The sleepover ✨pt2

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He liked the song you picked and you liked his.
You were surprised that he likes that song because he doesn't seem like the type, but either way, good for him.

Gids POV :

Hmm... I've been wondering... Can she sing? I mean her voice is so soothing so maybe she can. I can ofc I'm lil ol me! (Insert uwu) but ever since that song, it sounded just like her..
"Hey y/n?" "yeah gids?" "I've been wonderin'...can you sing? I-its just a question.."
"I think!.. Want me to try?" "yes please heh!"

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

No ones POV :
"I.... Y/n?...are you okay?.." there was silence for a little bit as y/n started tearing up.. But she  just wiped off a tear, "yeah, I'm fine Gids..."
"... Okay then... Well... Wanna relax? Or something? 😅" Gideon said nervously
"Uh... Sure! What do you have in mind?"

~~~Time skip bc I'm lazy but basicly you guys just told spooky stories ~~~

You were finnaly gonna hit the sack when you felt a certain presence arise"hey Gids?" " yeah?"  answered Gideon.
"There's something.. Here... With us, i-its can't explain it but... Idk.. I'm nervous.." "hmm... Maybe we could go get some snacks from downstairs? " " sure" you replied you love snacks." MA! ME AND MY FRIE-" he was cut off by you putting your hand over his mouth, shutting him. He blushed at this sudden action but you were panicking. "Omg! You're gonna wake them up! Then they're not gonna be able to get their work done in the morning! And no work means no money and no money means no home, food, or hair products Gids." you whispered harshly at the tomato faced Gideon.
"Well them who's gonna get us snacks??" " we can ya lazy potato!" you joked at him and punched his arm playfully.

A few mins later✨

"Welp Gids, night!.. And thanks for cheering me up..." "y-youre welcome y/n.." no one has ever thanked Gideon for anything before so he was surprised and confused.  And then you both slept. 🤓

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