Chapter 15 Curore

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Satsuki: I pretended to obey you as I waited for this day to come! Fear is freedom! Subjugation is liberation! Contradiction is the truth! These are the truths of this world! Surrender to those truths, you pigs who fawn over clothing!

A bright light covered the stage in response to Satsuki's speech.

Rei: What Foolishness!

Rei's sleeves began to expand as she attacked Satsuki. A Giant badge blocked the attack. Behind the giant badge was...

Gamagoori: Over my dead body!

He then transforms.

Gamagoori: Shackle Regalia MKII!

Afterwards one star members surrounded Rei and Tied her in place, refraining her from fighting.

Satsuki: Inumuta. Release everyone.

Inumuta was next to Satsuki with a tablet in hand.

Inumuta: Understood.

Suddenly barrels appeared around the entire Stadium, firing needles at the people covered in Life fibers. Releasing them from their restraints

Rei: How did you-

Inumuta: Jamming rounds that inhibit Life Fiber activity. I made improvements to Nudist Beach's weaponry.

Ragyo, somehow was still able to speak from the Star Statue.

Ragyo: You high school student scum...

Satsuki: You'd do well to not underestimate them.

Every student then took off the fancy vests given to them revealing Goku Uniforms.

Satsuki: Every Last Student here has been trained as a warrior to fight you- no, to fight Life Fibers! Behold the power of Honnouji Academy!

Nui was standing atop of the Stadium walls, overlooking the events occur.

Nui: Oh, so this was her plan.... I'm impressed, Satsuki! Good one!

???: Yeah it was pretty well thought out.

Nui: Exactl-

Before Nui could finish her sentence she was struck by a familiar figure.

(Y/N): (Sigh) Satsuki told me to take care of her, But I've fought her like twice already. Soon it'll get boring. And I don't like boring.

(Y/N) was atop of the Stadium wall looking over the events.

(Y/N): (sigh) Let's get this over with.

(Y/N) then jumped down to Nui's position. Her face was dug deep into the floor. Dirt rising from where her face is.

(Y/N): Alright here we go again.

Sanageyama then stabbed his sword into the ground next to (Y/N).

Sanageyama: We're the ones you're going to face.

Sanageyama points at Nui.

(Y/N): Oh, hey!

(Y/N) points at Sanageyama.

Nui: You again. Oh, hey.

Nui points at (Y/N).

(Y/N): What are we doing?

Sanageyama then transforms.

Sanageyama: Blade Regalia MKIII!

Nui: I'm sorry, do I know you?

She points to Sanageyama.

Sanageyama: Uzu Sanageyama of the Honnouji Academy Elite Four! I'm going to get payback for what you did to me!

(Y/N): Oh if that's the case, Have fun Sangeyama.

Sangeyama: H-huh?

(Y/N): She's all yours.

(Y/N) then teleports to another location in the stadium.

(Y/N): It's boring to have the same dish everyday.

(Y/N) was Right next to Ryuko.

Ryuko: S-Satsuki's taking out her mother?

Senketsu: So, this means her goal is the same as ours?

(Y/N): Seems like it.

Ryuko: (Y-Y/N)?!

Tsumugu: What the hell is going on?!

(Y/N): A lot of things....

Suddenly a big screen next to the companions. It showed Gamagoori.

Gamagoori: Matoi. Lady Satsuki intended from the very beginning to fight Life Fibers. But to deceive Director Ragyo, She could not allow her true intentions to show in the slightest.

Ryuko: Then what the hell was you guys fighting me and the Nudist Beach all about?!

(Y/N): Satsuki's very picky.

Satsuki then appears on the screen.

Satsuki: I have no need for half-baked allies. If my forces could defeat you, you couldn't possibly win the war against Life Fibers.

Ryuko: Say what?!

Satsuki: If you don't like my way, I will fight you afterward. But if you ambition is to protect humanity's freedom, fight now with every ounce of your strength!

Satsuki from the stage Grew bright, With a light shining behind her.

(Y/N): Well at least we restrained the big shot.

Ragyo smirks from her Crucified self.

Ragyo: Hah. Your ambition is impressive. You have no qualms about literally stabbing your mother in the back?

(Y/N): How the fuck are you still breathing?

Satsuki: Of course not! I'll use any means necessary to defeat a monster like you! Even if it invites scorn as a conniving villain, I gladly welcome it!

Ragyo: You call your own mother a monster?

Satsuki: A woman who is unfazed by being stabbed through the heart shouldn't be saying that. You monster that merged with Life Fibers and Forsook her humanity!

Ragyo: I am no monster. I am merely a being....

She removers her hand from the Metal Piercing.

Ragyo: Who has come closer to the truth.

Satsuki pulls out a remote device and presses the one button on it. The piercing that was placed on Ragyo's hand grabbed her by the wrist and Restrained her once more.

With Sanageyama.

Nui:Payback, do I owe you something?

Sanageyama: You've forgotten our sneak attack on me during the Naturals Election?

Nui: Sorry! I only remember that other boy.

She then knocks Sanageyama off balance.

Nui: When a girl changes her underwear, she forgets the past too!

She then Slices Sanageyama's Regalia.

Nui: You think a little ol' wardrobe change will let you beat me-

Sanageyama then appeared behind Nui.

Sanageyama: Nothin' persona; kid.

He turned his arms invisible and Struck Nui 1000 times.

Back with (Y/N)

Ragyo: Tell me, when did you turn against me?

Satsuki: I never turned against you. I've been against you for as long as I can remember. My entire life was in preparation for this day.

Ragyo: What did you say?

Satsuki: I learned the truth when I was five. Father told me everything. About Life Fibers. COVERS. And Ragyo Kiryuin.

Satsuki points her blade at Ragyo.

Satsuki: The true aim of your vile deeds! All of it!

Ragyo: He was a hack. Soichiro could not fathom the truth of the universe.

Satsuki: Father knew that you would come after him! That's why he entrusted everything to me!

Ragyo: A grown man, turning his year-old daughter for help...

Satsuki: I was no ordinary 5 year-old! Did you forget that I am Satsuki Kiryuin?!

Ragyo: You're skilled at monologuing I'll give you that. But even if you defeat me. Life Fibers will not die out.

Satsuki: The original Life Fiber, you mean? I already have a plan in motion.

The screen then changes to reveal Iori.

Iori: We've rendered the original Life Fiber dormant.

Ragyo: Those scum are wandering around beneath the mansion?

Satsuki: I had already dealt with kuroido and the rest of your people, when I spent the night there. Ragyo! In the name of Human Liberation, your life is Forfeit!

Rei then releases herself from her bindings

Rei: Lady Ragyo!

Satsuki: Don't interfere!

Satsuki then slices her mid air. However, it was not Rei that she had struck. It was the Star sustaining Ragyo.

Ragyo: HAHAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHH!!!! Satsuki, I will help myself to your troops.

Suddenly Ragyo was in the crowd of students. She sways her arms outward with a really long string. Each student was tied under her possession.

(Y/N): That isn't good.

Ryuko: That bitch! She turned all the students into her puppets!

(Y/N): We need to be careful, Those guys are on our side.

The students then charge towards Satsuki.

Gamagoori: Lady Satsuki!

Satsuki then transforms into her Junketsu.

Satsuki: Don't hold back! Consider anyone who attacks you to be the enemy! Until Ragyo is defeated, turn your hearts to steel! Life Fiber Override, Kamui Junketsu!

Satsuki then dives into the swarm of students. And swipes them all in opposite directions.

Ryuko: Wa-? Wait just a damn minute, Kiryuin!

The controlled students then crawled up the bridge to Ryuko and (Y/N). Aikuro appears firing at the students, yelling as he goes.

Aikuro: Ryuko! Leave this to us! You and (Y/N) Help Satsuki!

(Y/N)/Ryuko: O-okay.

Ryuko: C'mon (Y/N)!

Satsuki then cuts down another horde of students.

Satsuki: Ragyo Kiryuin! You won't escape me!

Ragyo: Even though you're my daughter, I must say that I am impressed However, you are making several grave mistakes.

Ragyo then summons a string which tightens around Ryuko.

Ryuko: uh? EH?

She was then pulled into the air.

Satsuki: Matoi!

(Y/N): Oh no you don't!

(Y/N) appears with a keyblade in hand....

He had cut the string which attached itself to Ryuko. The two then hit the ground next to Satsuki.

Ragyo: You're-

(Y/N): Hey Satsuki, How the mother daughter bonding going.

Satsuki then stares at (Y/N) wide eyed.

(Y/N): hmmm.. What? Is there something on my face?

Satsuki then settles down and smiles.

Satsuki: It's nothing.

Ryuko: Oi, Did you forget that I'm here too.

(Y/N): No, but you seem fine.

Ryuko then punches (Y/N)'s head.

Ryuko: Fuck off!

(Y/N):(muffled) right.

(Y/N) then pulls his face out of the dirt.

(Y/N): Let's get this shit done!

Ryuko then activates Senketsu.

Ryuko: Right!

Satsuki: Agreed!

The three then charged at Ragyo. Who used her string to attack. She tried to tie use her Mind stitch to control either one. But (Y/N) cut down each one prevents her from doing it. He could see it miles away. Satsuki and Ryuko then jumped in and kicked Ragyo back. Ragyo puts her hand on her cheek.

Ragyo: La Vie juste drôle.

(Y/N): Life is funny, huh?

Ragyo: truly, life is most amusing.

Suddenly Nui appeared before the three.

Nui: Long time, no see, Ryuko!

Ryuko: You! Nui Harime!

Nui: Satsuki said that the whole killing-your-father thing was her idea, but that's a lie,lie,lie a big fat lie! Lady Ragyo and I were behind the whole thing! You want me to give you back this Scissor Blade, right? Come on, avenge your father right here and now. But don't get mad at me if your quest for revenge cost you your life, okay?

(Y/N): Get back!

(Y/N) jumps in front of Ryuko, blade in hand ready to fight.

(Y/N): I'll take care of her. You and Satsuki deal with Ragyo.

Ryuko Stares at (Y/N) for a moment in her angered fit. Before calming down.

Ryuko: Right.

Nui then tries to go behind (Y/N) and chase Ryuko. (Y/N) had other Ideas in mind. He stuck his blade blocking her path.

(Y/N): Nuh-uh, You ain't going Nowhere!

Nui: Awww, But that was gonna be so much fun. Oh! Are we going to play again?!

(Y/N): (sigh)........*smirks* Yeah....

(Y/N) then drags his blade across the floor before throwing up. Whilst he did this red ball surrounded him launching Nui into the air. Whilst she was falling (Y/N) had spun his blade behind him and held it in a backhand position. He then dashed forward slicing Nui as she fell, he stays there for a second before multiple strikes began to hit Nui.

(Y/N): Zantetsuken!

Nui was in the air for a while. She then recovered as she looked down on (Y/N). (Y/N) was nowhere to be seen.

Nui: Damn where is he!?

(Y/N): Right behind you.

(Y/N) then summons another copy of the Keyblade. He points it to the air. The Keyblades then spun around at high speeds With the tips shooting bullets. Each hit Nui and she was then launched into the air. (Y/N) then did a midair backflip before grabbing Nui by the neck and dragging her to the floor. When she had struck the floor she had bounced off. (Y/N) then lifted both of his arms to the sky. The keyblades spun around him with Fire emanating from the blades.

(Y/N): Fire!

He had done this three times before casting Lightning Causing Nui to Shake vigorously.

(Y/N): Thunder!

He then summoned a tornado Lifting Nui into the air.

(Y/N): Wind!

(Y/N) then teleported above Nui with a long spear. He then dived down onto her. He stabbed her in her stomach putting her down on to the ground. Afterwards he summoned 6 Glyphs. They all encircled him as multiple remnants of blades appeared from each Glyph. Each one hitting Nui.

(Y/N): Ultima!

The blades continued to strike as a bright light Covered the surroundings. Not even Ragyo could see through it.

(Y/N): Finisher!!!!!!!!

Suddenly a giant explosion came out of (Y/N). Launching Nui far with actual injuries on her body. Ones she can't recover. (Y/N) slowly walks over to her. He stops right before her.

(Y/N): (sigh) You're a real pain in the ass y'know that?

Nui didn't respond as she was passed out.

(Y/N): huh. Didn't expect that coming from her.

(Y/N) then turns around to see Ryuko fighting Satsuki.

(Y/N): I leave for a minute and then-

Ryuko then grabs her brain? I don't know. She then pulls out a string from her brain.

Ryuko: You can't tie down me and Senketsu with a little thread like this!

Rei: Impossible... She broke free of your mind Stitching?

Ragyo: This feeling... Impossible!

(Y/N): Oh! Nevermind then.

(Y/N) then teleports to their location.

Ryuko: (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Yo!

Satsuki then recovers from her last bout. She then stands as the other two stand next to her. She then runs forward towards Ragyo. Rei then appears in her way.

SatsukI: Stand Aside!

She had launched Rei into the Giant screen.

(Y/N): too much.

Satsuki: Ragyo Kiryuin! You will pay for taking the lives of my father, Soichiro Kiryuin, and my baby sister who was never given a name!

Satsuki then charges full throttle at Ragyo. Ryuko follows Suit. (Y/N) just stays back.

Ragyo: This is all about revenge for ancient history? Fpr so young you're so trite.

Satsuki: It is a noble cause resulting from personal feelings. Someone like you whose soul is enchained by Life Fibers could never understand.

Ragyo: Can you defeat me, though?

(Y/N): If she can't then we will!

(Y/N) was above her and was about to land on top of Ragyo with his foot stretched out. Ragyo wasn't stupid however. She grabbed (Y/N)'s foot and Threw him at Satsuki.

Satsuki: Gah!

(Y/N): oof.

Ryuko then jumps over the bunch with her blade in hand. When she landed she used her blade to blind Ragyo. She then began to slice her blade all over Ragyo. She was right behind Ragyo.


After a second Ragyo's head cam off. Blood gushing everywhere. Her head rolling around.

Rei: Lady Ragyo!

Satsuki gets up from the (Y/N).

Satsuki: It is over.

After a second Satsuki then turns her head to the sky.

Satsuki: Am I imagining things?

(Y/N): Hmm?

(Y/N) then turns his head.


Satsuki: What, What is it?

(Y/N) then pushes Satsuki out of the way. Ragyo's body was still moving. Ragyo was still alive.

Ragyo: As long as a single scrap of skin- no, a single strand of neck thread remains attached, my body can regenerate itself.

(Y/N) and Satsuki get up from the push. Ryuko Jumps up to the bridge to her fellow allies.

Ragyo: It would seem that not even your Scissor blade was able to sever it completely.

Ryuko: Bitch!

Ragyo then gets closer to the trio.

Ragyo: Satsuki, you are completely misunderstanding. You think you are wearing Junketsu perfectly. But...

Ragyo then appeared before the three. She then grabbed Satsuki by the neck and lifted her up. Ryuko tried to get close but Ragyo kicked her away. (Y/N) just stared at her with blade in aarms.

Ragyo: Oh right.. You. You hurt my precious Nui while they were attacking me. I can't believe you actually injured her. Are you even human?

(Y/N) then fixes his blade.

(Y/N): No, I'm not.

Ragyo then punched Satsuki in (Y/N)'s Direction. (Y/N) had Caught her.

(Y/N): Whoa there!

As soon as he did Ragyo came Charging back at them. Satsuki jumped off (Y/N) and tried to block her attacks. (Y/N) backed away. Satsuki was taking all the damage. After a second Satsuki fixed her position and charged at Ragyo. Unfortunately Ragyo broke her Bakuzan. She then gut punched Satsuki.

Ragyo: Your little scheme has given me no end of entertainment. But I think it's time for you to return Junketsu. Suddenly a burst of flames came out of Junketsu as Satsuki was Launched back. Her blades landed on the floor hitting the ground.

(Y/N): Satsuki!

The sky above the stadium changed to a dark red with threads hovering around. White vests and Pants then appeared over the stadium as They form a wall. Suddenly Ragyo appears pulling Satsuki's hair, wearing Junketsu.

Aikuro: It can't be, those are-

Ragyo: Oh, but they are. Those are COVERS. Beings created from the Original Life Fiber.

Ryuko: Satsuki Kiryuin ....!

Ragyo then Threw Satsuki off the stage. Luckily enough, (Y/N) teleported and grabbed Satsuki mid air and set her down on the floor. He then pulled out his old hoodie and placed it over Satsuki.

(Y/N): Curaga!

(Y/N) then walks away. Satsuki recovered quickly and Saw (Y/N) walking away. (Y/N) turns his head.

(Y/N): Rest for now. We'll handle the rest.

Ragyo: This is the fate that awaits any fool who dares oppose me-no, Oppose the Life Fibers!

(Y/N) then appeared right before her.

(Y/N): You're wrong. There is still one thing that can....

(Y/N) then readies his blade and points it at Ragyo.

(Y/N): .....A Nobody.

Ragyo: hmmm? Nobody you say? We shall see about that.

Ragyo then activates Junketsu.

Ragyo: Life Fiber Override, Kamui Junketsu!

(Y/N): That... is disgusting. You look horrible.

Ragyo: You are just jealous to see the grace of purity before y-

(Y/N): Yeah, no I don't

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