Azula VS Dabi

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The princess of the Fire Nation takes on the eldest blue fire son of the #2 hero! Who will win and who will die?


(*Cues: Wiz & Boomstick - Brandon Yates*)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Tails: For those of you who grew up with abusive, neglectful parents or even parents who don't even pay attention to you and sometimes see you as a means to an end I can hardly imagine all the pain and suffering you all must've been through in your childhood. But a quick word of an advice: Do not let your abusive parents get to you just tell a friend, someone you trust and even a police officer literally anybody you can trust and call for help to about everything and I promise with love, compassion, caring, respect, and forgiveness you will prevail over your cold-heart parents.

Luigi: Just don't give to hatred cause believe it or not there are some unlucky kids out there who got abused by their parents so hard their hatred came out and exploded.

Tails: You heard the man don't give into hatred or else you'll be just as unlucky as these two combatants.

Luigi: Like Azula, the Princess of the Fire Nation and younger sister of the Banished Prince Zuko.

Tails: And Dabi, the League of Villains member and older brother of the Icy Hot Hero Shoto Todoroki.

Luigi: He's Tails and I'm Luigi.

Tails: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle.


Tails: Water, Earth, Fire, Air. The four elemental nations once coexisted peacefully. Then everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked.

Luigi: Yeah the cranky dumbass Fire Lord decided that it was a good day to conquer the whole world.

Tails: And, 100 years later, the equally powerful master of fire, Ozai, continued that tyranny. Many believed his rule would one day pass to either his daughter, Azula, or his son, Zuko.

Luigi: While we know how Zuko's story goes we need to talk about his younger sister Azula.

Height: 5'0" (152 cm)
Weight: 116 lbs
Age: 14
Parents: Ozai (father) Ursa (mother), Ikem (stepfather)
Siblings: Zuko (older brother), Kiyi (younger half-sister)
Nationality: Fire Nation
Leader of the Kemurikage
Named after her grandfather

Tails: Azula was basically the favorite, in the harsh words of her father she was born lucky while Zuko was lucky to be born.

Luigi: Now that's cold blood right there.

Tails: Azula has spent most of her life pleasing her father, even cheering her on when he burned and exiled her brother.

Luigi: She basically has no remorse for pretty much anything or anyone. Man I can see why her mother is afraid of her.

Tails: Azula basically had the best life she got special training at a firebending school only for girls and had two best friends Mai and Ty Lee.

Luigi: But she let it all go to her head I mean she didn't even have a shit when her grandfather died nor did she care when her mother disappeared.

Tails: Despite being favored by her father, Azula can never get that same kind of respect from her mother who favored and loved Zuko. Which will be an important factor later on.

Luigi: (sighs) Why is it that parents play favorites with their children? It's a completely unhealthy environment.

Tails: Yeah she is insane she does have a hobby of manipulating people to getting what she wants. You see Azula believes that fear is the only way to control people.

Luigi: But right now let's get down to her skills. She's a badass fighting pro with acrobatic, martial arts, and course firebending.

Can generate blue flames
Inspired by Northern Shaolin Kung Fu
Blazing rings
Breath of fire
Fire blade
Fire bomb
Fire stream
Fire whip
Jet Propulsion
Lightning bending
Lightning redirection

Tails: As a firebender, Azula harnesses the light of the sun to summon flames from thin air. Wherever fire remains alight in an area that's not too cold, she can manipulate, or "bend" it to her will. Unlike any firebender Azula has trained her fire so hot they turn blue, much hotter than any normal firebender.

Luigi: I mean, if I had to pick between swirlin' water around, tossin' a few rocks, or farting hot air all the time, I would definitely go with firebending. It literally means you're a living flamethrower!

Tails: Plus, it's surprisingly versatile. Aside from simply creating, launching, and moving flames, firebending can be used to heat objects, melt through ice prisons, and even defy gravity.

(We see Ozai using his firebending to fly at Aang)

Luigi: Wait is Ozai flying?! How does that work?

Tails: Well, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Newton's third law. By creating a rapid series of explosions an inch or so away from the palm, the air in between the hand and fire is launched toward the user, thereby creating propulsion.

Luigi: Yeah, firebending isn't just about creating fire. It's about creating a bunch of it! So, Azula can make large, long-lasting walls of flame to protect herself, and keep enemies at a distance. That stuffs hot you know and we haven't even gone over her deadliest technique let: lightning!

Tails: Lightning bending is probably one of the most deadly bending moves in the Avatar world. It's so deadly that anyone could get hurt or even killed from it.

Luigi: She can even direct it, she once's did it and threw it at her brother. Plus she can make sparks of it and even create giant balls that can scare away bugs.

Tails: Speaking of which are you ready to do that move we practiced?

Luigi: Sure.

Tails: Firebending draws primarily from Northern Shaolin Kung Fu.

Luigi: That's a Chinese martial art that's all about agility, wide stances and aggressive attacks. A perfect mix of speed and strength. Like this

(He does motions and makes Kung Fu sounds, fire shooting out of his hand and shot it at Tails.)

Tails: Luigi... (coughs) you over did it.

Luigi: Wh-wh- I tho-

Tails: Anyway, the fire that benders like Azula can generate is extremely hot, capable of melting through a cast iron door hot. This would need to be over 1,204 degrees Celsius.

Luigi: And while Sozin's Comet was boosting her powers, Azula's Uncle Iroh blasted apart the giant outer wall of Ba Sing Se. "There is no war in Ba Sing Se". Until Iroh comes a knockin'. I mean, that's like, the thickest wall I've ever seen!

Manipulated multiple foes
Redirected Zuko's lightning
Won the Day of Black Sun without bending
Won a volleyball game
Blocked an elemental blast
Defeated Zuko, Iroh, Aang, & Katara

Tails: Even without Sozin's Comet, which only appears once every one hundred years, Azula has more than enough firepower to level a building. That's no laughing matter for any person, or building.

Luigi: She's super smart I mean even without firebending she was still able to dodge attacks and win a fight without blasting any fire.

Tails: She's caught Iroh off guard and even blocked a combined elemental blast from Aang, Katara, Toph and Zuko.

Luigi: But perhaps her greatest weapon is her manipulative skills. Azula's manipulated more foes than I can count.

Tails: Azula can keep up with Zuko who was quick enough to block her own lightning which we'be previously determined it to move at Mach 592.

Quick heads up: This was determined in Aang VS Wendy.

Luigi: Yeah this chick is completely insane, pretty much any person she fights she always wins even the Avatar himself was nearly killed when she literally stabbed him in the back with lightning. Dude she's gotta a be. psychopath, right?

Very sadist
Still a bit unhinged
In need of a family therapy
Perfectionist, have trouble when things don't go her way
Can't bend if she can't move her body
Physically and mentally unstable
Probably a pawn to Ozai's schemes
Defeated by Katara and Zuko
Needs some serious help
Is just a confused child

Tails: However despite everything with every feat she succeeded in, Azula ultimately doesn't have one thing that she couldn't understand which led to her downfall: Love.

Luigi: You see despite being the favorite Ozai drove Azula mad which is proof that she was never loved by him to begin. Plus Azula's friends stabbed her in the back because they aren't afraid of them anymore. Guess she can't control people with fear after all.

Tails: Azula's world eventually crashed down on top of her completely losing everything in the process. After being defeated by Zuko and Katara, Azula was physically, mentally, and emotionally unstable forcing her to be inside an insane asylum.

Luigi: Until she was freed and found her mother who turns out replaced her with another daughter, yeah for those of you who think that Ursa is a kind and caring mother think again she never loved her, Ursa herself outright admits she didn't lover her enough proving she is no better than Ozai.

Tails: But after a rematch with Zuko and hearing Zuko's touching speech, and called it touching, perhaps maybe she's not a psychopath after all, maybe she realized the error in her ways and decides to help her brother become a better fire lord... in her own way. Perhaps deep down in the deeps depths of her heart she truly loved him.

Luigi: I mean it's a possibility and will be interesting to see if it was true.

Tails: But regardless if it's true or not one thing we can all agree on is that Azula is a deadly opponent and anyone who crosses her will feel her wrath.

Azula: Any friend of the Avatar's is an enemy of mine!


Tails: Welcome to a world where the supernatural is natural. Where more than 80% of the population possesses superhuman abilities known as Quirks.

Luigi: And because everyone loves to game a system, there's a superhero leaderboard! At the very top of it stands the ultimate hero, All Might!

Tails: All Might's feats and reputation were incredible, a true symbol of peace for everyone. That is, everyone except the hero perpetually stuck at rank number two.

Luigi: That's Endeavor, and he vowed to surpass All Might. But his literal firepower was just never enough.

Tails: But if he couldn't do it himself, he would vicariously through his own heir. Thus, he made the desperate decision to arrange a Quirk marriage.

Luigi: Long story short, he paid a family off to get a wife with an ice Quirk, and popped out kids until they got the right Quirk combo. Gross this chick when through the river when he cum inside of her ass I need to take a shower.

Tails: After four, uh...attempts, they finally spawned the child he was looking for, Shoto Todoroki.

Luigi: Half-cold, half-hot, literally! Right side's ice like his mom, and left side's fire like his dad.

Tails: But before Shoto was the Chosen One in the family it was actually his eldest brother his name is Toya.

Real name: Toya Todoroki
Villain name: Dabi
Height: 176 cm (5'9¼")
Weight: N/A
Age: 24
Parents: Enji (father), Rei (mother)
Siblings: Fuyumi (younger sister), Natsuo (younger brother), Shoto (youngest brother)
Affiliation: League of Villains, Paranormal Liberation Front, Vanguard Action Squad
Hates fish

Luigi: Toya was actually having a good time and as a kid he agreed with his father and vowed to surpass All Might so they trained very hard to do so.

Tails: Despite not having the kind of quirk Endeavor wanted be trained Toya anyway because his quirk is far greater than his own.

Luigi: Damn looks like Endeavor was not really as bad as I thought he would be.

Tails: However Toya had a problem while he does have fire far hotter than his father's his body is not built for fire instead because of his mother's heritage his body can't handle the heat but rather the cold. Which explains why he's getting white hair.

Luigi: But despite that Toya still wanted to train but his dad was like: Nope. Hell no. And as his jealousy for All Might grew, Endeavor had the best solution aka a cruel one: How about I shove my dick inside my wife's vagina and fuck her so damn hard that she pop out more and more kids until we get the right quirk combo? I don't give a fuck what my wife says she's gonna get fucked regardless and she will keep doing it until the quirk combo is complete.

Tails: And that's exactly what happened and after 3 more attempts the child he was looking for was born: Shoto.

Luigi: Toya wasn't too happy about and even tried to attack him at one point.

Tails: Shoto is separated from his siblings while Toya watches with envy as his brother is trained to being someone Toya wanted to be.

Luigi: And this where things go down hill REAL fast you see Endeavor started to get aggressive and abused his poor wife to the point of scaring Shoto forcing her to go to the hospital and if you thought that was the end of it think again, one day while Toya is waiting for his father to arrive to show him that he can do it and has potential Toya realized that he'll never show up and that's when his flames blew out of control and completely consumed him literally.

Tails: Leaving nothing left but a fragment of Toya's jaw. And Toya himself was believed to be dead which is completely devastating for his family. Especially his mother who's mental health was already unstable from before. But in reality Toya survived and is angered by the amount of neglect and abuse he suffered at his father's hands Toya went on the path of villainy.

Luigi: And inspired by the Hero Killer Stain, Toya used his ideology to join the League of Villains under his new name: Dabi.

Created fire far hotter than his father's quirk
Can make blue flames
Is powered by emotions
Flashfire Fist
Jet burn
Hell Spider
Hell's Curtain
Jet Kindling
Prominence Burn

Tails: With his quirk, Dabi creates intense amounts of heat and unlike his father Dabi's flames are blue.

Luigi: Yeah he can do all kinds of stuff with it like create walls of flames set stuff on fire with a touch and even more.

Tails: But Dabi has a problem because of his mother's blood he's not immune to fire and the more he uses it the more flames will eat away his whole body.

Luigi: I mean if he can level a building in a forest he's fine plus he was still able to keep fighting regardless of his body so it's not all-

(Tails fires blue fire at Luigi from his glove)

Luigi: What the heck was that for?!

Tails: From earlier. Anyway because his fire is greater than Endeavor and Todoroki's fire he should be comparable to them. Shoto's fire is hot enough to melt Tetsutetsu, whose body can turn to steel. Which means it can reach temperatures over 1,649 degrees.

Luigi: He can make fire my blast and use his evil dad's signature technique: Flashfire!

Quick heads up: While Dabi hasn't been shown to use all of Flashfire techniques it's likely he can.

Set a forest on fire
Survived his own flames that covered most of Sekoto Peak
Led a mission to kidnap Bakugo
Held his own against Geten
Exposed Endeavor's last to the public
Covered an entire forest while clashing with Geten
Defeated Shoto, Hawks, Geten, & Snatch

Tails: Flashfire is a method of compressing flame under super hot temperatures, before releasing it in a single strike. Endeavor can also shape his fire, use it to cling to walls, and fly.

Luigi: He can even use Prominence Burn and unleash an incredible amounts of fire attacks.

Tails: Not only has Dabi created a forest fire he's clashed with an ice use named Geten and was able to freeze a forest.

Luigi: Dabi can keep up and beat the shit out of his brother Shoto who keep up with classmates like Bakugo and Tokoyami, who can block Kaminari's electricity.

Tails: Which means he can react around Mach 425.

Quick heads up: this was determined in Izuku VS Atsuko.

His flames will eat him away the more he uses them
Can't handle fire due to his mother quirk he inherited
Is not immune to heat

Tails: And so with all these craziness Dabi finally revealed to the world and his family that he is in fact Toya and created the downfall of Hero Society.

Luigi: Man with everything that happened to him it's hard to imagine if he has any redeeming quality.

Tails: Not now anyway but we'll have to see. But with his lust for vengeance against his hotter Dabi won't give up. But if there's something that we need to know is that all Dabi really wanted deep down was love. We'll have to see if Toya is still in there.

Dabi: And in doing so will create a bright new future for this world.


Tails: Alright the combatants are set and we've run the data on all possibilities.

Luigi: It's time for a DEATH BATTLE!!!!!!!!!!!

Blue hellfire

In Hogwarts (from Harry Potter) we see two students talking to each other.

Student #1: Another student was murdered?!

Student #2: Yeah I heard that it's on the quidditch field. It was 3 girls.

Student #1: How did they die!

Student #2: According to a witness it was someone who can make blue fire they couldn't get an appearance on who it is but people suspected it was a girl who did it and that she's been targeting and killing students from Slytherin House. Those girls must be from Slytherin. This means we have now over 20 victims of the blue flames.

Student #1: Well if that girl is the one who can generate blue flames I hope they catch her so that the victims get justice.

Student #2: Yeah I hope justice can be served too.

Meanwhile in the Forbidden Forest, Azula is seen hiding in the bushes.

Azula: Well that was close. I lost them. Geez why would they think I killed all those people I mean as much as I like to take credit for it, it wasn't me. Those fools have lost their minds.

She hears a mysterious voice.

???: Yes they have.

(*Cues: Alex of Doom*)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Azula turns around and sees Dabi who is standing 6 feet from her.

Azula: Well who do we have here?

Dabi: Hey kid you're on the wanted list by the League of Villains. I will eliminate

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