Odell POV
While everyone was still asleep I was sitting on the back porch with many thoughts going through my head. Why is it that everytime me and Danielle are doing good, something gotta come up like what the hell!. It's gotta be a reason why Nevaeh woke up screaming the way she did.. I wanted my family to be safe, with the season getting ready to start up soon I don't want anything to go wrong and I can't be there. I walked back inside the house and locked the back door. As I was walked pass Nevaeh's room I noticed her curtain moving as if wind was blowing it. I slowly walked In the room and looked around...I walked over to the window and it was wide open, I never opened the window.. The screen that was in the window was now gone as if somebody pulled it out. I slammed the window shut and started to search around her room to make sure nobody was there.
"Baby what's wrong." Danielle popped up in the doorway making me jump.
"Shit, you scared the hell outta me." I placed my hand over my chest and sighed.
"I'm sorry, you alright?." She wrapped her arms around my torso.
I didn't wanna say anything, I don't want her worrying. I sighed and kissed her forehead.
"I'm fine babe..the girls okay?"
"Yeah, they are just fine..Nevaeh hasn't even budged." She said.
My eyes looked around Nevaeh's room and I ran my hand down the side of my face.
"Odell are you sure you're okay?" Dani said placing her hands on the sides of my face.
"Yes baby I'm fine." I kissed her lips and grabbed her hand.
I grabbed her hand and led her back to the room. Both of the girls were sprawled out on the bed, they are some serious wild sleepers.
"You can sleep in the bed..I'll sleep on the floor." I grabbed a pillow and the blanket that she had on the chair.
The next morning while we were eating breakfast it was dead silent...usually Hailey or Vaeh would be talking our ears off but surprisingly they are both quiet.
"Are y'all okay? You're really quiet." I said to Hailey and Vaeh.
"I'm fine.." Nevaeh said dryly.
"No you're not." Hailey mumbled.
"Yes I am so shut up!" Nevaeh yelled at her.
"Don't tell me shut up! You the one seeing stuff!!" Hailey yelled back at her.
"Seeing stuff? What kinda stuff?" Danielle asked.
"Nothing.." Vaeh said.
"Nevaeh you gotta tell them.." Hailey said.
"Fine...I keep having dreams about Tianna hurting us." Vaeh said with her head down.
I grabbed Nevaeh's hand and sighed. "Well you don't have to worry about it..nothing is gonna happen, Okay?"
"Okay...pinky promise?" She held her pinky out.
I wrapped my pinky finger around hers and smiled. "Pinky promise." She smiled and finished eating.
As breakfast went on, the girls were talking again but Danielle on the other hand had went silent. She excused herself from the table and walked away...now she's worried. After cleaning up the dining room and the kitchen I went upstairs to check on Danielle.
"Baby you alright?" I asked her.
"It's happening all over again.." She said. "The same thing happened with Hailey! but this time it's Tianna..." She shook her head.
"Baby nothing is going to happen." I assured her.
"You don't know that!! Odell you don't know Tianna like I do, she's crazy! She literally has no chill! I watched her put a curse on her step father when we were in high school!, she's heavy with that voodoo shit!" Danielle was not shaking and crying.
I held her in my arms as she cried and comforted her. "Baby everything is gonna be okay..nothing is going to happen! I promise. I don't believe in all that." I said.
She pushed me off her. "Don't say that! Don't tell me everything is gonna be okay and nothing is gonna happen! Don't tell me that. Odell you are not superman, you can't just save us from this. Didn't you learn anything from the shit that happened with Hailey and Skull!"
"Baby you gotta listen to me! Nothing is going to happen! Stop worrying. I got you.." I held her.
Danielle POV
Everything is happening all over again! "Nothing is going to happen" yeah right! Odell tries to tell us shit like that so we won't worry but I know something is up. Nevaeh never has bad dreams, now all of a sudden she's having night terrors. The kids ran in the room excitedly.
"Can we go to Coney Island!?!?" Hailey asked.
"Pleaaasseeeeeeeee! We haven't been there in thirty years." Nevaeh added.
Odell looked at me and smiled. "You wanna go?" He asked.
"If the girls wanna go, then yeah why not." I shrugged.
The girls squealed and jumped up and down. While they ran off to get ready, Odell placed his arms around me and kissed my lips.
"Stop stressing baby...I got you." He reassured me.
I just shook my head and sighed before getting up and walking out the room. This was just too much, I just knew this situation was gonna be worse than the first one.
Nevaeh POV
"You lied Vaeh!" Hailey whispered to me. "You haven't had those dreams in 2 weeks"
"I had too!." I whispered back.
"No you didn't! Daddy could've did something about it." She said.
"I don't want them to worry..." I put my head down.
"What if they come back? It's gonna be all you're fault!!" She yelled at me.
"Oh yeah?!? Well you go tell them!" I pushed her down.
Hailey got up and glared at me, she hated being pushed and hit...well now for some reason she did.
"Don't touch me!" She pushed me back down on the floor and I hit my head on the toy box.
"I'm telling!!" I got up from the floor.
"If you tell, we don't go to Coney Island." I put my head down. "Yeah that's why I thought!"
Hailey was mean now, I didn't like being around her anymore. She scares me sometimes...one time she pushed me so hard that I almost fell down the stairs, luckily she caught me. After mommy got me ready to go to Coney Island she started to do my hair.
"Nevaeh did you hit you're head something?" She asked.
"....No..." I replied.
"Well you have a knot on the back of you're head. Are you sure?" She said.
"Yes mommy..." I sighed.
Hailey was glaring at me the whole time as if she wanted me to say something so she could beat me up or something.
"Stop looking at you're sister like that!" Daddy said to Hailey.
"I'm just playing with her, right Vaeh?" She gave me a fake smile.
"Yeah daddy, we're just playing." I laughed.
It's like she's changing...changing evil. I wanna tell Mommy and Daddy but she'll get mad and hurt me. The doorbell started ringing so daddy walked off to go answer the door.
"Wassup my beautiful princesses!" I heard a voice say in the doorway.
"Uncle Kav!!!" Me and Hailey both yelled.
As I was running to him she was tuning beside me and she bumped me with her shoulder making me fall. Good thing uncle Kav was standing near because her caught me.
"Be careful sweetheart, we don't need to in the hospital." He kissed my forehead.
"Hailey pushed me." I mumbled.
"No I didn't!" She yelled.
"Yes you did stupid!" I yelled back.
"Aye!!!Cut it out right now!!" Daddy yelled at us.
I rolled my eyes and Hailey and kept it moving.
While were at Coney Island I was having so much fun!!! I love Coney Island! I wish I could live here....i'd live anywhere as long as I'm away from Hailey. Uncle Kavarha came with us too, he was back in town for a bit. I was standing next to daddy, holding his hand when this man with a camera walked up.
"You're Odell Beckham Jr.!!" He yelled.
"Yeah I am, wassup." Daddy replied.
"Beautiful family, I've got a question..." He said.
"What's up?" Daddy said.
The man didn't say anything, he just pulled out a can and threw red stuff on my daddy, some of it even got on me, mommy and Hailey...I don't really care about her. Daddy let go of my hand and pushed the guy down.
"Odell no! Stop!" Mommy pushed my daddy back away from the man and tried to calm him down.
The man started to laugh and he walked away. I looked at my daddy's shirt and he was covered in red paint or something.
"I got an extra shirt In the car, I'll be back." Odell said.
"Hol' up bruh, I'm coming with you." Uncle Kav said.
Hailey POV
Daddy was really angry when that man threw all the stuff on him. Good thing mommy was there to stop him. Mommy took me and Hailey's hand as we walked over to the carousel, this was my favorite ride. I love horses. As we were waiting in line I was looking around, I looked over at one of the benches and I seen him...as grandma Ellis on my real Mommy's side called him "the devil himself" ..Skull was sitting there dressed in all black like he usually does... I thought he was dead. I rubbed my eyes and blinked a few times and he was gone..maybe I'm just seeing stuff.
Odell POV.
I was beyond pissed! I was at my car changing my shirt since some random ass person decided to throw paint on me ..or blood! Shit I don't know what it is. I threw my shirt into the trash and shut my trunk.
"You good bruh?" Kavarha asked.
"Yeah I'm good.." As we started walking back in I stopped dead in my tracks....is that skull's car.
"Kav...I must be tripping man. Is that a black Mercedes?" I asked.
"Uhh..yeah. Why wassup?" He said.
"Does the lucena plate say skull and are there skulls ..on the fucking wheels?" I asked.
"Yes, and Yes...wait, you don't think it's him do you?" He replied.
"It's gotta be him! How many niggas you know got a car like that.." I said.
"But he's dead." Kav said.
I was gonna say something else when a medium height lightskin female got out the front seat and got 2 kids out the back..
"Nevermind.." I sighed.
We started walking back to the entrance and I was mind blown. I swear I thought that was his car, but then that girl got out. Maybe that was his car but when he died they gave his shit to his girl or something.
We met back up with Danielle and the girls in front of the carousel ride. I just couldn't get my mind off of skull's car, something just ain't right..me and Kavarha sat down on a bench while the girls rode the carousel.
"What's on you're mind man?" Kav asked.
"...nothing." I shook my head.
I looked across from us and there he was...Skull just sitting there staring at me. I quickly turned my head hoping that when I looked back, he would be gone...I looked back and he wasn't gone, only this time he was smirking.
"Odell! I know you hear me talking to you!" Kavarha smacked my arm.
"M-my bad bruh, what were you saying?" I looked away.
"I was saying..." I looked back over to where skull was sitting and he was fucking gone... Now I was getting pissed because either I was seeing shit or he was really here.
"What the hell is you so focused on bruh? Ain't nobody even over there." Kav laughed.
He was right...nobody was there. We spent the whole day at Coney Island and every now and then I would think I seen Skull but then I would blink or some shit and he would be gone...
Hailey POV.
I was standing next to mommy, Daddy and Uncle Kav went to get me and Vaeh some cotton candy. I was having so much fun a Coney Island. I was just looking around at the people and the rides when I saw him sitting there again, this time he was waving at me.
"I wanna go home." I said.
"Home? Why?." Mommy said.
I kept my eyes glued on Skull and he kept his eyes glued on me. "I wanna go home!!" I looked away from him.
"Hailey, what's wrong?" Mommy asked me.
I started crying and looked at the ground. Daddy and Uncle Kavarha walked back up to us.
"What's wrong princess?" Uncle Kavarha said.
Daddy picked me up and started wiping my tears away.
"I just don't feel good...my tummy hurts." I looked down.
"Well maybe you need to eat something." Mommy said.
"Can we please just go home..." I said.
"I wanted to ride the carousel again!!!" Nevaeh pouted.
"Nobody cares about what you want." I said.
"Hailey stop !!...Nevaeh you can ride the carousel one more time and then we leaving." Daddy said to her.
After Nevaeh got to ride the carousel again Daddy held my hand and Nevaeh's hand as we walked to the car and put me in the backseat next to Nevaeh. I don't wanna be next to her but oh well.
"Hailey...you okay?" I heard Vaeh ask.
"Yeah..leave me alone." I replied.
"Gosh, I was just asking." She said.
"Whatever." I muttered.
Uncle Kavarha followed behind us in his car and we all met up at at restaurant...I wasn't really in the mood to eat, I just wanted to go home and go to sleep. We got a booth and Daddy sat Nevaeh next to me.
"Why do I have to sit next to her?" I muttered but mommy heard me.
"Hailey...don't start! That's you're sister." Mommy said to me.
"I don't care. I'm sitting next to Uncle Kav." I got up and walked to the other side of the booth.
Nevaeh POV
She hates me and I don't know why. I was quiet the rest of the time we ate dinner and so was Hailey. When we got home, I was scared to go in my room...really scared.
"Mommy can I sleep with you and daddy tonight." I asked.
"Yeah babygirl." She said.
"Hailey you sleeping in my room tonight?" Mommy asked her.
"Yeah, I'm not laying next to her though." Hailey said.
"Why are you so mean to me?" I said
"Because I don't like you!" She rolled her eyes at me.
"Hailey...chill the fu..chill out, I don't know what ya problem is but you need to stop! That is you're sister, cut it out." Daddy raised his voice a little.
Hailey walked out the Livingroom and went upstairs. I sat back on the couch and put my head down. I love my big sister, I just don't know why she acts like she hates me.
"Daddy...why does Hailey hate me." I asked.
"She doesn't hate you babygirl." He sat next to me.
"Yes she does, she always pushing me and calling me names....I know she's not joking."
"She puts her hands on you?" Mommy asked.
"All the time..." I mumbled.
I probably shouldn't have said anything...she'll flip out on me if she finds out I said anything. Daddy told me not to worry and he would talk to Hailey..I hope she listens because I'm tired of her...she better calm down and find JESUS.
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