Prolonging the inevetable

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(Y/n)'s POV

You awoke to the feeling of your hair being petted, and tucked behind your ear. You deeply inhaled, taking in a familiar and comforting scent. You made an unintentional "mh" sound as your eyes fluttered open.

Zack: "Mornin', sleepyhead."

You gazed up at him sleepily, and he was smiling down at you affectionately. The warm light was shining  down on his face. It was a nice sight to wake up to.

Coming out of your groggy state, you noticed the position you were currenlty in. You quickly snapped out of it with a red face. You jumped off of him, spewing out apologies. He just laughed.

Zack: "It's fine, (n/n)..I don't mind..."

The redness didn't leave your face.

You noticed your arms felt different. You shifted your attention and held your hands in front of your face. Your arms were bandaged up, much like Zack's. You eyed them in wonder. It took a Moment for it to click in your head what had happened. He watched you, amused.

(Y/n): "Thank you..."

You breathed.

(Y/n): "I had forgotten..."

He was staring at the floor ahead of him, a proud smile adorning his lips. You could tell that he felt like he did something good. It warmed your heart.

(y/n): "...We match now..."

You intertwined your fingers with his and held up your hands. You felt him tense up in surprise, and he gaped at you with widened eyes.

(y/n): "kind of..."

You chuckled lightly, setting his hands back down to rub the sleep out of your eyes. You yawned.

(Y/n): "How long was I asleep? It wasn't too long, was it?..."

Zack: "..I dunno...Maybe a couple hours. I was conked out for a while, too.."

he rubbed his face.

(y/n): "...Thank you again...I probably would've passed out if I hadn't rested..."

Zack: "yeah..."

(y/n): "How are you feeling, though?"

Zack: "I'm ready to go when you are."

You stood up to stretch. The colorful rays of light cascaded down on your form. Zack's eyes were fixed on you, and he had an unreadable expression on his face.

(Y/n): "...Is something wrong?"

Zack: "..Huh?...!"

He snapped his gaze away and stood up, rubbing his eyes.

Zack: "It's nothin'...Let's get goin' already..."

(Y/n): "I haven't seen the elevator to the next floor yet, have you?"

Zack: "'Course not."

He sighed

Zack: "We can look for it together."

He stared at the wall as he held out his hand to you.  You took it contently and went on your way.

You mentioned that you might know a possible room for the elevator to be in. The room with medical supplies had a hallway leading out of it, but you didn't really look at it last time.

Zack: "How'd they fit a whole church in here?.....anyway, what happened to that priest guy you told me about?"

You shrugged.

Zack: "I thought you said you talked to him. Really? So he just like, handed you the drugs and walked away?"

(Y/n): "Well, it wasn't quite that simple."

Zack: "it never is with you."

He muttered.

(Y/n): " Y'know,  If I didn't know any better, I'd say that old man might have a soft spot for you, Zack."

Zack had stopped walking. You looked over and he started dramatically retching off to the side.

(Y/n): "Haha, it's not that gross."

Zack: "Shut up! Don't say weird shit like that.."

You shook your head at his antics, they hardly ever failed to amuse you.

(Y/n): "'Should be through here..."

You stepped past the bookcase and into the room where you had previously enjoyed demeaning the priest. You led Zack inside.

Zack: "Damn, this building's friggin' crazy."

(Y/n): "That's for damn sure."

You continued down to the hallway. As you suspected, the elevator was waiting for you at the end of it.

Zack: "So, how do we get it to move?"

(Y/n): "Press the button, probably."

You went up and hit the ^ button. The doors opened.

Zack: "Well, that was easy."

(Y/n): "For once."

You both stepped inside, and the doors closed.

(Y/n): "Hey, Zack? Can I ask you a question?"

Zack: "What's the point of askin' permission to ask? I won't know till I hear what it is."

(Y/n): "Huh, 'guess you're right. I suppose I was trying to see if you were in the mood answer.."

Zack: "Fair enough I guess. So, what's up?"

(Y/n): "...How did you get all of those burns?"

Zack: "Why the hell would you wanna know somethin' like that?"

(Y/n): "I guess I just do... It seems like an important part of your life, and I want to understand...but.. you don't have to answer."

Zack: "Well, it's not that interesting of a story..."

(Y/n): "That's okay, it doesn't have to be."

He rubbed the back of his head.

Zack: "When I was a little kid.. some guy, who I think lived at my house.. set me on fire."

(Y/n): "Do you know why?"

Zack: "Hehe, I don't really remember it too well, but he was at the house, so... I guess he was the guy who used to bang my mom?"

Zack's POV (flashback)

You were in the kitchen, the man had covered you in gas and thrown you to the floor. He was laughing and holding a lighter in his other hand. He opened the lighter and flicked it on. He proceeded to drop it, intending for the gas to catch fire. In a flash, you were set ablaze, and you tackled the man, setting him on fire, too.

(Y/n)'s POV (end of flashback)

Zack: "Whole thing's kind of a blur after that, but I'm pretty sure I bit a big chunk out of him or somethin'. He was probably tryin' to kill me, but...Hehehe, he didn't know what a stubborn little punk I was. I was pretty small, then."

(Y/n): "I'm glad that bastard got hurt, too...Just hearing about it makes me want to beat the shit out of him... He got in trouble, right?"

Zack: "Not exactly...My whore of a mom wrapped me up like a damn mummy, and sold me off to a shady-ass orphanage."

(Y/n): "Oh..."

Zack: "That's pretty much it. You satisfied now?"

(Y/n): "Well, yes and no... I guess I'm just more pissed off than anything."

Zack: "So what'd you think? Was that story interesting?"

(Y/n): "Yeah, it was...thank you for telling me."

Zack: "So, that's your only question?"

(Y/n): "Mhm?"

Zack: "So, you're good?"

(Y/n): "Mhm."

Zack: "Glad I could help out."

(Y/n): "...Actually..."

Zack: "I thought you said that was all."

He smirked. He knew you too well.

(Y/n): "..Do you really want out of this place? It'll be dangerous for you outside..."

Zack: "Ha? Of course I do. That's a dumb question. Jeez, (n/n),  you think I'm goin' through all this crap for fun?"

(Y/n): "well, No..."

Zack: "Don't you worry. As soon as we find a way outta here and you make a better face for me-"

(Y/n): "I know"

You calmly snapped.

(Y/n): "You're gonna kill me."

You looked to the side putting on an apathetic face.

He scratched the back of his neck.

Zack: "Yeah..."

He glanced at you, sparking a hopeful glint in his heterochromatic eyes.

Zack: "What's a matter, change your mind or somethin'?"

(Y/n): "It doesn't matter."

Zack: "Like hell it doesn't."

(Y/n): "It doesn't."

Zack: "Yeah? well, It does t'me. I ain't lyin' to ya. I wouldn't..."

(Y/n): 'But I would, wouldn't I?'

A vision flashed through your mind suddenly. Police lights flashing. Your parents sitting at the dining table in the darkness. A school on fire. An integration room.

You gasped lightly, gripping the strap of your bag.

(Y/n): 'Maybe, I should tell him...before I...'

(Y/n): "Hey, Zack...listen, okay?"

Zack: "What is it, (n/n)?"

(Y/n): "I...I'm...ahg, never mind..."

(Y/n): 'Would he hate me for being a liar? Does it count if I didn't remember at first?'

Zack: "Come on! Don't play games with me."

(Y/n): "Sorry, I guess I can't bring myself to say anything out loud..."

He sighed patiently.

Zack: "It's fine...I guess I get where you're comin' from..."

(Y/n): "Thanks for understanding..."

Zack: "..Look, we're almost outta this hellhole."

The elevator doors opened with a ding, revealing an all too familiar hallway.

(Y/n): '...Fuck.'

Fuck it we posting on Sunday

Also, wattpad doesn't let me comment as much as I want in my own story (which I can completely see why, but) I cant reply to everyone like I want damn it! (メ`ロ')/ So assume I am showering you with thanks and praise from the other side lol.

Take this as consolation
It's my home screen
Idk who made it but I'm glad they exist

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