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"Hey guys, it's showing something again." yelled Jingyi.

"Now what is it?" asked Wei Wuxian.

After Wei Wuxian returned to Yunmeng, Jiang Cheng and Nie Huaisang are always together most of the time especially when causing troubles because even if Wei Wuxian wasn't there Nie Huaisang still love to cause troubles dragging Jiang Cheng with him.

"That's nice, Nie-xiong drag him to whatever trouble you will make." said Nue Huaisang.

"I thought that you returning to Yunmeng will make me focused on my studies." said Jiang Cheng.

"There's still one gremlin left." he added.

"When the f*ck are you going to focus on your studies?" asked Jiang Cheng.

"Aiyoo Jiang-xiong, we only have short time left here so why not enjoy?" asked Nie Huaisang back.

"Let me tell you, if you got caught by any Lans I will not help you out." said Jiang Cheng before storming off.

"Since a-xian isn't there, a-cheng next target for his nagging is you, Nie-gongzi." said Jiang Yanli with a chuckle.

"I wonder how I could survive it." said Nie Huaisang.

"What a grumpy friend I have. Jiang-xiong, if you continue being like that no one will fall inlove with you." said Nie Huaisang, running after the man.

"That's were you're wrong, Nie-xiong." said Wei Wuxian with a tease.

"Shut up." shouted Jiang Cheng.

The two continue to tease him.

Since they have no classes today, they decided to spend their time on the mountain, playing.

"Why is that man doing here?" asked Jiang Cheng seeing Jin Zixuan talking to one of the Nie disciple.

"How I wish I was there." said Wei Wuxian.

"Whose fault?" asked Jiang Cheng.

"Don't tell me Jin Zixuan is going to join." said Wei Wuxian.

"Huaisang invited me." Jin Zixuan answered.

Jiang Cheng looked at Nie Huaisang who is hiding his behind his fan.

"I want Jin-xiong to join today because eversince we started hanging out we didn't invited him even once." explained Nie Huaisang.

"That's because he is so arrogant." said Jiang Cheng.

"And we are not in good relationship." said Wei Wuxian.

"And?" asked Jiang Cheng.

"This must be our last time playing so why not make it memorable. Jin-xiong also agreed with me to have today." said Nie Huaisang.

"Then what are we going to do?" asked Jiang Cheng.

"I suggest we play hide and seek!" exclaimed Nie Huaisang.

"Such a boring game." said Jiang Cheng.

"I don't think I will enjoy that." said Jin Zixuan.

"But I feel like it's going to be interesting." said Nie Huaisang.

"I think so too." agreed Wei Wuxian.

"Really? Do I look like a kid?" asked Jiang Cheng in disbelief.

"I like that game so why not?" asked one of their friends.

"So lame." said Jiang Cheng and Jin Zixuan at the same time.

"Oh come on." whined Nie Huaisang, tugging at the robe of the two men.

"I won't stop until I make two you agree with me." he said and tugging the robes more harder.

"You look like their younger brother." said MianMian.

"Please agree, hide and seek is fun to play." said Nie Huaisang.

"You look so childish." said Jiang Cheng.

"Are you planning to strip us?" asked Jiang Cheng in a loud voice but Nie Huaisang didn't listen to him.

"Don't even try, Huaisang. Shuoyue awaits on you." said Lan Xichen with a calm smile.

"I will not do anything, Xichen-ge." said Nie Huaisang, gulping nervously as he hide his face behind his fan.

The two men looked at one another then sighed.

"Fine, but who is gonna look?" asked Jiang Cheng.

"Jin-xiong since he is new to the group." said Nie Huaisang and Jin Zixuan stared at him in disbelief.

"Don't let him find you easily." said Wei Wuxian.

"That I'm sure of." said Jiang Cheng.

Jin Zixuan huffed at them.

"Fine with me." said Jiang Cheng.

Jin Zixuan just grumbled and they started talking about the mechanics of the game. They are only allowed to hide inside the premises of Cloud Recesses and one is not allowed to hide near another player and no one is allowed to quit in the middle of the game.

"Understand?" asked Nie Huaisang.

"That was just easy." said Wei Wuxian.

"At least we get to enjoy." said Jiang Cheng making Wei Wuxian pout.

Jiang Cheng just huffed while the others nodded.

"Okay, lets start. And Jin-xiong please don't cheat." said Nie Huaisang before running away when Jin Zixuan face a huged tree while closing his eyes and started counting.

Jiang Cheng picked up a small pebble and throw it to Jin Zixuan before scurrying away.

"Nice one, ChengCheng." said Wei Wuxian while laughing out loud.

"Mean." said Jin Zixuan.

Jiang Yanli just chuckled seeing the scene. How she wish that his brothers will learn to accept his future husband.

After running for two minutes, Jiang Cheng found himself in a place full of tall trees and mist covered the area.

"Where the f*ck am I?" asked Jiang Cheng and continue walking.

"Deserved. Because you're mean, that's why you deserve to get lost." said Jin Zixuan.

"Oh shut up." said Jiang Cheng.

"I think I know this place." said Wei Wuxian and Nie Huaisang nodded.

Jiang Cheng was busy observing the area that he even forget that he was in the middle of the game. He saw a spring covered with mist and he can't see anything. 'What the f*ck is this place'. He was still roaming when he suddenly hear some voices of his friends and knowing that any minute from now he will get caught so he took a step backwards towards the spring.

"Spring? He's in the cold spring!" exclaimed Jin Ling.

"Lets just pray that no one is taking a bath that time." said Zizhen.

He continued to step back until he can't hear the voices of his friends.

"What a loser?!" he said and he was already standing at the edge of the spring.

"Who is it?" he jumped hearing the voice and because of that, his foot slipped and he saw himself falling into the water.

"A-cheng!" shouted Jiang Yanli.

"I won't die, a-jie. I'm used on falling into the water." said Jiang Cheng.

"Seems like our prayer didn't worked." said Zizhen and Jin Ling nodded.

Jingyi looked at his father who is focusing intently at the screen.

He closed his eyes and prepared himself for the impact but after a minute he didn't feel anything so he opened his eyes and he saw that he was enveloped by a pair of strong arms.

He looked up to see who it was and he was shocked seeing the face of one and only Zewu-jun a.k.a. Lan Xichen.

"The f*ck!" cursed Jiang Cheng.

"Damn. I told you something interesting will happen." said Nie Huaisang.

Lan Xichen was happy for catching his husband from falling.

'Zewu-jun? Lan Xichen? Don't tell me this is the cold spring. Why am I here? To embarrass myself? F*ck this is so embarrassing'

"Jiang-gongzi." said the man and Jiang Cheng finally noticed that Lan Xichen's face was so close to his.

"Oh God! They look so sweet!" exclaimed MianMian together with other female disciples.

"Why does me and Lan Zhan didn't experienced this?" asked Wei Wuxian.

Jiang Cheng was blushing so hard.

"Ze-zewu-jun p-put me down." he said and he mentally cursed himself for stuttering.

"Here?" asked the man and his brows furrowed.

"Where do you think?" he asked with a clear sassiness in his voice and the man chuckled and slowly lowered him.

"Meet the other personality of my brother." said Wei Wuxian.

"Jiang-xiong being sassy looks so hot." said Nie Huaisang but immediately shut up seeing the look that Lan Xichen is giving him.

Feeling the coldness seeping through his robes into his body he immediately held the man's arms shouting, "Stop! It's cold."

"It's cold, it's cold, its cold." he keep muttering.

Wei Wuxian and Nie Huaisang started teasing him again.

"Look at how you clutch his arms. It seems like you're looking for protection." said Wei Wuxian.

"Like his life is depended on it." said Nie Huaisang.

"Oh for f*ck sake shut up." yelled Jiang Cheng.

Lan Xichen put him at the edge of the spring saying, "Wait here."

Jiang Cheng was silent and looking down to avoid looking at him.

"Can I ask what are you doing here, Jiang-gongzi?" asked Lan Xichen.

"To watch you bathing." said Wei Wuxian making the two men blush.

"I am not shameless as you." said Jiang Cheng while hiding his face.

Hearing that, he looked up only to see the man standing a few meter away from him. He was tall and slender, a drop of water rolled down his pale-colored skin down to his trousers and he gulped. How is he so f*cking hot?!

"Damn. He's so hot." said the females dreamily.

"Oh someone already claimed him." said Jingyi shattering the females' dreams.

"Jiang Cheng admitted it that you're hot, brother-in-law." said Wei Wuxian.

"Wanyin thinks I'm hot." Lan Xichen said, teasing the man.

"Shut up!" shouted Jiang Cheng and Lan Xichen hugged him to hide his embarrassed face.

He looked up only to meet with a dark but genle eyes and his face flushed red. He immediately looked away and stood up.

"I'm sorry for disturbing your bath, Zewu-jun. I didn't mean to do it." he said before running away.

"Eh? Your robes are wet." said Lan Xichen but the man was already far.

"Why did you run away?" asked Wei Wuxian.

"It's not like your husband will be mad at you." said Nie Huaisang.

"It's okay if Wanyin wants to see me while bathing." said Lan Xichen at the man inside his arms.

After that, he tried his best to avoid the man but maybe fate wasn't with him because Lan Wangji caught them breaking rules so they were punished to write the rules. Jin Zixuan and others were under the watchful eyes of Lan Qiren while Nie Huaisang was under Lan Wangji and he was punished under Lan Xichen.

"Looks like it's a plan." said Wei Wuxian.

"Xichen-ge's plan. I don't how they made Lan Qiren agree with them." said Nie Huaisang.

"Life couldn't get any worse." he muttered while walking towards Hanshi.

As he sat down, he immediately started his punishment while Lan Xichen was sitting in front of him across the table while reading a book.

After a while of writing he became tired so he stops and looked at the man in front of him who is still reading a book. How can he sit with a straight back while reading such boring book for a long time?

"It's really a trait of Yunmeng prides to stare at their lovers for a long time and comment something." said MianMian.

"If I am one of them, I will also do the same." said her friend.

Feeling the stare, Lan Xichen looked up from his book and look at him.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"N-nothing." he said with a flushed face and ran away from there.

"Why do you keep on running away?" asked Wei Wuxian.

'Wanyin looks cute.' thought Lan Xichen.

"Did Jiang-xiong finally developed a crush on him?" asked Nie Huaisang.

"I think so too. Why would he ran away then?" asked Wei Wuxian.

"Why am I running away?" he asked.

"Yeah you tell us." said Wei Wuxian and Nie Huaisang.

"Running away from what?" asked Nie Huaisang making him jump.

"You seem distracted, Jiang-xiong." said Nie Huaisang.

"He is. He finally have fallen." teased Wei Wuxian.

"Only Zewu-jun can distract him like that." said Jiang Yanli, joining his brother on teasing their youngest.

Next morning, he goes to Hanshi again to finish his punishment. As usual, Lan Xichen was reading a book so Jiang Cheng didn't bother to look at him and focused on his punishment.

'After this you won't see him again, so please bear with it'

"Why don't you want to see me again?" asked Lan Xichen to the man in his arms who is still don't want to show his face.

"I don't know?" he answered, his voice was muffled because of how hard he pressed his head on the man's chest.


"Jiang Cheng"

"Jiang Wanyin"


"Just like Wei-xiong's way of getting attention." said Nie Huaisang.

"Wh-what?" he asked, shocked because no one had ever call him with that name.

"Maybe that's the reason why only brother-in-law call him that." said Wei Wuxian.

"You're spacing out. The ink from your brush is smudging what you are writing. You have to write it again." said Lan Xichen and he looked down.

He put his brush down but it fell into his robes, dirtying it. Lan Xichen hurriedly held the ink plate which also almost fall down to his robes. Because of that sudden action, Jiang Cheng was shocked that he stood up but he stumbled into the table and he fall into Lan Xichen.

"Oh what a nice view." said Nie Huaisang.

"I will surely paint this when I get back." he added.

"Yes, please do that. I will give that to my parents' wedding anniversary." said Jingyi.

"Sure sure." said Nie Huaisang.

Jiang Cheng refused to see what's happening.

"Why does me and Lan Zhan doesn't have a scene like that?" asked Wei Wuxian who is sulking.

"The f*ck!" he cursed and suddenly the door was opened revealing the stoic face of Lan Wangji.

"My poor Lan Zhan." said Wei Wuxian.

The screen turns black again and Jiang Cheng was still hiding his face from everyone.

"You've enjoyed yourself being hugged by your husband, do you?" asked Wei Wuxian.

"He is my husband after all." said Jiang Cheng with a muffled voice.

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