You entered the town. The depressing atmosphere was thick, just as the streets were dirty. There were a few shady people scattered about the alleyways and sidewalks.
Zack: "This is it?"
(Y/n): "Part of it. There's more new stuff further in. That's where we're going. It's gets better, but I wouldn't say exceptionally.
Admittedly, staying here is kinda dangerous, even for one night. This place is crawling with criminals. People unafraid to get their hands dirty for scraps. I dunno what the police are doing, but they don't come around here. That's the main concern.
Besides, we've been through a lot. I think we can handle a few paint-huffers."
Zack: "Huh...So you said you knew a guy that works around this dump?"
(Y/n): "Yeah, the guy that runs the pawnshop.. He' uncle. He's not the type the type to rat me out. But, he does makes his money off of petty thieves. Always lies about the price and they believe it. They don't really have a choice since they're so pressed for cash."
Zack: "How do you know he won't cheat you just like the other scumbags?"
(Y/n): "I'm no expert, but I know what I bagged is worth roughly less than 2,000 bucks. I won't take any less for it.
Me and him aren't real close, but we're on good terms. He thinks I'm an innocent who lost everything, anyway. He shouldn't lie to me."
You pulled in behind the said pawn shop so less people would see your vehicle (and or Zack). You dug around the back of the car and pulled out a mask to put on. It only covered the bottom half of your face, but it was better than nothing. It would keep other people from recognizing you. You also retrieved the jewelry and put it in a smaller bag.
(Y/n): "Alright. I'm goin' in. Don't hesitate to come get me if Something Happens."
Zack: "I'm going with you."
(Y/n): "I'd love to take you.. but, well... it's not a safe idea. You have a pretty unique appearance... people might be quick to point you out. Not to mention, you've been plastered all over TV as a murderer."
He took your words into consideration and begrudgingly agreed.
Zack: "Fine. You better be careful, you little shit...I just got ya back again..."
He mumbled the last part. You smiled at him reassuringly.
(Y/n): "It'll be okay. I'm just gettin' some money, That's all."
He sighed in defeat as you left the car.
You went into the pawn shop. You're uncle was sitting at the counter smoking and reading a dirty magazine. What a prize of a man.
(Y/n): "Long time no see, uncle J."
You pulled your mask down as you approached him. His eyes lazily moved from the magazine to you, widening once he recognized who you were.
Uncle: "Ho-Hooly shit. If it ain't the little turd themself. What the hell are you doin' in town?"
He was pretty jovial considering his brother, your dad, was killed. They were polar opposites. But who the hell knows what he or the public was actually told about your parents.
(Y/n): "Just here to do a little business, of course."
You plopped the bag on the table.
Uncle: "Damn, you've gotten bigger since the last time I saw you. You were only yay-high. Already showing up to get some dough from your uncle Jeremy, hey? Y'know, you remind me of myself when I was your age."
(Y/n): "You sound like an old man."
Uncle: "Comes with the territory. What can I do ya for?"
(Y/n): "I brought some jewelry to pawn. I'll trust you'll buy it at an honest price."
Uncle: "You always did cut to the chase. Alright, you have my word. But you gotta answer me somethin' little thing."
(Y/n): "Shoot."
Uncle: "I thought you were bein' kept in a hospital or something...? that's right...Some building exploded, and there was a murderer some time back...Shit I had forgot about alright?"
(Y/n): "Yeah, better than ever in fact. But I need some cash to pay for gas and stuff. I'm moving out of the old place as quick as I can."
He sighed, feeling bad for you.
Uncle: "Don't blame you for that... Okay, let's take a look-see..."
He carefully poured out the contents of the bag and inspected it thoroughly.
Uncle: "Oh man, this is some genuine shit. Where'd ya get something like this?"
(Y/n): "Found it in the house."
Uncle: "You sure these ain't heirlooms or somethin'? Won't get in any trouble getting rid of these will ya?"
(Y/n): "I don't care."
Uncle: "You might have grown up, but ya really haven't changed. Welp, as long as I don't take the blame. I can give ya $1,800 for it."
(Y/n): "Hm."
Uncle: "Not enough for ya?"
(Y/n): "No.. it's just, you didn't lie."
Uncle: "Well I made a deal with ya didn't I?"
He laughed at your skepticism.
(Y/n): "As I've learned, and as you very well know, you really can't trust anybody."
Uncle: "Well, you're my family. You're like the kid I never had. I got a feelin' more's going on that you aren't telling me, but know I've got your back, alright? Us weirdos gotta stick up for each other."
(Y/n): "I haven't seen you in years. What do you hope to gain?"
He laughed again.
Uncle: "Not everybody is out to get you, you know that right? Haha, okay. I'm guessing you wanna get out of here pretty quick-like. I'll get your money, kid."
He did as he said he would.
Uncle: "If you ever need me, you know where to find me. I didn't have no one to count on when I was your age, and I don't want the same for you. You're a weird kid, but that just means you need it more."
You took the bundle of money with a raised brow.
(Y/n): "Thanks...I think..."
He chuckled.
Uncle: "No problem, kid. Take care."
You waved him bye and went back to the car.
Zack: "So, didja get the money? Don't have to kill anyone, do I?"
(Y/n): "Yep. Nope. And did anyone see you?"
Zack: "Negative."
(Y/n): "Sweet."
You started the car.
(Y/n): "Off to the drugstore then."
We ain't buying condoms or pregnancy tests there, fuck you.
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