I stared at (Y/N) wide eyed and red faced, the damn bell scared me and made me move. Her lips felt so soft and her skin was warm and smooth I didnt want to let go, I was about to when suddenly she closed her eyes and kissed me back.. my whole body felt like fire but I enjoyed it. After a while we pulled away and stared at each other before bursting into a fit of laughter and giggles "That felt....amazing.." She giggled, I smiled at her "it sure was" I breath out "but this needs to be a secret.. I'm pretty sure the principal wont be happy to know that the only teacher here is with a student" I tell her and she nods in reply "We should get going to the classroom" I whisper "Y-yeah" she stutters and we both get up and exit the dim classroom. After walking we see the principal and he starts walking towards us "Baldimore? What are you and this student doing out of class?" He asks suspiciously and I bring out my ruler "She was out of class and I looked for her and found her in a classroom.. i needed to punish her" I say with a stern look on my face as i place a hand on her shoulder "Isnt that right, (Y/N)?" i use my threatening voice and she quickly nods, the principal stares at us suspiciously before returning to his cheery self "Well.. get to class then!" He said before walking away, we give each other a relieved sigh and continue walking to the classroom.
I have been waiting in this classroom for 30 minutes, no sign of the teacher and no sign of (Y/N) either.. I hope she's alright. The door swung upon and a guy holding a ruler (I'm guessing he's the teacher) was holding (Y/N)'s shoulder "Ah! You're the new student?" He asks letting go of her shoulder letting her sit on a desk "Sans right" he continues asking and I just nod in response "I'm your math teacher! Mr. Baldi!" He smiled and went to the board, i glance at (Y/N) and point at him she nodded. So this guy was who she called 'cute and fluffy' doesnt look cute or fluffy. He wrote three problems on the board "Who would like to answer?" He asks and (Y/N) raises her hand "Great! Come on up here, (Y/N)!" He beamed, yeesh this guys tone creeps me out. (Y/N was solving the problems and that Baldi guy kept giving me weird looks but as always I shrug it off. When (Y/N) was done she looked at the teacher hoping she got it right, he looked at the board and a happy smile was etched on his face "Great job! Here's your prize! A quarter!" Baldi smiled and handed her a quarter "thanks Mr. Baldi!" She smiled back and went back to her desk, the Baldi guy wrote three more problems on the board "Why dont you try answering, Sans?" He asks holding the chalk out to me "Why not" I mutter as I walk to the board, i solved the two answers but the third one was... strange, the numbers were squashed together that it didnt make sense so I wrote the only answer i could think of:
I heard (Y/N) giggle on her desk but Baldi's expression was grim, i seriously didnt like this guy one bit "You got it wrong" he said in a sing song voice "Looks like you'll have to stay after" Bald guy looks at me with a creepy smile, the bell rung signaling that it was time to go home "You can leave now, (Y/N)" he said to her, she gives me a warm smile before leaving the classroom. Now i was left alone with this weirdo "I've noticed something" was what he said and I gave him a confused look "What?" I ask "I've noticed how you.. look... at (Y/N) recently and... I cant help but feel like... you're getting in the way, Sans" he spoke looking at me straight in the eye "So I'll let you go for now... And i wont bother you again but if you even think of staring at her again you wont go that easy, Sans" He snapped at me. Who does this guy think he is!? He acts like he owns (Y/N)! "You better get going" Bald guy said still looking at me with that look in his eye... like he wants to kill me. I leave the classroom and a thought clicked in my head, This guy thinks he owns (Y/N)! He might harm her!.. now i have one objective.. I need to protect (Y/N)
And I will not make the same mistake again..
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