Odell POV
It hurt me seeing Nevaeh sad and feeling as if her sister hated her. I want my girls to grow up and be close, I want them to be the sisters that stay close no matter what and don't let anything come between them. I walked upstairs and went to Hailey's room, she was sitting on her bed taking her shoes off.
"Hey daddy." She said.
"Hey babygirl..I wanna talk to you." I sat next to her.
"About what?" She turned to face me.
"What's going on with you and Nevaeh? Why you treating ya' sister like she ain't nothing?" I asked her.
"She just gets on my nerves! I can't stand her, I wish she was never born.." She spoke in a harsh tone.
"Cut it out! Stop talking about you're sister like that, I don't care how bad she gets on you're nerves! That's still you're sister and I'm not gonna let you treat her like need to stop messing with her and you need to be her big sister, not her bully. You should never turn you're back on family, "
"Fine...I'm sorry daddy, I won't be mean to Vaeh anymore.." She said with her head down.
"Go apologize to you're sister. She's the one hurting." I said.
I followed behind her as she walked out the room and down the hallway to Danielle's room.
"Nevaeh, I'm sorry for being mean to you. You didn't need that, I love you babysis." Hailey smiled at her.
Nevaeh looked kinda hesitant at first, she slowly walked closer to Hailey and gave her a side hug...I guess she doesn't really trust Hailey.
"Come on Odell let's go! Catch the damn ball!!" Coach yelled at me.
"I'm trying!" I yelled back.
"You're not trying hard enough! Get you're damn arm out there! the season starts in four months we need to be ready!" He snapped.
First day of practice and I was getting pissed. I usually don't have a problem getting myself into the game but today was a first. Between Hailey's unexplained attitude towards Hailey that's pissing me off, Nevaeh unexplained reason for sleeping in Danielle's room, I keep "seeing" skull and now Danielle probably thinks I'm going crazy!.
"What's going on wit' you O?." Vic said as we walked to our spots for the next play.
"Ion even know..." I shook my head.
We started to run the play again and I missed the fucking ball again! Coach told us to take a break and I needed it. I walked over to the bench and let out a frustrated sigh.
"Don't even trip man, it's ya first day back. By tomorrow you'll be fine." Eli said patting my back.
I shook my head and drank some gatorade. This shit was becoming too much.
"Odell, coach wants to see you." Rueben said.
I nodded my head and walked into coach's office, he's probably gonna snap about my performance today.
"You wanted to see me.." I stood in the doorway.
"Yeah, have a seat." He nodded.
I sat down and it was silent for a minute, he just sat there going through an envelope.
"I found these in front of you're locker this morning before everybody got here.."
He handed me the envelope, I pulled the stuff out and it was just pictures of me with the words 'DIE' all over them. Couldn't have been anybody but Skull....maybe he really is alive.
"Odell I don't know what this is all about but I don't want any shit this season!" He raised his voice.
"Ight. I'll handle it." I stood up and put the pictures back in the envelope. "By the way,just do me a favor, if I happen to be found dead make sure my family is taken care of." I walked out his office and went to my locker..
I needed to talk to Jermaine, shit he was the one that was suppose to kill Skull anyway! Him and his nigga..I forgot his name.
"Aye, O! We all going out tonight you coming?" Vic asked.
I thought about it for a second. "Nah, Imma chill with my girls tonight." I put my phone in my pocket.
"C'mon bruh! Just for tonight.." Rueben said.
"Ight fine, where at?" I sighed.
"Queen of Diamonds." He replied.
"The strip club?" I shook my head. "Fine, whatever. I'll be there." I grabbed my duffle bag.
As I was walking to my car I started calling Danielle. I check up on her and the girls more frequently now with everything going on. She didn't answer. Ugh! I hate when she does that. I called her again and she didn't answer. 5-10 minutes later she called me back.
'Hey baby,' I answered.
'Hey...' She seemed down.
'What's wrong? Everything okay?' I asked her.
'Yeah..where you at?' I could hear her voice crack as if she was crying.
'Leaving practice, why? Are you crying?' I started speeding out the parking lot.
'No, I'm fine.." She lied. "Can you bring home some tampons, and some snickers?"
"Yeah, I gotchu' beautiful. You sure you okay?"
'Yes I'm fine, just hurry up and get home.' She said.
'Ight, I'm stopping at the store now. I love you.'
'I love you too.' She hung up.
I knew she wasn't okay, I know my girl and she was lying. Something worse than cramps was bothering her. Just in case I was wrong I stopped at the store to get some tampons and snickers.
"Can you hurry up! I got places to be!" I said to the cashier who was on the phone.
"Taliyah..girl Imma call you back. Niggas tryna get crazy." She hung up and snatched the stuff of my hand. "Niggas just got straight attitudes today, pissing me off...ya' total is 6.50"
I reached in my pocket and pulled out a twenty.
"Keep the change." I grabbed my stuff off the counter and walked out.
While was walking across the parking lot a black van came speeding pass me and damn near hit me and a woman that was carrying a baby.
"Assholes." She muttered.
I got in my car and let out a sigh...what if somebody was trying to kill me? I headed home to Danielle and when I got there she was sitting on the porch staring at the ground with a blank expression while the girls played in the front yard.
"Hey daddy." Nevaeh smiled at me.
"Hey babygirl.." I kissed her forehead.
"Hey Daddy! Can we stay up and watch movies tonight" Hailey hugged me.
"I'm sorry princess, I can't ..I told the team that I would go with them tonight." Hailey and Nevaeh both sucked their teeth and sighed.
"We always have movie night on Friday.." Hailey pouted.
"I know babygirl but we can have movie night tomorrow night."
"Okay.." They both smiled and went back to playing.
I walked over to Danielle and sat next to her, she had the same expression on her face.
"Hey beautiful. I got you're stuff you asked for." I handed her the bag.
"Thanks." She grabbed the bag.
"Danielle, talk to me. Baby what's wrong." I grabbed her hand.
"This came in the mail today.." She handed me a large envelope..
It was the same stuff that was in the envelope coach gave me earlier today.
"Fuck." I muttered.
"Odell I don't know what's going on but I'm not for no shit! We have kids and they need you...I need you." She quickly wiped away her tears.
"Imma handle it, don't worry." I kissed her forehead and wrapped my arms around her.
"Tianna better chill the fuck out, I will kill that bitch." Danielle said.
I knew it wasn't Tianna...
"It's not Tianna.." I said.
"Well who the hell is it Odell?" She looked at me.."you better not be thinking who I think you thinking." She glared.
"Yes Danielle! I think it's skull!" I said sticking to my guy feeling.
"I'm getting so tired of you bringing him up! Odell that man is dead! He's not coming back!" She raised her voice.
"Danielle he's alive! I know he is."
"Now you just plain ol' crazy! He's dead!. He's in hell! He's gone!" She stormed off into the house.
Danielle POV
I was standing in the kitchen eating a snickers..I was beginning to worry about Odell. He was becoming paranoid and he was scaring me. Hailey and Nevaeh seem like their getting along, they don't argue anymore and they actually get along when they play now, I guess whatever it was Odell said to Hailey worked.
"Danielle..." I heard Odell say.
"I don't wanna hear it Odell.." I started to walk out the kitchen.
"No, listen to me! Baby you gotta believe me. He's not dead." He tried to explain.
"I don't wanna hear it! People don't just come back to life...I'm going out." I grabbed my keys and purse.
"Where you going?" He followed behind me.
"Out, I need to clear my head. This shit is too much, feed my kids!" I yelled as I walked out the door.
I got in my car and sped out the driveway..everything was becoming too much. I was worrying about Odell more and more, I hope he's not going crazy..I mean think about it, he already tried to commit suicide, now he's seeing things and he's paranoid. I went to Jermaine's house, I can usually talk to him about anything.
"Hey Danielle." Jermaine's girlfriend Mya answered the door.
"Hey, is Jermaine home?" I asked.
"Yeah he's in the back." She nodded. "Tell him I'm going to the grocery store, I'll be back in a few hours."
I walked through the house and went to the back room that Jermaine used to as the room he'd smoke his weed in and have his niggas over in. I was about to walk in but he had the door locked so I knocked on the door a few times.
"Mya get tha' fuck on somewhea' I ain't fo' ya' bullshit!" He yelled.
"I know you better open this damn door!!." I yelled back.
He opened the door and smiled when he noticed me.
"Oh my bad baybeh, wassup." He stepped aside so I could walk in.
"Mya told me to tell you that she went to the grocery store.." I sat on the couch.
"Good, she gettin' on my damn nerves." He started rolling a blunt.
"What she do to you?" I asked.
"She tryna accuse ah' nigga of cheatin' on ha'. She keep it up imma give ha' ass a reason to think in cheatin'."
"Don't do that, you know you ain't bout that cheating life." I laughed.
"I know, mama raised me betta' than that..whatchu' doin' hea' Odell gettin' on ya nerves?" He asked.
"Kinda...he's just...I don't know. He thinks Skull is alive." I rolled my eyes.
"Talking bout the nigga me and Kyle took care of?" He said lighting the blunt.
"Yeah..Odell swears up and down that he seeing him around. It's scaring me, he's already tried to commit suicide, now he's paranoid and hallucinating...I think I should've let the hospital keep him a few weeks longer when they asked." I sighed.
"So you think he going crazy?" Jermaine said.
"Yes! Can you just please check and make sure he's really dead? I don't wanna call the mental institution but if I have too, then I will."
"I'll call my people now." He pulled his phone out.
He talked on the phone for about 15 minutes and hung up.
"He said he'll let me know what he finds." I nodded my head
My phone started to ring and Odell's coach popped up, he usually never calls me unless Odell is late and he wants to know where he's at.
'Hey Coach' I answered.
'Hello Daniqua! Do you think you could stop by my office for a minute, I need to talk to you. It's about Odell.'
'Umm, yeah. Sure. I'll be over in about 20 minutes.'
I hung up and gather my purse.
"I gotta go, Odell's coach wants to talk to me. Make sure you call me and let me know what Kyle says." I hugged Jermaine.
"Ight beautiful. Be safe." He hugged me.
He walked me to my car and said another goodbye. When I finally made to the training facility I walked inside and went to Coach's office.
"Hey Coach Coughlin." I walked in his office.
"Hey you doing." He smiled.
"I'm good and you." I sat down.
"I'm doing just fine..we gotta talk about that boyfriend of yours, I'm worried about him." He sighed.
"You and me both." I shook my head.
"He um, he said something pretty startling to me earlier today at practice.." He took his glasses off.
My heart began to race. "Like what?" I asked.
"Well for starters he recieved some mail here, very disturbing mail. Pictures of him with the words die or die slow written all over them." I put my head down.
"The same thing was in my mailbox this morning." I shook my head.
"Then he also said, if he was to be found dead that he wants me to make sure you and the girls are taken care of." He added.
"Oh my god.." I put my head in my hands.
I can't lose him..I refuse to, I need to do something.
"Do you have any idea on who could be threatening him?" He asked.
"He claims it's this guy, but the guy is dead! He was killed some years back and now Odell is saying the guy isn't dead.."
"Do you believe him?" He raised an eyebrow.
"No,people don't just come back to life...he's paranoid twenty four seven, He barely sleeps, he calls me at least 20 times a day and if I don't answer he freaks out!, and keeps seeing things that aren't there.."
"Did you ever think about getting him to a therapist?" He suggested.
"He won't go!. After he attempted suicide the doctors told him to start counseling, he went twice and that was it! He won't even go to group sessions for his PTSD....I don't know what to do coach." I stressed.
"Be patient Daniqua. I know it may seem like all hope is lost but just be patient. Odell isn't crazy, trust me he's far from it. Maybe he really is being stalked and this guy isn't dead. Just talk to him about it." He suggested.
I nodded my head and sighed. Coach gave me the number to a therapist and told me to try and get him to attend, he also told me that he answers no matter what time you call. I headed home but I remembered that I promised Hailey and Nevaeh that I would buy them some candy next time I was out. I stopped at the store and bought them a bunch of snacks and some juice, usually I don't let them eat junk food at all it's usually a once in awhile thing. Odell started calling my phone, I was almost home anyway so I didn't worry about answering it. When I got home it was around eight o'clock at night. The girls were sitting on the couch watching Doc McStuffins.
"Hey mommy." They both greeted me.
"Hey babies. Where's you're dad?" I asked them.
"Upstairs getting dressed." Hailey said.
Damn, I forgot he was going out tonight with some of his teammates. I walked upstairs and went to the bedroom, he was pacing back and forth texting on his phone. He realized I had walked in the room and sighed.
"Where the hell you been at?" He questioned.
"I was running a few errands." I put my purse down.
"I called you 5 times! I know you heard you're damn phone ringing!" He raised his voice.
"Yeah I did but I was almost home so I di-" he cut me off.
"I don't wanna hear it! If I call you, you pick up! I don't care where you at or what you doing. If you see my name or number pop the fuck up, you answer. Do you understand?!?" I took a step closer to me and got in my face.
"Odell don't start that shit!" I turned away and he roughly grabbed my arm.
"Don't turn away from me when I'm talking to you! Do you understand me Danielle!" I tightened his grip on my arm.
"Odell you are not my dad! Let me go!" I snatched my arm away from him. "Just go out with you're friends and get the hell out my house..." I rolled my eyes.
I started to walk away and he grabbed my arm again, but this time he was gentle.
"Baby listen I'm sorry. I just been stressing lately. I didn't mean to grab you like and raise my voice." He held my waist.
"Whatever ." I rolled my eyes.
"Baby I'm sorry. You know I love you, I just don't want anything to happen to you, alright. I'm sorry." He hugged me.
"It's alright.." I hugged him back.
He placed his index finger under my chin and lifted my head up. He started in my eyes.
"I love you Danielle, I'm sorry."
"I love you too." I kissed him.
"I don't gotta go out tonight, I can stay if you want me too." He said.
"No baby it's fine, go hang with with you're friends. I'll see you when you get home." I kissed him again. "Have a good time."
After he gave the girls a kiss goodnight and gave me one last kiss before going out the door. I sat in the dining room and held the card to the therapist in my hands. I dialed the number and they answered.
"Dr. Barnes.." He answered.
"Hi, I'm Danielle Beckham. I was giv-" he cut me off.
"Tom told me you would be calling me soon, is this about you're boyfriend Odell?" He asked.
"Yes, it is..but he doesn't like therapy at all and I really want him to get some help." I sighed.
"I've dealt with this many times.. You can come in tomorrow afternoon, how does twelve thirty sound?" He suggested.
"That will be great. Thank you so much." I smiled.
"No problem I'll see you tomorrow."
I hung up and sighed, now I've just gotta figure out how I'm gonna get Odell to go to this therapist..I love him and I want him to get the help he needs..Something's gotta give.
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