Earth has changed

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When the team returned to Attilan Uatu spoke to them.

Uatu: Vey impressive. I would not have thought you'd survive an encounter with Galactus. But you mut return to Earth now. Doom has grown quite adept to his new found powers. And has shown little restraint in their use; soon he will begin to damage the fabric of the universe. Once you are done in Attilan see Lockjaw. He will send you to Earth.

Without hazitation all the heroes went to Lockjaw and they where sent to Earth. The scene then changes to Doom standing on his balcony at his castle.

Uatu: Much has transpired since you were last on Earth, Mankind did its best to defend itself against Doom but even their greatest weapons were as nothing compared to Doom's power (Doom saw some missiles coming to his castle and raised his hand and clenched made a fist and they all exploded he the turned around and proceeded to look at all the heroes he killed, including, Gambit, Hulk and Professor X) The heroes of your world also tried to stop Doom and paid the ultimate price. (Doom then saw a horribly injured Colossus who was missing an arm and a leg tried to crawl away, as he walked up to him Cyclops used what ever strength he had left to unleash the strongest optic blast he could at Doom, but Doom stiped the blast with one hand and pushed the back at  the wall, killing him. Then Colossus grabbed Doom's leg trying to hurt him, but Doom used his powers to levitate him off the ground and smack him into two pillars.) Doom found he could also use his powers to corrupt. (Doom brought Colossus to him where Colossus spat in Doom's face, he then put his hands on Colossus's face and turned him into a monstruous version of the hero.) And with this discovery, Doom began corrupting your entire world. (Doom began using his powers to corrupt all the other dead heroes, making them his private army.)

The team then teleported inside Stark Tower but was was changed in Doom's image.

Fury: As you can see, Dr. Dooms power is far reaching. He's remade Stark Tower into his own twisted version of perfection. But that's not all. He's changed New York as well as every major city on Earth. Before we can do anything else we need to get our headquarters up and running again. Go to the power junctions and activate them.

The heroes then went off to turn them on. Sonic Shatter turned on the first one, Iroman turned on the second junction and Mr. Fantastic turned on the third.

Fury: Alright! We're back in business.

Just then doom bot flew in through the windows.

Fury: What in blazes! Doom must know we're here (He pulls out his guns and started to shoot the robots) Ha! It's like shooting fish in a barrel. (Then one doom bot wacked Fury from behind and took him to another room).

Doom Bot: Target acquired. Return to Castle Doom.

Captain America: Those robots kidnapped Fury! We have to save him!

The heroes went to the other room only to find Fury has defeated the robots.

Fury: It's gonna take more than just a couple of cheap toys to take me down.

Hank: Colonel Fury, My sensor shows multiple bogies inbound.

Fury: More of Doom's robots?

Hank: Yes. There's an army heading your way. But if you could give me some time, I should be able to set up an Emp pulse that will take care of them.

Fury: Roger that! Hank, contain them by locking this room down. Don't open up until we've destroyed every last one of them. Alright team, I hope you're ready to party because we have a few guests to entertain.

With that more robots cam through the windows. Fury used his guns to shoot them and fought them hand to hand, Sonic Shatter used his sonic gauntlets and grenades to destroy the robots, Ironman blasted the with his repulsers, Captain America fought with his shield, Thor battled this with his hammer, Mr. Fantastic used his stretching powers, Invisible Woman used her force fields, Human Torch rained fire on the robots, The Thing smashed every robot he saw, Storm summoned lightning and wind to destroy the robots, Iceman shot ice picks at them, Wolverine shredded them with his claws, Luke Cage busted then with his fists, Daredevil used his combat shills to destroy the robots, Elektra used he Sais to stab and rip the robots apart, Black Panther slack them with his claws, Ms. Marvel blast every robot she saw, Spider-Man webbed up and kicked as many robots as he could, Spider-Woman used he venom blasts and webs to destroy the robots, Dr. Strange used magic to destroy them, Blade used his sword to cat them up, Ghost Rider used his chains and hell fore on them, Silver Surfer used his cosmic powers to destroy them and finally Deadpool shot and slashed them while eating a taco. After a few minutes of fighting the robots stopped coming and the remaining ones were shut down.

Fury: Yeah, I didn't realize how much I missed this. It's been too long since I've seen some real action.

Hank: Perfect, just like I thought. The skies are clear now, not a robot in sight any where.

Fury: Good, you can open the door now Hank. C'mon. Let's get out of here team.

The heroes left the room and went to the main room.

Fury: Well, If Doom didn't know we were here before he sure does now. And that's fine, we're as ready as we're ever going to be. Dr. Pym has managed to power the Muonic Indicer with the M'Kran Crystal. But be warned you'll have to actually touch Doom to steal his power. And it may take several tries to do it.

Human Torch: We have to get close to Doom? Several times? But he has the power of a god!

Fury: So will you once you steal his power. I suggest you get to Latveria as soon as possible. You'll find Doom in his castle. For more information on the mission parameters, talk to Black Widow. And when you're ready to leave let me know, I'll fly you there.

The team then began to walk around and talk, Daredevil spoke to Black Widow, Captain America spoke to Hank Pym then he got two thing that he need that Hank used to give the Team protection from Doom's lightning attacks and Finally Sonic Shatter Spoke to Vision.

y/n: Hey Vision. Have you heard from the Inhumans?

Vision: I am afraid that no one has heard from them since they left for Castle Doom, I can only assume that Doom defeated them and made them part of his army.

y/n: (sigh) Thank Vision.

Vision: The best of luck against Dr. Doom.

With that y/n went to Fury telling him that they're ready and all the heroes went inside a large Quin jet and Fury spoke to hem while he was flying.

Fury: We're going to be arriving at Doom's castle soon, once you're there you'll have to locate Doom and use the M'Kran Crystal to steal his powers.

Wolverine: You van bet your boots Doom ain't gonna let that go without a scrap.

Fury: Oh, make no mistake, you're in for the fight of your lives. But it has to be done. As predicted, tears are developing in near Earth space because of Dooms unbridled use of power. Pretty soon even Doom won't be able to stop it.

Thor: What will happen if the tears are left unchecked?

Fury: The universe will unravel in a matter of months. All live will cease to exist everywhere, gone forever.

Spider-Man: Wow. Not to criticize, but this mission briefing in turning into a real downer.

Fury: I don't know any other way to put it. Trillions of lives ore depending on you all to defeat Dr. Doom. Look. I know we've had our differences during the course of this little adventure. And I know you don't agree with the way I've done some things, but as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D I can't ever afford to loose. And now you are all in the same boat, you have to win this.

y/n: Don't worry Fury. We know what's at stake, we won't fail.

Fury: I know You won't.

As the jet flew closer to Doom's castle the heroes readied mentally for their mission.

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