When the team enter the castle, Doom spoke to them.
Dr. Doom: Greetings, my old friends. You're all looking quite well, for being dead. But I suppose, I have Uatu to thank for that little miracle.
Spider-Man: How do you know about that Doom.
Dr. Doom: I know a great many things. And once I'm finished here on Earth, I shall turn my attention to the stars. Then all the watchers will learn to respect the might of Doom. Do you see how easily I control the very elements themselves? Finally I have achieved the ultimate power.
Wolverine: I suppose now you're going to kill us... or at least try to.
Dr. Doom: Why would I destroy the last people who could appreciate my work? I want you to roam around and see what I've changed...and what I've created.
y/n: This can't be good.
The heroes began to explore the castle, then some rock came and became a stare case so then could get to the higher level, then more rocks came and became a bridge so they could reach the other side (some of the heroes decided it was better to fly) As the continued Blade noticed that Doom has made his own version of the bible.
Blade: Oh hell no. I know Doom is powerful now but this is just wrong.
The team continued their journey through the castle and more rocks move to give them a path until they went inside a shirt hallway with two doors.
Dr. Doom: Since you have yet to truly understand my magnificence, I will demonstrate in with a simple puzzle. Can you choose the correct door leave, or is this beyond your feeble intellect?
Iceman: That's easy. (Iceman was about to go through the door in front of them when Mr. Fantastic stopped him)
Mr. Fantastic: It's never that simple with Doom.
He then opened the door they just came through and it led them to a new area.
Dr. Doom: Ready to take a leap of faith, old friends? Because that's the only way you'll be able to continue through my castle.
The heroes jumped into the hole and found themselves in a new room where a statue of Doom was, and on the statue was instructions saying that they must acquire the gauntlets, armor and face mask of Doom in order to meet him. SO the fent through the first door which took them so a lounge are, where they began to battle some of Doom's robots. After a while it seem that they have reached a dead end.
Elektra: Where do we go now.
Dr. Strange: Hold on a second. (He interacted with a skull on a bookshelf and a secret door opened) This way.
The heroes went throught the passage and battled more doom bot, then they came across an evil Colossus and an evil Captain America clone.
Storm: Colossus, you're alive! What has Doom done to you?
Colossus: He has shown me tat he is the one true ruler of this world and soon you will see it too.
Wolverine: I'm going to cut Doom to pieces for what he did!
Captain America: But how did Doom make an evil me if I wasn't on Earth at the time.
Evil Captain America: I am just further proof that Dr. Doom is the ultimate power.
Captain America: Sorry son. You may look like me but your no patriot.
The heroes fought and defeated the evil heroes and continued their quest and they managed to find Doom's Golden gauntlets. But the the floor fell and they landed in water. They continued their journey and battled more robots and new creations called Doomsmen who were bigger and stronger. They then came to a room which seemed to have a large floating platform, there they met and evil Cyclops and Psylocke.
Dark Psylocke: It took you long enough to get here. I was beginning to wonder if you'd ever make it.
Dark Cyclops: Don't be too hard on them Psylocke. They aren't one of Doom's chosen...yet.
Iceman: Psylocke...Cyclops. Don't tell me that Doom managed to twist your minds too.
Dark Psylocke: Our minds are not twisted. We now realize that lord Doom is the ultimate power in this galaxy. And in serving him, we are given powers far beyond we had previously.
Blade: That's a lie. Doom hasn't given you anything that you didn't already have.
Dark Cyclops: If you really think so, then follow me. And you'll see what our lord Doom is capable of.
Dark Psylocke: Go ahead. Follow Cyclops if you want. Or stay here and face me. Either way, you're going to have to fight us both sometime.
Cyclops the jumped off the edge if the platform.
y/n: All heroes that can fly, go after Cyclops . The rest of use will deal with Psylocke.
With that Ironman, Storm, Ms. Marvel, Dr. Strange, Silver Surfer and Human Torch went after Cyclops while the others fought Psylocke. The flying heroes were shoch to see that they we on the same platform but it was upside down.
Dark Cyclops: So you decided to follow me down here. I can't say that was a wise tactical decision.
Ironman: What's going on in this place, Cyclops? Everything's upside down.
Dark Cyclops: It's further proof that Dr. Doom is the ultimate power. He can't be beaten, So why not give up and save yourself the pain.
Storm: You can't believe that. The real Cyclops would never give up - not while there was still breath in his body.
Dark Cyclops: Sorry. You're wasting your breath trying to appeal to the old Cyclops. Dr. Doom has total control over me - just as he's going to have total control over you.
The 2 groups of heroes managed to defeat the dark X-Men and regrouped and continued until they found and acquired a golden armor of Doom. When they exited the room Fury contacted them.
Fury: Team, I just heard from Karnak in Attilan. He believes that Ultimate Nullifier that medusa was looking for is near your location.
Spider-Woman: You think we can use it against Doom?
Fury: At this point, anything is worth a try. Keep your eyes open for it. Fury out.
The heroes found themselves in the castle labs and searched for the final piece that they needed. after searching some of the labs Spider-Man found the Ultimate Nullifier but it was broken.
Spider-Man: Colonel Fury, we've located the Ultimate Nullifier, but it looks broken. (sigh) Doom must have smashed it.
Fury: Isn't that Just our luck. Alright, hold on to it anyway. It could come in handy later.
The team continues through the labs and battled more robots until they entered a room were Odin was being held.
Thor: Father, what has Doom done to you?! (He tries to break him out but his hammer has no effect) Why isn't it working?
Dr. Strange: I believe we will need a weapon created by Doom to destroy Odin's prison
Just then a Dark Thor and a Dark Spider-Man showed up.
Dark Thor: Halt, for you now face the might of Thor, son of Odin.
Spider-Man: Evil Thor, would you give me your hammer? We need it to free Odin and I'd rather not fight you for it.
Dark Spider-Man: So you're the real deal huh? Somehow I thought you'd be taller in person...and a lot more intelligent.
Spider-Man: Wait a minute, you're my exact double and you're making fun of me? Maybe I'm not that bright after all.
Dark Spider-Man: I'm not your exact double - Doom made a few modifications.
Spider-Man: Well it looks like he ruined my sense of fashion and trashed my voice. Is that it or did he make other changes?
Dark Spider-Man: Yes, he gave me the desire to kill my enemies.
Spider-Man: As a fellow Spider-Man I urge you not to use the word "kill". We aren't the kind of person who kills. We disable.
Dark Spider-Man: You are such a goodie two shoes. I'm gonna kill you.
Spider-Man: Hey! Now what word did we just finish talking about?
The heroes managed to defeat the evil Thor and Spider-Man, and they used Dark Thor's hammer to free Odin from his prison.
Valkyrie: Dr. Doom still wields Odin's power, but you have saved his life by freeing his body from this prison. For that act of bravery, you have the appreciation of Asgard.
y/n: It was no problem, Valkyrie. We're just trying to help.
Valkyrie: And you have my love. Return to us now in Asgard, Odin. Here you will rest that you might one day regain you powers.
With that the heroes too the golden Doom mask and exited the labs and they wher back with the statue, They places the pieces on the statue and a portal opened.
y/n: This is it guys. This is where it all ends.
The heroes went through the portal and came face to face to Dr. Doom.
Dr. Doom: Once again luck has been on your side, for that is the only way you have survived for this long. But my latest creations will finally put an end to that.
Black Panther: Doom! What have you done?
Dr. Doom: You better to serve as my personal guard than recreations of my greatest foes? Meet my Fantastic Four.
Invisible Woman: This is twisted, Doom, even for your sick mind!
Dark Mr. Fantastic: Don't talk that way to our lord and master. Dr. Doom is the greatest man that the world has ever known.
Dark Invisible Woman: Now you will kneel to Victor Von Doom...
Dark Human Torch: And you will pledge allegiance to him.
Dark The Thing: And if you don't, we'll pound you until you do!
The Thing: Then I guess it's Clobbering Time!
The heroes fought hard and managed to defeat them.
Dr. Doom: So you have defeated my Fantastic Four. I have only myself to blame - I made the mistake of making them as feeble and weak minded as the originals.
Silver Surfer: Doom this has to stop. You're using Odin's power too much and it's damaging our universe.
Dr. Doom: Bah! Your petty fear are of no concern to me. I control the might of the most powerful god in Asgard.
Ghost Rider: You'll control nothing of the universe is destroyed!
Dr. Doom: Silence! I have heard enough of your petty brattle. Now I will obliterate you once and for all.
Human Torch: We have to touch him with the muonic induced. Let's go!
The team managed to destroy the generator that were making a force field around Doom, them Mr. Fantastic was able to use his stretching powers to touch him, and he stole a portion of his powers.
Dr. Doom: So you managed to steal a portion of my powers? A interesting ploy but it matters not. You haven't had the the experience I've had in wielding the power of Odin. And now with the aid of my minions. I shall show you how a real god smites his enemies!
Doom summoned many minions but each hero managed to touch him and steal portions of his powers and defeated him when they took it all they sent their powers back to Odin.
Dr. Doom: Fools! You have accomplished nothing. (Doom noticed his powers were gone).
Odin: Doom!
Dr. Doom: Odin! You can't be free.
Odin: Your wretched scheme is undone and your black sole is mine!
Dr. Doom: NO!
Doom was the struck by lighting and was killed and sent to an eternity of suffering, the only thing that remained was he metal mask.
Odin: An eternity of suffering is the fate of those who challenge the gods!
The next day the Earth was back to normal, Spider-Man, Wolverine, Thor, Captain America and Sonic Shatter went to Fury on the Helicarrier bridge.
Fury: You gotta thank your old man for me Thor, Odin did one hell of a job reversing the damage Doom did to Earth.
Thor: Aye>. But I believe he is presently occupied with Doom and my bother Loki.
Fury: Let's hope he's teaching the new kinds of pain. The world owes you a debt of gratitude it can never repay. But with the danger passed, our task force must be disbanded.
The heroes look disappointed and began to leave.
Wolverine: You're a punk Fury.
Fury: Listen fellas, I don't care if you like me, but if a threat like this comes again can S.H.I.E.L.D count on your help?
Captain America: The world can count on us sir.
y/n: All of us.
With that the heroes left but deep in outer space Galactus was planning on his revenge.
Galactus: Such insignificant creatures. They dare steal from Glactus. For that I will destroy their planet.
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