After the night when they talked at the furnace, Xiao XingChen would give both of them a piece of candy everyday. Of course, A-Qing was quite pleased. Xue Yang expressed neither gratitude nor rejection toward this act, which made A-Qing angry at him for some time.
"Maybe he was just not used to it and didn't know how to show his gratitude." said Nie Huaisang.
Xiao XingChen had always been responsible for the three's meals. Since he was blind, he didn't know how to select vegetables and was too embarrassed to bargain with others. When he went out alone, it was fine if the vendors were nice, but he sometimes met vendors who purposely took advantage of his blindness. The vegetables that he brought back would be lacking in either quality or quantity. Xiao XingChen didn't care much himself, or one could say that he didn't really pay attention to the matter, but A-Qing was often infuriated. In a seething manner, she'd demand to shop for ingredients alongside Xiao XingChen. Unfortunately, even though she could see, she couldn't express anything. She didn't dare throw tantrums and knock down the stalls in front of Xiao XingChen either. This was when Xue Yang became useful. With keen eyes and a sharp tongue that came with his delinquent self, if he went outside with them, whenever they wanted to buy something, the first thing he'd do was to shamelessly bargain the price down to a half. If the vendor agreed, he'd bargain even further; if the vendor didn't, he'd put on a menacing look, and the vendors would start thinking that they were lucky somebody like him would decide to pay at all, hoping for him to leave as soon as possible. Presumably, when he was roaming freely in Kuizhou and Lanling, he probably didn't have to pay anything for the things he wanted. Now that A-Qing had her anger vented out, out of happiness, she even praised him a few times. And, thanks to the delightful candy everyday, since then, for a short length of time, a delicate peace was maintained between A-Qing and Xue Yang.
"I hate those people who take advantage of him. Glad that Xue Yang helped them or else he will lose a lot of money." said MianMian.
"His help seemed scary." said Nie Huaisang.
"At least it works. If I were him, I would've curse them until they're going to agree with me." said Jiang Cheng.
"You never bargain." said Wei Wuxian.
However, she could never let down her guard for Xue Yang. The short periods of peace were also often immediately suppressed by multiple doubts and suspicions.
One day, A-Qing was playing on the streets again, pretending to be blind. She had been playing the game for her whole life, and hadn't grown tired of it even once. As she was knocking her bamboo pole while walking around, suddenly, a voice came from behind her, "Young Maiden, if your eyes can't see, it's best if you don't run so fast."
"That voice." said Xiao Xingchen while giving Song Lan a look.
"Who could it be? Don't tell me it will be another character in scenes we are watching." said Nie Huaisang.
"The voice is familiar though." said Wei Wuxian while trying to remember.
It was the voice of a young man, which sounded rather cold. A-Qing turned around to see a tall cultivator who wore black robes, standing a few meters away from her. A sword was carried behind his back while a horsetail whisk was in his arm. With an upright posture and drifting sleeves, he had a proud, aloof air to him.
This man just happened to be Song Lan.
"Me?" asked Song Lan.
"Did he came for his best friend?" asked MianMian.
"Maybe." said Jin Zixuan.
A-Qing tilted her head. Song Lan had already walked over. Putting his whisk over A-Qing's shoulder, he led her to the side, "There are less people on the side of the road."
Wei WuXian commented, They really are good friends, aren't they? Good friends would have to be similar in character.
A-Qing tittered, "A-Qing is very thankful of Daozhang!"
Song Lan took his whisk back and held it in his arms again. He glanced at her, "Don't play around too much. The dark energy here is quite strong. In the future, be careful not to linger outside."
A-Qing, "Okay!"
"They are really the same." said MianMian.
"Even their words to maiden A-Qing are the same." she added.
"No wonder they became best of friends. They must have really understand one another even though their personality contrast." said Nie Huaisang.
"Like Wei-xiong and Jiang-xiong." he added.
"And in the future, they both have the same misunderstandings that made them broke their relationship." said Jingyi in a low voice.
"Mine and Zichen's relationship broke?" asked Xiao Xingchen.
The juniors stayed silent.
Song Lan nodded and continued walking, but A-Qing couldn't help but turn around to watch him. After he walked for a while, he stopped a passerby, "Excuse me. Has anyone seen a blind cultivator who carries a sword in the area?"
At once, A-Qing started to listen carefully. The passerby replied, "I'm not too sure. Daozhang, you can try asking the people over there."
Song Lan, "Thank you."
"He is looking for you." said Nie Huaisang.
"I don't have a good feeling about this." said Wei Wuxian.
"Me too. Looks like something big will happen that will make someone's life miserable." said Jiang Cheng.
A-Qing tapped her way over, "Daozhang, why are you searching for the other daozhang?"
Song Lan immediately turned around, "Have you seen him?"
A-Qing, "Maybe I have, but maybe I haven't."
Song Lan, "How can I make it so that you've seen him?"
A-Qing, "If you answer a few questions for me, then maybe I'll remember that I have. Are you a friend of the daozhang?"
"Yes. We're best of friend." answered Song Lan with a smile.
"We're going to see each other in any moment." said Xiao Xingchen.
Xue Yang was smiling at their direction.
Song Lan hesitated. He only replied after a few moments, "... Yes."
Wei WuXian wondered, Why did he hesitate?
"Why did I?" asked Song Lan.
"There might be reason." said Xiao Xingchen.
Xue Yang seemed to be enjoying the show with a bright smile on his face.
A-Qing also felt that his answer was somewhat reluctant. Her suspicion grew again, "Do you really know him? How tall is he? Is he pretty or ugly? What is his sword like?"
Song Lan answered straight away, "His height is similar to mine. His appearance is rather fine. His sword is carved with patterns of frost."
Seeing that he answered everything correctly and didn't look like a bad guy, A-Qing responded, "I know where he is. Daozhang, follow me!"
"Finally." said Nie Huaisang.
"Shishu will finally escape Xue Yang." said Wei Wuxian.
"Have you forgot something?" asked Jiang Cheng.
"What?" asked Wei Wuxian.
"Song Lan turned into a fierce corpse, Xiao Xingchen died, and lastly, maiden A-Qing become blind and mute." answered Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian only looked at him.
"Yeah, you're quick to forget things." said Jiang Cheng while shaking his head.
Song Lan had already been travelling in search for his close friend for a few years, and had been disappointed countless times. Now that he finally heard news of him, he couldn't even believe his ears. He managed with effort, "... Thank... Thank you..."
A-Qing led him until they were near the coffin home, yet Song Lan stopped in his tracks. A-Qing asked, "What's wrong? Aren't you gonna go over?"
For some reason, Song Lan's face was extremely pale. He stared at the door of the coffin home, as if he would rush inside if he could, but was too scared to do so. The aloof look that he had was completely gone. Wei WuXian guessed, Maybe he's nervous since they haven't seen each other for so long?
"Why would I be nervous to see him?" asked Song Lan.
"As I said, you two might have some misunderstandings in the future." said Jingyi.
"It won't be that serious, right?' asked Song Lan.
"Find out it on your own." said Jingyi and Jiang Cheng gave him a glare.
Just as he made up his mind and was about to go in, a lackadaisical figure strolled inside before he could.
As he saw who the figure was, Song Lan's face instantly went from pale to ashen!
"It won't be good." said MianMian.
"They're enemies in the first place." said Nie Huaisang.
Song Lan and Xue Yang are glaring at one another.
A series of laughter came from the coffin home. A-Qing snorted, "The annoying one is back."
Song Lan, "Who is he? Why is he here?"
A-Qing whined, "He's a bastard. He never told us his name, so who knows who he is? He was saved by Daozhang. Now he sticks to Daozhang all the time. He's such a pain!"
"Why would I tell my name to him?" asked Xue Yang.
"It only means that you're planning something." said Song Lan.
"Daozhang Song, don't judge me immediately." said Xue Yang.
"Which is impossible." said Song Lan and Xue Yang smiled at him.
Song Lan's face switched between being surprised and exasperated. After a moment, he spoke, "Be quiet!"
A-Qing was scared by his expression and obeyed. The two of them silently approached the coffin home, one standing beside the window and the other hiding beneath it. In the coffin home, Xiao XingChen asked, "Whose turn is it today?"
The instant he heard the voice, Song Lan's hands trembled so much that A-Qing could clearly see it.
"Do you miss him that much that you even trembled?" asked Xue Yang.
Song Lan could only glare at him.
"These two." Wei Wuxian mumbled while shaking his head.
Xue Yang, "What if, from now on, we don't take turns anymore? Let's change it up."
Xiao XingChen, "You only spoke up because it's your turn today, didn't you? How do you want to change it?"
Xue Yang, "Here. There are two sticks. If you pick the longer one, you don't have to go; if you pick the shorter one, then you'll have to go. What do you think?"
After a moment of silence, Xue Yang laughed, "Yours is short. I win. You're going!"
"Good. Get out of there and meet me outside." said Song Lan.
"I don't think so." said Jingyi.
"Why?" asked Song Lan.
Xiao XingChen said with reluctance, "Alright. I'll go."
He sounded as though he finally stood up and started walking toward the door. Wei WuXian cheered, Great. Come outside, quick. It's best if Song Lan grabs him and runs as soon as he's out.
However, before he walked very far, Xue Yang spoke up, "Come back. I'll go."
Song Lan gave Xue Yang a glare in which the boy only smiled at him in amusement.
"This is what you're talking about?" Jiang Cheng asked to his son.
"Then, how can they escape?" asked Nie Huaisang.
"More like they didn't get to escape." said Wei Wuxian.
Xiao XingChen, "Why are you willing to go, now?"
Xue Yang stood up as well, "Are you an idiot? I tricked you. I picked the shorter one. It's just that I've been hiding the longest stick behind me, so whichever one you pick, I can take out a longer one. I'm just exploiting the fact that you can't see."
Xiao Xingchen gave Xue Yang a look.
"I would really do that." he confessed.
"It look so fun tricking him." he added.
He laughed at Xiao XingChen some more and sauntered out, holding a basket in his hand. A-Qing looked up at Song Lan, whose entire body was shaking. She didn't understand why he was so angry. Song Lan gestured for her to be quiet. Only after the two walked some distance away did Song Lan start asking A-Qing about the details, "This man, when did Xing... when did the daozhang save him?"
His tone was solemn. A-Qing understood that the situation was no joke, and she answered him seriously as well, "It's been a long time, a couple of years."
Song Lan, "The daozhang never found out who he is?"
A-Qing, "No."
Song Lan, "What has he done during his stay with the daozhang?"
"A lot. Especially those unforgettable night hunts they have been together." said Jin Zixuan.
"He's dead." said Wei Wuxian while looking at Xue Yang.
"Me? I don't think so." he said with smirk.
A-Qing, "Joke around, bully me, scare me, and... Oh, he also night-hunts with Daozhang!"
Song Lan frowned, thinking that Xue Yang probably wouldn't be so nice, "Night-hunt? Night-hunt what things? Do you know?"
A-Qing didn't dare to be careless. After some thought, she replied, "They used to often night-hunt walking corpses, sometime in the past. Now it's usually ghosts, animals that behave weirdly, and so on."
"Why would I be nice? I'm not that kind of a person." said Xue Yang.
Song Lan didn't say anything and only settled on glaring at him.
"Stop it. It's not him, maybe he will not do it in this timeline." Xiao Xingchen whispered at him.
"But he needs to be punished." said Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen nodded.
As he inquired into the matter, Song Lan also felt that something was strange, but he couldn't find any clues. He continued, "Is the daozhang close with him?"
Although she didn't want to admit it, A-Qing still confessed, "I think that Daozhang is really unhappy when he's alone... He's finally got someone who cultivates as well... So, I think he sorta likes listening to the bastard tell jokes."
"And also because you're not with him. You're his best friend and the only person he trusted the most so of course he will feel sad." said Wei Wuxian.
"We will fix our misunderstanding." said Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen nodded.
Song Lan's face was clouded with both rage and devastation. Amid the confusion, only one thing was for certain: He definitely couldn't tell Xiao XingChen about this!
He cautioned, "Don't tell the daozhang anything unnecessary."
As soon as he finished, he went toward the direction that Xue Yang left in. A-Qing asked, "Daozhang, are you going to beat up that bastard?"
"I'm going to kill him for sure." said Song Lan.
"If you can." laughed Xue Yang.
"Of course I can." said Song Lan.
"Remember, that scene didn't happened yet so please refrain from killing one another here. All the punishment will be given after all of this." said Qingheng-jun.
Song Lan was already far away from her. Wei WuXian thought, Way more than beat him up. He's going chop Xue Yang into pieces!
Xue Yang scoffed while Song Lan glared at him.
"Leave one another, alone." said Xiao Xingchen.
Xue Yang went outside holding the vegetable basket. A-Qing knew which path he'd use if he was going to buy vegetables. Taking a shortcut, she sprinted through a part of a forest, her heart beating faster than ever. After chasing for a while, she finally saw Xue Yang's figure forward of her. He held a basket in one hand, which was filled with cabbages, carrots, steamed buns, and other food. He walked as he yawned lazily. He had probably finished shopping.
A-Qing had always been good at hiding and eavesdropping. She snuck into a bush beside the forest, moving along with him. Suddenly, Song Lan's cold voice came from in front of her, "Xue Yang."
As if someone had poured a bucket of freezing water over his face, or if someone had slapped him awake from a deep sleep, Xue Yang's expression became scary at once.
"Damn! That was unexpected. His expression can kill a person." said Nie Huaisang.
"This getting no good." said Xiao Xingchen.
"They're really going to kill another." said Jin Zixuan.
"Lets just hope for them to have an easy death." said Wei Wuxian.
"Which is impossible." said Jiang Cheng.
Song Lan came out from behind a tree. His sword had already been unsheathed. He held it in his hand, with the tip pointing to the ground.
Xue Yang pretended to be surprised, "Oh, isn't this Daozhang Song? What a rare guest. You here to get a free meal?"
Nie Huaisang can't stop himself to let out a chuckle making everyone looked at him and some are glaring.
"Sorry." he apologizes making his friends snickered at him.
Song Lan lunged with his sword. Xue Yang immediately shook Jiangzai out of his sleeves, blocked the attack, and backed a few steps. He put the basket under a tree, "You damn cultivator. For once I actually wanted to shop for food, and here you fucking are, spoiling my mood!"
In a fury, Song Lan's attacks were aiming for fatality. He shouted in a low voice, "Just what in the world are you scheming?! Why have you spent so long near Xiao XingChen?!"
"I also want to know." said Wei Wuxian.
"Then watch and stop asking." said Jiang Cheng.
Xue Yang laughed, "And I was wondering why Daozhang Song still had business with me. So you want to ask me about this."
Song Lan raged, "Tell me! Why would a scum like you be so nice as to help him night-hunt?!"
"To make him miserable and guilty for what he did." said Xue Yang.
"Shut up!" Song Lan shouted in rage.
"It can be true." said Xue Yang.
The wind of the sword brushed against his face. A cut appeared on Xue Yang's cheek, but he wasn't surprised at all, "How does Daozhang Song understand me so much?"
One of the two fought with skills learned from a proper sect, while the other fought with experience from committing crimes. It was obvious that Song Lan was more skilled than Xue Yang. His pierced through Xue Yang's arm, "Tell me!"
"They fight so well." said Nie Huaisang.
"It seems exciting to watch." said Jingyi.
"And dangerous." said Jin Ling.
If not for how the matter was so alarming that Song Lan must know what was going on, the sword might have pierced through the neck instead of the arm. Although Xue Yang was injured, his expression didn't change at all, "You really wanna hear it? I'm afraid that you might go mad. Some things shouldn't be made known."
Song Lan's voice was colder than ever, "Xue Yang, my patience is running out!"
"It's obvious." said Xue Yang.
"You should shut up. It will do you no good." said Xiao Xingchen.
"I already expected that." said Xue Yang.
"Do you really want to die?" asked Xiao Xingchen and Xue Yang rolled his eyes and scoffed.
With a clang, Xue Yang blocked an attack that was aimed at his eyes. He replied, "Fine, if you're so keen on hearing it. Do you know what that bestest friend of yours did? He killed a lot of walking corpses. He exercised for the greater good,
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