Gamagoori: Form up! At Attention! Listen Closely! Tomorrow. The Cultural & Sports Grand Festival will be held at Honnouji Academy! All No-Stars and their parents are to welcome Director Kiryuin from the spectator seats! Ceremonial dress uniforms will be distributed to all of you! Gather at the stadium entrance in these Uniforms by 8:30! Tardiness will not be Tolerated! Unkempt dress will not be tolerated! Assume that even the slightest breach of etiquette will carry the death penalty!
Gamgoori had given out his speech to the local few. By local few that means all parents of the No-stars and others too. Where was (Y/N) you may ask? He's where you think he is.
School Wall
(Y/N) was sitting on the edge of the school wall, This time without his signature popsicle in hand. All he did was stare into the sunset. Ever so silently. That is until...
(Y/N) gets up from his position to leave the school wall.
(Y/N): Alright Time to head ba-
Once (Y/N) had turned around he noticed a distinct figure. One with a hood on. They seemed to have the face of a woman. Unknown to (Y/N) this was an illusion casted by a chain of memories.
(Y/N): You! H-how did-
(Y/N) stretches his arm forward to see the figure's lower body began to freeze, afterwards the whole body had froze up. The frozen figure smiled with a tear running down their cheeks as they look at (Y/N). They shatter.
(Y/N): Wait!
After the scream (Y/N) had delivered, he failed to touch the iced figure in hopes to save them. He looks down the floor of the school wall.
???: You seem troubled.
(Y/N) lifts his head to see another figure. This one however is different from the one he previously viewed. She was tall with pale skin. She wore Clean white clothing. Feathers around her arms. Her dress matched the feathers having tips just like it. Her hair was brushed outwards, and she had hair with multiple colors. (Y/N) noticed her difference from an average person. He then returned to sitting on the edge.
(Y/N): And if I were What were you to do about it?
???: If I were you, I would seek out companions. Let them take care of me. In exchange for something of course.
(Y/N): Hah, I've heard that before! And it doesn't help. Makes things worse.
???: My, My....
The woman in question begins to look out to the sunset.
???: Beautiful.....
(Y/N): The sun sets best, when it's a good day. Right now it's not anything pretty.
???: hmmmm? If I may ask, What happened to ruin this pleasing view?
(Y/N): ......Old memories......
???: Of what kind?
(Y/N): ...... The bad ones....
After about a minute another strange figure appears. She had darker skin, and purple hair. GOld earrings and white clothing with sunglasses on. She also had a checklist.
???2: Ma'am We only have a few minutes left to stay here, we need to return to REVOCs headquarters immediately.
???: I understand, Rei.
The Woman with multi-colored hair then turned to (Y/N).
???: I shall take my leave then. Mr.
(Y/N): (Y/N) (L/N). And you are...?
(Y/N) then pulled out a popsicle. He began to eat it.
???: I am Ragyo Kiryuin. I will be sure to see you at the ceremony tomorrow.
(Y/N): stared at her for a moment before returning to his popsicle.
Ragyo: Farewell.
(Y/N) didn't pay attention he just continued to eat his popsicle.
(Y/N): Ragyo Kiryuin, huh?
He then smirks as he stares into the sunset.
(Y/N): Things just got a whole lot more interesting....
Time-skip to the next evening
(Y/N) had woken up from his slumber, rather later than usual. Why? The whole student Council were constructing fucking disney world what else? He was irritated and had barely any sleep. So He wasn't feeling the best he could. He had sat up from lying down.
(Y/N): .........Fuck........
He says. He then notices the huge line heading towards the School courtyard.
(Y/N):...... Double Fuck.......
(Y/N) Then turns around to see the Courtyard surrounded by a stadium.
(Y/N): That wasn't there before. Was what they were making last night?
(Y/N) then stands up to stretch his body.
(Y/N): ahhhhh.... Hmm?
(Y/N) then notices the pair of Clothing left for him by his side. It was a black vest, a white shirt, a black tie and pants. (Y/N) then picks it up and sees the note on the side.
(Y/N): "Be sure to come to the Festival, plans are set in motion and we are going to need your help. -Satsuki" (sigh) I guess I'm important to everyone.
(Y/N) then pockets the note left for him. He then stares at the Vest.
(Y/N): hmmm.....
He stares even more at the Vest.
(Y/N): hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.........
He stares more at the Vest.
(Y/N): HMMmMMmMMmmmMmmMMMMMmmmm.....
(Y/N) then tosses the Vest off the school wall.
(Y/N): Not my style.
(Y/N) then hops off the school wall and begins to walk towards the giant stadium, Mid-air. As he gets closer he begins to hear Satsuki's speech.
Satsuki: Today is a celebration of those Accomplishments! Eat and Drink your fill! Praise the Kiryuin name!
(Y/N): There was food? If I had known there was food I would've come earlier.
(Y/N) then arrives to the Stadium wall and looks over the crowd of people.
Satsuki: The Honnouji Academy Cultural and Sports Grand Festival begins now!
Music then begins to play from the school orchestra. The crowd then begins to engulf their food.
Satsuki: And now, What you have all been waiting for. Let us offer a welcome with utmost respect.
(Y/N) wasn't paying attention as he looked out to the outskirts of the City to see Dust pick up at high speeds.
(Y/N): oh, boy, here she comes.
Suddenly a rainbow light emanated from the center of the stadium. (Y/N) then turns his head to see...
(Y/N): What the fuck is that.
I have no fucking clue.
Ragyo then walks all the way up to Satsuki.
(Y/N): This'll be a show worth watching.
Ragyo: Ladies and Gentlemen, I put a question to you. What is the world?
(Y/N): Oh! OH! Me! Pick me!
Ragyo: The world is clothing.
Ragyo: Life Fibers are the ruler of this world. I, Ragyo Kiryuin, Know and carry out their will!
(Y/N): -_-
Ragyo: Honnouji Academy was created for just that purpose. The weak serve as the foundation for what is to come. You should consider that an honor.
(Y/N): Yeah, no I don't want to pray to alien clothing....
Ragyo: Now, let the celebration begin!
Ragyo then presses a button to which came out of the stage. Suddenly everyone who was wearing the fancy clothing were begin covered in Life Fibers. Screams filled the stadium.
(Y/N): That..... Can't be good.
(Y/N) then jumps off the school wall into the stadium entrance. As he did Ryuko appeared behind him.
Ryuko: (Y/N)!
(Y/N): huh? Oh hey Ryuko. What's going on?
Ryuko: The Kiryuin's plan to take over everything this world has to offer. And we're here to stick their face in.
(Y/N): Oh, seems about right.
Aikuro: Ryuko! Get on the DTR! Tsumugu!
Ryuko: You mean Dotonbori Robo?
Aikuro: DTR!
Ryuko: It's Dotonbori Robo, Right?
Aikuro: DTR!
Tsumugu: He hates that name.
(Y/N): I guess I'll see you inside then.
Everyone: Right.
(Y/N): Okay, see you guys inside.
(Y/N) then teleports to into the Stadium.
(Y/N): And now we wait.
(Y/N) was on the courtyard right in front of the stage. He saw Ragyo with her arms stretched out in a T-pose like manner. Suddenly Ryuko and the others appear.
Ryuko: I'm putting an end to this, Satsuki Kiryuin! Turn everyone back to normal!
(Y/N) gets closer to the crowd of people.
(Y/N): I guess there's more fighting to be had.
Ragyo: Oh, you're Ryuko Matoi?
Ryuko: You're-
Ragyo: I see. And that is Kamui Senketsu? The fruits of Isshin Matoi's last, futile efforts. I must say, I didn't expect it to be so beautiful.
(Y/N): If by Beautiful you mean, Over sexual then yeah.
Ryuko: So you're Ragyo Kiryuin, huh? I swear, you Kiryuin's love to talk down to people!
Ragyo: I do. I am the one who knows everything in this world.
(Y/N): Yet you knew nothing about me...
Ragyo: I am the leader of the Kiryuin Conglomerate Rag-
Suddenly a sword had Pierced through Ragyo's Chest.
Ragyo: What are you playing at...
Ragyo turns her head to look behind her.
Ragyo: Satsuki?
Satsuki: The time for speeches is over, Director.
(Y/N): Wow, she CAN make jokes!
Satsuki then furthers her blade deeper into Ragyo's chest. Making her gush out blood.
Ragyo: Gah!
Satsuki then lifts her over her head, and throws her to a giant Star symbol Impaling her as if she were crucified. Blood Coming out of Ragyo. Stasuki then lifts her head.
Satsuki: As of this moment, Satsuki Kiryuin and Honnouji Academy are in rebellion against you!
Ryuko: What... the hell?!
Ragyo although pierced through the chest and arms is still able to speak.
Ragyo: You're trying to take the throne from me?
Satsuki: No, I'm not!
Satsuki then lifts her Bakuzan.
Satsuki: People do not live for the sake of Clothing! I, Satsuki Kiryuin, am rising up to overthrow Life Fibers! Honnouji Academy is the fortress I created in order to defeat you! Remember that, Ragyo Kiryuin!
(Y/N) then lifts his head in glee. A wide teeth shown smirk is on his face. As to what transpired.
(Y/N): This, just got a whole lot more interesting....
CHAPTER 14 IS FINALLY FINISHED, FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so sorry that this is a short one. But the next one is gonna involve quite a bit of fighting and thinking so it'll take a while. I hope you all are excited, cause I am. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and look forward to the next. Ciao.
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