When he picked you up, you noticed that his father had a fancy car, house, everything. And you wondered why the mother in the passenger seat looked so paranoid and the father looked at bit anxious. "So, gids, what are we gonna do at your house?" you asked giving him s nickname that fit him best.
Gideon POV :
Oh my stars! Did you hear what she just called me? I'm so flattered, maybe I could give her a nickname too! I'm just hopin this doesn't turn out like Mabel and me did.. This girl genuinely looks beautiful...
"Looks like were here! Pumpkin!" I cringed at the nickname I just gave her. "Er.. I mean Y/n."
She looked at me in confusion, can't blame her though. I showed her my lovely abode "my house is the finest money can buy!" "I can see that" she replied, I couldn't tell if it was sarcastically or not. "Anyways, what did you wanna tell me gids?" I was trying to recall what I brought her over for, then I remembered, the digity dang pine twins.
No ones POV :
You walked into his room, it looked a little messy but st least there was a soft carpet.
"Y /n I brought you here to warn/tell you about some folks in this he re town, also to welcome you To Gravity falls!"
He then told you all about how, the pine twins betrayed him, and took the love of his life away summoning a powerful dream demon.
"Well now that that's over with," began Gideon, "time for the fun! (As in sleepover fun like pillow fights, scary movies, that cool stuff) you guys surprisingly became well friends and even shared some song that you guys know
This is Gids fave
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
And we can just pretend this is yours, you can change it in your head too tho.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
(I think it's pretty and that the singer is very talented)
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