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[ third person ]


As the day came to an end, everyone stood in front of a store, preparing to go to one last place before splitting ways. They spent the day within the mall, walking around and going wherever their hearts desired. A lot of stores got nervous to see a huge group of teenage males walk into their store, but were put to ease by Iwaizumi, Suga and Daichi who didn't hesitate to scold the rowdy teens.

Hotaru had gotten a little crazy being around Nishinoya, Tanaka and Hinata who were more than happy to share the crackhead energy and do random things. The amount of times that one of the males had to come scold her was limitless.

"Hotaru, cut the shit already." Iwaizumi said as he held her by the collar of her shirt, not allowing her to run off after Nishinoya and Tanaka who went for cotton candy.

"But, but-" Hotaru pointed at the shop that sold cotton candy and pouted. "But-"

"No buts. You've been eating a ton of shit today. You'll get sick." Iwaizumi scoffed as he let go of her when she gave up on trying to run over to the store. "You also have your braces to worry about."

"Don't worry, Hotaru-chan! I'll buy some and eat enough for the both of us!" Oikawa said with a grin, earning a hard jab to the ribs from Hotaru who huffed. "Ouch. You guys might not be blood related but you guys sure are siblings."

"Blegh. Sleazykawa." She gave him a thumbs down, sticking out her tongue at the male who held cradled ribs.

As the Seijoh and Karasuno males began to talk amongst each other, Hotaru ended up lagging behind the group with her eyes on her shoes.

Who the frick stepped on my shoe? I bet it was Tooru. That bitc-

"What're you doing?" Tsukishima asked, forcing her eyes to avert from her shoes. He quirked a blond brow at her, wondering what she was doing just standing there.

She pointed at her shoes, "Someone stepped on my dang shoe."

"It's not even noticeable. You're being dramatic."

The two stared at her shoe for a minute before Hotaru nodded with a shrug. "Okay, you're probably right."

As she bent down to gently brush off her shoe, she looked up and noticed the group getting farther from them. "Oh, damn."

She stood up, looking over at Tsukishima who looked a bit troubled. The head tilt she gave him made him answer with one word.

"Here." He muttered as he placed the small container in her hand, slowly walking off to catch up with the rest of the group. He didn't get vey far with his purposefully slow pace.

Hotaru gasped, drawing Tsukishima's attention for a moment. Her eyes brightened as she held the container full of pink and blue cotton candy. Her lips formed into a strange yet cute smile, showing off her braced teeth. She looked like a kid again.

Badump. Badump.

Tsukishima turned away, swallowing thickly as his eyes focused on his shoes.

"Thank you!" Hotaru exclaimed as she bumped shoulders with him, holding the cotton candy to her chest. "I love it!"

Tsukishima scrunched his face up, looking like he was in pain. Shit. Something stirred in his chest and he didn't necessarily hate it.

"Oh." They both said in unison when they looked up, finding the entire group to be gone and out of sight. The two glanced around, trying to find their team but was to no avail.

"Uhhh, well damn." Hotaru said as she popped the lid of her cotton candy, sticking a small piece on her tongue. It melted on her tongue as she swallowed it and went back for more candy. "Guess we got abandoned."

"Abandoned-" He repeated with a small chuckle, shoving his hands into his pockets to pull out his phone. "I have to go home anyway."

Hotaru was quick to question him, "Ehh, why?"

"Nii-chan accidentally flooded the kitchen." Tsukishima explained, his facial expressions going flat with a subtle irritation.

The brunette did a double-take, "Flooded?!?"

Seeing the pictures on his phone, it wasn't as bad as it sounded but it was still pretty worrisome.

"Let's go." Tsukishima muttered as he started walking towards the mall exit.

"Where we going?" Hotaru asked as she followed behind him, rushing to keep up with him.

Tsukishima stuffed in his hands in his pockets. "Your house then I'm going home myself."

She gasped, "Is the Tsukishima Kei walking me home? This is a lie."

"Only for you." His tone was slightly taunting but his words held truthโ€” more truth than she knew of.

"I'll tell Haji that I'm going with you." After shooting the male a quick text about her whereabouts, she shoved her phone in her pocket and resumed eating the cotton candy.

About three minutes into their walk, Hotaru screamed. It was a panicked scream that made Tsukishima jump.

"It's starting to rain. My cotton candy!" She quickly covered it, stuffing it inside her jacket to prevent it getting wet. "Curse this damn weather!"

The rain was light at first, spritzing the world with a few drops. Two seconds later, it was pouring so hard that they were both soaked to the skin.

"Eugh." Hotaru shook like a dog, standing under the roof of Tsukishima's house that was nearby. "It's cold." She mumbled with emphasis.

"No." He replied flatly, opening the front door and stepping inside. He disappeared wordlessly, leaving Hotaru standing in the genkan like that one emoji. (๐Ÿงโ€โ™€๏ธ) He reappeared moments later with two large towels.

"Kei, is that you? Did you get caught in the rain?" Hitomi appeared with a worried look on her face. Her worried expression only worsened when she saw Hotaru and Tsukishima standing there, soaked. "Bath! Go take a bath! Both of you!"

I thought she meant together AHAHA. Hotaru thought as she was pushed upstairs and into the guest bath with towel and a pair of clothes Hitomi snatched from her son.

Turning on the shower, she quickly took a bath and changed into the clothes. It smelt like Tsukishima, making her feel strange inside.

Staring herself in the mirror, she slapped her cheeks and sighed. "Jeez."

"Are you done?" Tsukishima asked from the other side of the door, knocking on the wooden door that separated them.

"Yes, sir." Hotaru said as she unlocked the door, stepping out with her hands behind her back.

"Honey," Hitomi called from downstairs, making both teens pause for a moment. "I think it's best to stay for the night. The rain is really heavy tonight."

Tsukishima's eyes slightly widened. He was close to saying no, but Hotaru spoke up first.

"Okay. I'm sure Haji and my mom guys won't mind." Hotaru called back as she whipped out her phone to give Iwaizumi a call. In less than two minutes, she had gotten permission from her reluctant older brother.

"Alright! Where's Aki-nii? I have something to ask!" Hotaru said as she scurried off to find Akiteru who was busy wiping up the kitchen.

Tsukishima sighed to himself, "Make yourself at home, I guess." He muttered under his breath as he disappeared into his room to clean up a bit. As he shut the door behind him, he pressed his back to the surface and took a deep breath.

Overnight with her? Shit.

[ a/n : OKAY, BIG QUESTION HERE!!! would you guys prefer if I still posted everyday but at an earlier time so you guys aren't "late" (even tho I don't mind if you are bc ik you guys have lives of your own) OR would you like me to update on the weekends only but give you a week worth of updates? (โ—'โˆ€'โ—) i have no preference towards either so it's up to you guys heheh ]

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