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Dear Prongs,

I understand Molly's perspective, really, I do. Padfoot has been the most alive with Harry around since your death and his sentence to Azkaban, but he knows Harry is not you. Who could replace you!? You were the arrogant, toe-rag that pined after your wife for years until she finally agreed to go out with you. You were the best prankster next to Padfoot, and you always were able to get Moony and Pettigrew in trouble as well just by being on your side. You were the most caring father Harry could've ever had. You were the best friend Padfoot and Moony could've had. You were the best father-figure in my life, however short it was that you were around.

So, no matter what Molly thinks, Padfoot could never think Harry was you, no matter the uncanny resemblance. Harry is simply a part of you that he wants to take care of because that's what you asked him to do by giving him the role of the godfather.

For her to keep bringing your death up like it meant nothing is what is keeping me on edge. I feel like I'm about to explode because of it, you know. I have so much anger inside of me, and yesterday, Molly was on the other end of it. I didn't even feel bad.

The war is brewing, Prongs. I'm afraid for Harry. I'm afraid for Fred and George. I'm afraid for Padfoot and Moony. I'm terrified.

Watch over us.

Love, Lorelei

Lorelei sighed as she sent another letter to the bottom of the ocean. When she let the bird go, she watched in confusion as it flew to the room next to her. Narrowing her eyes, she followed the bird and listened to the conversation from the door.

"Another one, mate?" Ron asked.

"She writes to my dad, Ron. She uses it to talk about things she's afraid to tell other people," Harry said sighing. She heard him open the letter.

Ron sighed. "It's like invasion of her privacy, that is. What's she going to say when she finds out?"

Lorelei opened the door, narrowing her eyes at the boy who lived. "Out, Ronald. I need a word with Harry." Ron squeaked out in surprise when she said that in a deathly calm tone. Ron glanced at Harry who was staring at the mermaid in surprise and guilt.

"Oi, good luck, mate," Ron mumbled before leaving the room in a rush. Lorelei shut the door and leaned her forehead on it with a frustrated sigh. She heard Harry stand up and walk over to her.

Turning around, she couldn't even find the energy to be mad at him. It's not like the bird listened to her when she told it where to go.

"How many?" she asked in a whisper with her head still on the door.

"Since you found out about your father," he whispered back. Lorelei felt a tear roll down her face.

Chuckling humorlessly, she said, "I'm an idiot, aren't I? Writing to a dead person." She looked up to face the raven-haired boy who flinched at the redness of her eyes. She had been crying before she walked in there, and the tears began again.

"Not at all. You're not an idiot, Lor. C'mere," he said and pulled her into his arms. "Let it out, Merlin knows you need to."

Lorelei cried as she let out all of her frustrations and anger. She screamed into the boy's chest, but her voice was raw so it sounded like wheezing. He lowered her to the ground, and they sat there together. Harry whispered things to reassure her that everything would be all right, even if he did not believe it himself.

George, Fred, Remus, Tonks, Molly, and Sirius had all come rushing to the door when they heard her screams. George knew it well as he heard them almost every night, and Fred was no stranger to them either. Remus opened the door a bit first to see Harry cradling Lorelei as she cried. He felt his heart break at the scene. Closing it, he shook his head at the group of worried adults. "Harry's got her. Let's leave them be. She'll talk to us when she's ready."

George frowned and felt his mother walk over to him. "She and Harry share too many traumatic experiences," Molly said with a sigh at her twins who looked like they were ready to burst in there to make everything better for the girl. "Come, we'll get tea ready."

"Shh, Lor, or you'll wake Walburga," Harry mumbled after a while of her crying. Lorelei felt herself let out a choked laugh at that. "We all don't need that old hag yelling at us, do we?"

"Neptune, you probably think I'm a twit for writing to your father," Lorelei said after a while of sniffling and hiccupping.

Harry laughed. "No, Lor. You trust my dad like he's still here to listen and give advice. You loved my parents even if you can't remember them well. I feel honored you think of my parents that way, especially my dad," Harry paused before adding, "You shouldn't keep all of this bottled up, Lor. Writing is fine if they actually are read by someone who can offer advice and help."

"N-No one understands! Every night, it feels like I am reliving that moment in Moody's office last term. I feel like I am going crazy not doing anything to help the Order!"

"I'm here to listen even if I don't understand some parts. George is your boyfriend! I'm sure he would take the time out of his busy life to talk to you, Lor. Even Fred would! You've got Hermione and Ginny if you ever needed it. Ron, too. Then, here you have Lupin and Sirius. I see you've gotten closer with Tonks... I just don't want you to feel alone when so many are ready to help," Harry said while furrowing his eyebrows to make sure everything he said made sense.

Lorelei leaned off of Harry and wiped her eyes while nodding. "You're right. Of course, you are. I-I just hate feeling like a burden."

"You're never a burden, Lor. When was the last time you've been to the water?" Harry asked.

"A week or so ago. I just need to calm my temper and
emotions," Lorelei said while taking a deep breath. Harry stood up and reached his hand out for her to take. She took it and was pulled into his chest for another hug. "I love you, Harry, so much. I'll always be there for you if needed."

"Love you, too, Lorelei," Harry muttered into her hair. Once they pulled away, he smiled. "Come on, I'm sure Mrs. Weasley has some type of food made."

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