-No tell motel-

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Worker: "Is somebody dying or something?"

(Y/n): "No. There's just a really cool mummy in my car."

She took it as sarcasm, but it wasn't, not really.

Worker: "That'll be 12 dollars."

You gave her the money and picked up the five boxes of bandages you bought, along with a Pair of sunglasses for yourself. Each box only had three rolls and you wanted to make sure to get enough for him. You hoped these would be comfortable. There were a few other customers that stared at you and your arms full of bandages as you exited the store. You walked out and around the building, haphazardly removing your uncomfortable mask as you approached the car.
A few yards before you made it, a couple of boxes toppled out of your hold. You sighed and went to pick them up.

Guy: "Hey, you're that kid from TV. Aren't you missing? Say...you got a reward dontcha?"

There was a man that had followed you from the store. He roughly grabbed your face and Inspected it.

Guy: "Hehe. I knew it. I wouldn't forget a nice face like yours."

(Y/n): "I wonder if anyone will remember you?"

The mans eyes grew wide when he felt a knife in his back. Zack saw the little ordeal unfolding, and was quick to grab a weapon and go. The man slumped forward in pain.

Zack: "Why I always gotta come and save your dumb ass?!"

(Y/n): "I would've been okay. I'm armed. I saw you coming and figured you had it handled."

Zack: "Yeah sure, whatever you say."

The man sputtered.

Zack: "What do you suggest we do with this asshole?"

(Y/n): "No witnesses. Let's wait to pull the knife out. We can put him in the trash can over there and then finish him off. Less obvious blood that way."

You moved your thumb in a horizontal line across your neck, symbolizing a slice as you said "finish him".

He sighed.

Zack: "'Roger that."

Zack hooked his arms under the mans armpits and you lifted him by the legs. You brought him over to the the large container and put him down. You pulled out a few putrid trash bags and sat them aside. You then picked him up again and dumped him in face first. After that, Zack pulled the knife out of his back and finished him off. You put the trash bags back in the bin in order to cover the body. Luckily, there wasn't any blood on you at all, though there was some on the pavement. Zack cleaned the knife off on the guys shirt.
You clapped imaginary dust from your hands.

(Y/n): "Good work, team. Hopefully the trash can hide the smell.
I think it'll be okay anyways, guys like him aren't really cared about. Even if they find the body, the police probably won't try very hard on finding whoever did it."

Zack: "Perfect."

You both went back to the car, picking up the bandages and your glasses on the way.

(Y/n): "let's try to not leave too much of a trail. Next time if it's possible, just punch the shit out of the guy instead. Knock him out so he doesn't see ya..."

Zack: "There better not be a next time."

You sighed. You appreciated his determination in protecting you, but only so much was in your control.

(Y/n): 'Well I'd hope not, but I think at this point, it's inevitable.'

(Y/n): "I'm sorry. I'll be even more careful."

You drove by a small store and picked up some cheap food. For the majority of the day, you rested in the car together. Sometimes you would get restless and organize stuff. Occasionally you would find something with words on it and teach Zack what it said.

As soon as it started to get dark out you decided to go to the motel. You talked to the old man who ran the place and got a room. You brought your suitcases inside so you could choose what to wear when you changed. You'd rather not stay outside rummaging through clothes around here. Stuff can go south real quick, especially at night.

The inside of the room was dirty. There were stains on the carpet and walls. Dead bugs were littered about in every corner. But, there was a bed, lamp, and a shower. That's more than your car had.

You borrowed some junk from the old man and used it to cover the broken window of your car. Tape, cardboard, and a Tupperware lid. It might have been ultimately useless, but maybe it would ward away thieves if you were lucky. If not, at least some possible rain.

You came back inside with the bag of toiletries and sat them on the single armchair in the room. Zack was just standing in the middle of the room with his hands in his pockets, looking at you.

Zack: "Come here..."

(Y/n): "...Is something wrong?"

Zack: "No, just come here."

You walked over to him and he embraced you. You were a bit surprised at first, but you were quick to reciprocate the hug. You wrapped your arms around his neck and buried your face in his shoulder. You stood there like that for a long time.

Zack: "We've pretty much been busy since the second we got back together. I haven't had time to just...do this..."

You understood. It was like his emotions were passed to you. You were sad and happy all at once. It felt so warm, so nice to be able to hold him. It was enough to make you cry, but you held it back.

Zack was the person who made you feel things again. It's almost been torturous, but moments like these made it all better. It's what you were striving for. This peace. It was the best feeling you've ever had.

You both pulled back a little. You put your hands on his cheeks and pecked his lips lovingly.

Zack: "I could get used to that."

He smiled, leaned in and kissed you. This time it lasted much longer. Your hand carefully knitted in his hair, his hands on your waist for stability. The immense comfort and happiness you felt was immeasurable. Eventually, he broke away from your lips to leave a trail of kisses down your jawline and the side of your neck. He rested his head in the crook of your neck when he reached the bottom.

Zack: "....Listen, I ain't used to saying stuff like this, so listen up..."

You hummed and petted the back of his head, letting your cheek fall to rest on it.

Zack: "...I love ya, okay? I don't know a whole lot about this kinda thing, hell, I don't know jack shit about it other than that. But I do know that much. And I don't wantcha to forget it. Alright?"

His voice was soft and sincere. You matched his tone.

(Y/n): "I could never forget hearing that, Zack...I want you to remember, too. I love you- like crazy, if not more. I don't know anything about it either, because I never really felt anything before meeting you...but, I know we can figure this out together." 

You gave him one more kiss on the head before finally parting.

He put his hand on your cheek and brushed his thumb under your eye. Something akin to anxiety, and sadness, was swirling around in his captivating eyes. A twinge of pain was present on his face. He looked to the floor beside you and let his hand fall back at his side.

Zack: "I'm gonna go take a shower..."

(Y/n): "...Alright. Leave your clothes outside of the door when you change, I'll put them in the washing machine they have here. You can use my dads clothes I packed for you for now...Sorry if they aren't to your tastes, but I promise to buy you new stuff later that you like."

Zack: "...'Kay..."

He was only half listening. Something was obviously wrong, but you wanted to give him time before asking about it, to give him the chance to come to you on his own. He took a roll of bandages with him into the bathroom and shut the door. It wasn't long before he cracked the door open and sat his clothes outside of it. Even though he was just in another room apart from you, it felt lonely.

You took the opportunity to change into some 'pajamas'. You didn't actually bring anything to sleep in, so you just put on one of your dads shirts. It was big  on you, so you were well covered.

You gathered his clothes as well as yours and took them to the laundry room.

You stood there and watched the garments tumble inside. Zack's mood had spread to you. It bothered you he was unhappy so suddenly. Did you say something wrong?

You turned your attention back to the sink in the room. Usually it would be used to wash dishes, but you were using it to hand-wash Zack's jacket. You scrubbed it, trying to get as many bloodstains out as possible. Your mind found itself plagued with recent events. You tried to push the negative thoughts away and focus on the good. Thinking back to the things he said, and they way he so tenderly held you.

You finished washing and drying the clothes and returned to the room. Zack was standing there with the bathroom door left ajar, drying his hair off with a small towel that rested atop his shoulders. Already having put on his bandages and a pair of boxers. His eyes widened a little when he looked at you, soon turning his head to the side and averting his gaze so he wouldn't stare.

Zack: "...Ya look cute..."

You weren't sure you heard him right at first, the words almost sounding alien coming out of his mouth. Your cheeks dusted pink and you looked to the side as well. Not only did he say that, but he also caught your eye. It's not as though he was naked, but you had never seen so little clothing on him before. It was just a little embarrassing.

(Y/n): "Thanks..."

You packed away the freshly washed clothes.

(Y/n): "...I, uh, got a lot of stains out of your jacket..."

Zack: "You did? Nice. Thanks..."

(Y/n): "No problem..."

You shut the suitcase.

(Y/n): "I'm gonna go take a shower, too..."

Zack: "'Kay. See ya.."

You smiled awkwardly.

(Y/n): "See you..."

You went into the dirty bathroom and took a quick shower, having the same train of thought that you did in the laundry room.

When you were done you dried your hair and got a fresh towel to bring out with you. Zack was laying on the bed with his hands behind his head and one of his knees popped up, staring at the ceiling.

Zack: "Hey."

(Y/n): "Hey."

The 'conversations' your were having lately were incredibly painful to witness.

You took your dry towel and spread it out in the armchair. You didn't want to sit directly on it. This was a motel.

Zack: "What the hell are you even doin'?"

(Y/n): "I'm gonna sleep here."

Zack: "What, why?"

(Y/n): "I wanted you to have more space."

Zack: "Jeez... would you just get your ass over here already?"

(Y/n): "..You sure?"

Zack: "'Course I'm friggin' sure. Dumbass."

You hesitated before crawling onto the other side of the bed. You rolled over to face him and he did the same to you.

(Y/n): "...So, you mind telling me what's on your mind?"

Zack: "...It's nothin'. I'm just paranoid, is all. About this trip and stuff."

(Y/n): "Yeah, I guess I am too. I've been trying not to think about it, though. 'Take things as they come... I'm just tired or running more than anything, I think."

Zack: "Hm..."

He took a deep breath and rolled over, turning off the lamp. When he rolled back over, he put his arms around you and pulled you close. You took in his scent that lingered along with that of the shower soap.

Zack: "Goodnight, (N/n)..."

You melted into his hold and closed your eyes, putting your arms around him as well.

Zack: "'Night, Zack."

Yeah sex is great and all, but have you ever been emotionally enamored in someone so much it hurts?

Not with anyone real, you say? Me neither.

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