- 1 0 1 - JAMES IS DEAD

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MOLLY YELLED FRUSTRATEDLY, "HE'S NOT AN ADULT EITHER! HE'S NOT JAMES, SIRIUS!" Lorelei glared at the woman, feeling the heat rise to her cheeks. She had no right throwing that in Sirius's face. He was well-aware where James was.

They had been arguing since dinner ended of what to tell Harry and what not to. Lorelei and Sirius were fighting for him to know because he deserves it! He deserved to know what was going on because this will all lead back to him in the end.

"He knows, Molly! You have no right to throw that in his face," Lorelei said back a little louder than before. Sirius added coldly, "I'm perfectly clear who is he, thanks."

Molly glared right back at Lorelei. Molly felt that Lorelei was trying to act older than she was nowadays. She felt the girl thought she was older and more experienced than the witches and wizards in the Order. Lorelei did not feel like that, however, she felt like she needed to fight for what was right. Harry knowing the facts was what was right. Looking at Sirius, Molly said, "I'm not sure you are! Sometimes the way you talk about him, it's as though you think you've got your best friend back!"

"What's wrong with that?" Harry asked.

"What's wrong, Harry, is that you are not your father, however much you might look like him! You are still at school and adults responsible for you should not forget it!" Molly shouted at the boy.

Lorelei felt her teeth elongate and eyes darken. Standing up, she yelled, "We know Harry's not his father! WE KNOW JAMES IS DEAD! Sirius saw his dead corpse with his own eyes if you couldn't remember! It would do you well not to keep bringing up! Sirius is happy for the first time in fifteen years because yes, he has a part of James back. BUT HE KNOWS THE DIFFERENCE!" she slammed her chair back, almost hitting Tonks who looked ready to interfere. "Give Harry his answers or I will, Dumbledore's orders be damned." With that, Lorelei stormed out of the room.

Lorelei sat on the bottom of the staircase trying to calm herself down. She could hear Remus telling Molly that Harry needed to know some of the facts. After about ten minutes of explaining the things Lorelei already heard at meetings, Lorelei watched as the Weasley children, Harry, and Hermione left the kitchen followed by Molly.

Molly stared at the mermaid who stood up once George reached her. Lorelei gave a halfhearted nod and said, "My apologies for my temper." Lorelei was not sorry, but the look from George made her realize she had to be nice. If not for herself, then for George.

Molly smiled as best as she could. "It's quite all right, dear. I want you all to go straight to bed, no talking. We've got a busy day tomorrow. I expect Ginny's asleep, so try not to wake her."

"Asleep, yeah, right. If Ginny's not lying awake waiting for Hermione to tell her everything they said downstairs, then I'm a flobberworm," Fred said nudging Lorelei. Lorelei gave him a half-smile, which caused him to frown at her.

Lorelei followed Fred and George into their room, not even glancing back at Molly who no doubt wanted to protest against it. She made the two boys turn as she changed her tight shirt to one of George's large sweaters. Once comfortable again, the three Apparated into Harry and Ron's room.


"Keep your voice down, Ron, or Mum'll be back up here," George said with a grin pushing himself off of Ron's legs.

"You two just Apparated on my knees," Ron complained. Lorelei had landed as gracefully as she could next to Harry. Harry gave the girl a tight-lipped smile to which she didn't even reply. She only leaned her head on Harry's shoulder.

"Yeah, well, it's harder in the dark," Fred said.

George sat on the floor leaning on Lorelei's legs. He smiled when Lorelei began to run a hand through his hair. Fred sat next to Ron. "So," George said, "got there, yet?"

"The weapon Sirius mentioned?" Harry asked.

"Let slip, more like," said Fred. "We didn't hear about that on the old Extendables, did we?"

"What d'you reckon it is?" Harry asked.

"Could be anything," Fred said.

Ron frowned. "There can't be anything worse than the Avada Kedavra curse, can there?" Lorelei flinched imagining the fake Moody pointing his wand at her again. She felt her whole body tense as her eyes shut in what looked to be a pain. George felt her stop moving and looked up concerned while Harry wrapped an arm around her because he knew exactly what she was thinking about. "What's worse than death?"

George reached back and grabbed Lorelei's hands and pulled them onto his shoulders where he gripped them tightly. "Maybe it's something that can kill loads of people at once."

"Maybe it's some particularly painful way of killing people," Ron said fearfully.

"He's got the Cruciatus for causing pain," Harry said, wincing when he felt Lorelei tense again. "He doesn't need anything more efficient than that."

"So, who'd you think's got it now?" George asked.

Lorelei opened her eyes and allowed color to fill her face once more. "All I know is that it's at the Ministry, but the Ministry has no idea about its importance." The four were quiet until they heard footsteps. "Goddammit," she muttered. Kissing Harry's cheek and muttering a good night, Lorelei grabbed Fred and George's hand to Disapparate them back into their room.

Lorelei and George curled up in bed just as Molly opened the door to check on them. She and the twins pretended to be asleep. She felt Molly move Lorelei's hair out of her face with a sigh. When the door shut and her retreating steps were gone, she felt George's arms turn Lorelei to face him.

He kissed her nose gently before pulling her close to his body. Lorelei smiled as she breathed in the smell she always related to George. He could always calm her down, even on the worst nights.

So, in a few hours when she woke up screaming for the twelfth time that summer, he was there to coax her back to sleep as he'd always been.

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