. Curious, Jiang Cheng walks towards the commotion only to see a kid crying while tugging the robe of a man standing in front of him.
"The f*ck!" he cursed when he saw that Lan Xichen is the one who is standing in front of a kid and happily munching on a tanghulu.
"What the heck?!" cursed Jiang Cheng.
Some people are laughing out loud.
"Uhm a-die, are you drunk?" asked Jingyi.
"I will never drink an alcohol, a-yi." said Lan Xichen.
"I have a feeling that you're drunk." said Jingyi.
"Well, if he's drunk then this is my brother-in-law's drunk behavior?" asked Wei Wuxian.
"It's much more better than your Lan Wangji." said Jiang Cheng.
"At least he didn't hurt someone physically." he added.
"He took the kid's food." said the woman beside him.
"Poor kid." said a man.
"Is no one gonna stop him? The kid looks his going to cry his heart out." said another woman.
"But, why did he do that?" asked a man.
"Well, my Lan Zhan doesn't steal food." said Wei Wuxian.
"Did he really?" asked Jiang Cheng.
"Yeah." answered Jingyi.
"Don't drink alcohol." Jiang Cheng said to Lan Xichen who only smiled at him.
"Whatever Wanyin wants." he said as he snuggled closer to his lover.
Jiang Cheng pressed the center of his forehead and decided to buy another tanghulu for the kid as he apologized profusely to it's mother who only smiled at him.
Seeing that the situation was solved, the crowd disperse all at once.
He turned to glare at Lan Xichen who was still munching on the food and smiling at him.
"Yeah, a-die is really drunk." said Jingyi.
"He will never act like that if he's normal." he added.
"Brother-in-law is quite lucky, ChengCheng didn't shouted at him in rage." said Wei Wuxian.
"Looks like a-cheng is quite calm when he's with Xichen." said Jiang Yanli with a smile.
"Didn't I told you stay where you are earlier?" he asked.
"But, Wanyin. The kid seemed to like this so much." Lan Xichen said.
"That you decided to take it?" asked Jiang Cheng.
"I didn't. I asked him first before taking it." said Lan Xichen.
"Did he said yes?" asked Jiang Cheng.
"I didn't expect Xichen-ge to do that." laughed Nie Huaisang.
"Have you never eaten tanghulu that you've even took the kid's food?" asked Jiang Cheng.
"Sweets aren't allowed in Lan Sect, a-niang." said Jingyi.
"Really? No wonder that you guys are so bland." said Wei Wuxian.
"Except my Lan Zhan." he added.
Lan Xichen smiled at him making him close his eyes and took a deep breath.
"Wanyin." said Lan Xichen and hugged him as if he is apologizing.
"A-cheng isn't mad, Xichen." said Jiang Yanli.
"Looks like Xichen-ge's patience is affecting Jiang-xiong." said Nie Huaisang.
"Isn't my brother-in-law so sweet." laughed Wei Wuxian.
"Jealous?" asked Jiang Cheng.
"Will never." said Wei Wuxian.
"Zewu-jun, if you do that agai-" he was suddenly cut off by a hand that covered his mouth.
"Lan Huan, my darling not Zewu-jun." said Lan Xichen and kissed Jiang Cheng's forehead.
"Whatever." said Jiang Cheng as he forcefully removed Lan Xichen's hand on his mouth.
"I prefer you calling me by my birth name, Wanyin." said Lan Xichen.
"You're the only one who is allowed to call me that." he added.
"Okay then, Lan Huan." said Jiang Cheng.
"It seemed like you hold a power when you call him like that." laughed Wei Wuxian.
"That's what we call 'Power Bottom', Wei-daijiu." said Jin Ling.
"What's that?" asked Wei Wuxian.
"Like you and jiujiu, you can take control of your top which is your husband." said Jin Ling.
"Of course, I can make Lan Zhan do whatever I want." said Wei Wuxian.
"Nothing good is coming from it." said Jiang Cheng.
"Do you like it?" he asked referring to the sweet.
Lan Xichen nodded his head aggressively like a kid. Seing that, Jiang Cheng decided to buy more tanghulu for him.
"ChengCheng is spoiling his lover." teased Wei Wuxian.
"So sweet of you, Wanyin." said Lan Xichen.
"Only that time, that won't happen again." said Jiang Cheng.
"Don't be a killjoy, a-niang besides you really do that most of the time." said Jingyi.
They continue roaming around while Lan Xichen is talking with his unusual loud voice that sometimes received a glance from other people.
"Wanyin, Wanyin, Wanyin." said Lan Xichen excitedly.
"I like this version of brother-in-law." laughed Wei Wuxian.
"So childish." he added.
"That's because Lan Wangji will never act like that." said Jiang Cheng.
"What?" asked Jiang Cheng.
"That looks fun." said Lan Xichen pointing at the people riding a small boat.
"Yeah, it is." said Jiang Cheng.
"Can we try?" asked Lan Xichen.
"No." answered Jiang Cheng.
Lan Xichen expression saddened at once.
"Don't make your lover sad, ChengCheng." Wei Wuxian teased.
"Wuxian is right, Wanyin." said Lan Xichen.
"Stop. Have you forgot that we are in Yunmeng?" asked Jiang Cheng.
"Can we do that next time, Wanyin?" asked Lan Xichen.
"Only if you knew how to swim." said Jiang Cheng.
"You'll teach me?" asked Lan Xichen.
"No." said Jiang Cheng making Lan Xichen poit at him.
"I can see some of our disciples there." Jiang Cheng added and Lan Xichen only pouted at him.
"Wanyin." he said.
Jiang Cheng gave him a glare but Lan Xichen looked at him with a puppy eyes.
"Brother-in-law knows what to do." laughed Wei Wuxian.
"That won't work." said Jiang Cheng.
"You're not sure." said Wei Wuxian.
Jiang Cheng closes his eyes. He can fight everything but not this. Puppies and dogs are his weakness after all.
"See." said Wei Wuxian.
"No wonder, a-die always told me to make such face to convince a-niang." laughed Jingyi.
"And that won't work anymore." said Jiang Cheng with a glare.
"Wanyin, please. Hmm Wanyin. Wanyin. Wanyin. Wanyin." said Lan Xichen as he shakes Jiang Cheng.
Jiang Cheng could only gave him a glare before nodding his head. Lan Xichen beamed and hugged Jiang Cheng tightly while saying thank you.
"My Wanyin loves me so much." said Lan Xichen as he kissed Jiang Cheng on the cheeks.
Jiang Cheng blushed hearing that.
"You know what, you're acting strange tonight." he said.
Lan Xichen only titled his head at him.
'Adorable.' he thought.
"Wanyin called me adorable." said Lan Xichen.
"No, you're not." said Jiang Cheng.
"But you did thought of me like that." laughed Lan Xichen.
Jiang Cheng sends him a glare.
"No need to deny it, my Wanyin." said Lan Xichen and hugged the man.
He lead the way towards the pier to borrow a boat.
He was talking to the owner of a boat when suddenly someone pushed the man so hard that he falls to the lake.
"Mister!" he shouted and ready to help the man when suddenly he was yanked back.
"No." said Lan Xichen in a cold voice.
"See, ChengCheng. He also hurt a person physically." laughed Wei Wuxian.
"Was it a trait of twin jades to hit or kick a person who is talking to their lovers when they're drunk?" asked MianMian with a laugh.
"Poor old man." said Nie Huaisang.
Jiang Cheng was glaring at Lan Xichen.
"Why did you do that?" asked Jiang Cheng.
"He's talking to you." said Lan Xichen.
"That's because I'm talking to him." said Jiang Cheng.
"I don't want you to talk to him." said Lan Xichen.
"Ahh so possessive." said Nie Huaisang.
"So you're going to hit every people I will talk to?" asked Jiang Cheng.
"It depends." answered Lan Xichen.
"Only when he's drunk, a-niang." said Jingyi.
"How can we borrow a boat when I won't talk to him?" asked Jiang Cheng in anger.
Lan Xichen was looking down like he has been reprimanded.
"Now, he's mad." laughed Wei Wuxian.
"Maybe that's the last straw of his patience." laughed Jin Zixuan.
"Nothing's funny." said Jiang Cheng with a frown.
"Wanyin, did I do something wrong?" he asked.
"Yes, you did." answered Jiang Cheng.
Seeing the rage in Jiang Cheng's eyes, a tear fall down on Lan Xichen's cheek.
"Damn, I didn't expect that." said Wei Wuxian.
"Xiongzhang." called Lan Wangji as he glared at Jiang Cheng.
"I didn't do anything." said Jiang Cheng.
"I'm sorry." he said with a sob making Jiang Cheng gaped at him.
"Why are you crying?" he asked.
"I made you mad." answered Lan Xichen.
"Are you for real?" he asked.
Lan Xichen was now crying and Jiang Cheng was dumbfounded. He immediately hugged the man.
"You need to comfort him, ChengCheng." said Wei Wuxian.
"A-die only cried for a-niang." laughed Jingyi.
"Wanyin made me cry." said Lan Xichen.
Jiang Cheng only gave him a look.
"I'm not even reprimanding you." he said.
"Maybe, a drunk Lan Xichen is emotional that even a normal anger of a-cheng made him cry." said Jiang Yanli.
"That's just how he spoke." she added.
"I'm not mad." he said.
"So I can play?" asked Lan Xichen.
"What play?" asked Jiang Cheng.
"Boat." answered Lan Xichen.
"That's how fast brother-in-law changed his emotions." laughed Wei Wuxian.
"Let your lover be, he just want to play." he added and Lan Xichen was embarrassed.
"What is he? A kid?" asked Jiang Cheng.
"A drunk person act like their inner self." said Jiang Yanli.
"And Xichen's inner self is a childish one." she added.
"Why are you acting like this?" asked Jiang Cheng.
"Are you drunk?" he added.
"No, I'm not." answered Lan Xichen.
"Alcohol is forbidden, Wanyin." he added.
"I don't believe you." said Jiang Cheng as he leaned towards Lan Xichen to smell the man.
"And here I thought you're going to kiss him." said Wei Wuxian.
"And why would I?" asked Jiang Cheng.
"I want to see that. Don't be selfish, Jiang-xiong." said Nie Huaisang.
"I myself don't want to see that." said Jiang Cheng.
"Yes, you are." he said.
"Who is the last person you're with?" he asked.
"My best friend and his brother." Lan Xichen answered.
"It might be Huaisang." Jiang Cheng mumbled.
"No wonder you're acting like this." he added.
Jiang Cheng looked at Nie Huaisang.
"That is really my doing." said Nie Huaisang.
"I want to know how he do that." said Wei Wuxian.
"Maybe I changed the tea into wine on a teapot since da-ge doesn't like tea." said Nie Huaisang with a laugh.
"You just gave me an idea, Nie-xiong." said Wei Wuxian with a grin.
"Young Master Jiang, are you going to take the boat or not?" asked the owner who is wet from head to toe.
"I will. Don't let my parents find out about any of this." said Jiang Cheng and the man only nod his head.
The man leave from there seeing the deadly glare that Lan Xichen was giving him thinking to himself, 'What a jealous man? He must've loved Young Master Jiang so much that he even hated me just for talking to him. Youngsters nowadays, I hope that they will end up together forever. He made Young Master Jiang happy even if he doesn't show it.'
"Yeah, I love Wanyin so much." said Lan Xichen.
"Oh shut up." said Jiang Cheng while blushing so hard.
"Come, a-huan." said Jiang Cheng as he help Lan Xichen on the boat.
He row the boat to the middle of the lake for a beautiful view of his home, the Lotus Pier.
"A-huan? That's so sweet, ChengCheng." said Wei Wuxian.
"Maybe I should also call Lan Zhan as a-zhan." he added.
"Mn." said Lan Wangji.
"You like it?" asked Wei Wuxian.
"Mn. I like it." said Lan Wangji making Wei Wuxian beamed in happiness.
"It's so beautiful here, my Wanyin." said Lan Xichen.
"Of course, it's Lotus Pier after all." said Jiang Cheng with pride.
"Lotus Pier is so beautiful." said a Jiang disciple.
"I want to experience that, Wanyin." said Lan Xichen.
"We can do that brother-in-law when we're out of here. We can have a triple date."
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