After your hugging session with Mr. Baldi lunch soon arrives and you two had to sadly let go of each other "Have a fun lunch time!" Baldi smiled softly at you, you waved at him before leaving the classroom.
After she left my heart felt empty once again, instantly missing her I sigh and look at my ruler "Maybe.." I mutter looking at it, I stood up from my desk and exit the classroom. I walk around these empty, quiet, halls until i heard her voice and someone else's voice I peek around the corner and see (Y/N) with.. another boy? I havent seen him before but he looked off, He wore a blue hoodie and he had snow white hair, he had this grin on which made me feel more suspicious, luckily I could hear them "You seem like a lazy guy, Sans" I heard (Y/N) say. Sans.. what kind of name is that?! "Well.. I guess I am" He replied.. I hate him already.. The principal was first and now this guy?! Blegh.. "Baldi?" A voice asks making me jump "Yessss?" I ask turning around and seeing the principal "turns out you have another student!" The principal gleefully told and i frown "great" I sigh hearing (Y/N)'s wonderful laughter "Dont worry! You just have to handle the two!" The principal said patting my shoulder while walking off whistling that god forsaken tune. I look at the two once again, feeling anger rising within me.. If she wasnt there i would have grabbed that little brat and snap him in half. Maybe I'll get that chance.. i just have to be patient..
Sans and I talked for a long while, he was an interesting person to speak to.. he sure did make a lot of puns "So tell me, (Y/N) how'd you end up here?" He asks "I failed math" I nervously laugh "How's the teacher?" He asks "Fluff- i mean he's good...he's.. great" I tell him "At least he isnt a creep" Sans chuckles "I dont think he's a creep! He- He's a cute fluffy bundle of math!" I blurted out and quickly covered my mouth
"I dont think he's a creep! He- He's a cute fluffy bundle of math!"
I froze in my spot.. did she... really just say that? I look at her and see her covering her mouth. She thinks... I'm... c-cute?... and.. fluffy??.. i feel my face heat up from her words. She can really change my mood from crazy to flustered "I-I.. I meant... I... Um..." she stammered looking at Sans, even he wore a surprised look "I... need to... go.." (Y/N) yelled before running off, I stared at her until she disappeared behind a corner. I start walking back to the classroom thinking about what she said, i couldnt help but smile as I thought about it. Maybe she can change me?... As i pass through the hallway I heard someone crying..?
I found myself in a classroom that was dimly lit, perfect for breaking down "Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid" I continue muttering to myself as i hit my head, the tears somehow fell from my eyes. I cover my face with my hands "I am so stupid" I tell myself "I dont think you're stupid" a voice softly tells making me gasp in surprise, i look up and see Mr. Baldi looking at me with soft eyes, i quickly wiped my tears "Were you...crying?" He asks while slowly approaching me "N-...No..." i lied and looked away, i felt his fingers softly place themselves on my cheek making me look at him "I dont think you're stupid, (Y/N)" He repeated looking straight at me. My face heated up, we were so close that just one movement and our lips would touch and just that thought made me red "Now tell me... why are you crying?" Mr. Baldi asks, his warm hand still on my cheek "I.. I said something... that i didn't want to say.. and i shouldn't have said it because its... its just so weird.." I tell him letting a few tears fall but Mr. Baldi was there to wipe them. My heart pounded rapidly against my chest when Mr. Baldi stayed quiet and just looked at me "What did you say?" He asks "..You.. you'll get weirded out" I whisper "I promise i wont" He whispered back "I told my new friend, Sans that you were a cute fluffy bundle of math" I tell him, Mr. Baldi chuckles "You think I'm cute?" He asks but something tells me he knew already so I nod then Mr. Baldi stares at me again
The bell rung which scared Mr. Baldi and that ended up with his lips on mine
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