Chapter Sixty-Five Part II

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The House of Slaughters

Ignoring the wine, the insignia, after all, was their way of saying they have eyes everywhere and the Sect's single eye insignia refers to how they only have one enemy, the ten rays foretelling they would use anything in their power to defeat the World's Organization, as told by the impaled sword. Well, Grimhouse is an organization that existed for more than four hundred years already along with the leading power, Exodus and the World's Org.

The Fourth Master returned to the table with four wine glasses, as well as a bottle of a seemingly old wine. He beamed at everyone, carefully pouring in some red-coloured liquid down the glasses. I almost rolled my eyes at this. Two weeks of not waking up and the first thing that goes down to my lungs is wine. I could feel my own irritation rising up again. Everything about this just ticks me off for some reason, and losing my composure here is absolutely unnecessary.

"It is a Lucone, one that I got from my travels around the north and western parts of the world. I have been holding this one for more than ten years now, and I have been meaning to have a small tasting party with my fellow Grims." He handed down the glasses, the other frowning at this, then came the knocking on the door. "Ah, perfect timing. Our breakfast is here."

The door was opened by Azto, less than a dozen servants came in carrying trays of morning dishes for breakfast, it was indeed on perfect time too. They usually always have breakfast around seven-thirty sharp, as told by the large ticking pandemonium clock hung over the wall just above the door. They each wore their own black veils, preventing us to actually see who these people are as they slowly place the dishes of our own preferences right in front of us.

I was having my usual dish, though I would have preferred it more if they tone down the designs and actually take the food as a priority because like always, my entire breakfast only fills half of the plate with honey sauces spread around that took up more space than the bacons and waffles. I hate to think the Sect is lacking in ingredients, perhaps I should have Azto finally visit the kitchen today.

I inwardly rolled my eyes from this, grabbing the specific knife and fork. I'm willing to bet I could finish this after five to seven intakes and still be damn hungry. I doubt I actually would get a decent lunch later this day knowing I wouldn't have time for it. Is it so hard to make a satisfying breakfast for once without the side dishes taking up more than half of the plate?

"First Mistress, is there something more you want us to get you?" One servant asked after the team placed other Grims' breakfasts and are beginning to eat.

"Tea. A vanilla."

"V-vanilla? I beg your pardon, First Mistress, but only lowly commoners and plebeians drink such--"

"And I'm saying I want it." I was raising my voice in this, the other Grims looking over us but I simply ignored them, glaring at the servant beside me.

"If you may, First Mistress," one servant, a voice of a man this time, came forward. "We have Earl Gray, wild rose, peppermint, and lavender. I recommend trying something more suitable for your taste."

"The Mistress will take the lavender." Azto said with a smile before I could even say anything, his hand on my shoulder from behind. The servant hurriedly nodded, then took off the room after bowing to our presences. "I will brew you either vanilla or jasmine later on, Mistress Ke'ala. Please do not make a scene. The lavender would especially help calm your nerves." Azto whispered down my ear, making me close my eyes briefly before nodding.

"Is there something of matter, Grim Ke'ala?" The one who asked was the Second Mistress, the other female Grim.

The Second Grim may look young, but she's actually half twice my age already. She has long brown hair, light purple eyes and tribal marks imprinted on her face down her skin. She wasn't much into fashion, but she would always wear this long, brown leathered, sleeveless coat over her red tunic dress. The most eye catching part about her is her sacred beast, a summon only those powerful mages can have.

She's quite the character, one that I find amusing the most, being obsessed with her pet and all that she has it wrapped around her waist every single time, or sometimes even her neck. This time though, the snake was neither on those places. It was gently laid on her lap, the snake's bright yellow eyes hissing at me as its owner gently wrapped her arms around its scaled head.

The Second Mistress, Christia Wienstein was the daughter of the former leader of a fallen tribe in one of the countries in the southwestern regions of the world. Unlike the other Grims who have been here for generations, she's fairly new to the Sect as her family was taken in the last three decades. She only became the Second Mistress around twenty years ago and perhaps it was due to pressure of her current position that she ended up taking a noble's offspring as an apprentice for such a powerful household to support her authority.

"Nothing that of importance." I answered, smiling still as we all continued our breakfast. Azto carefully slipped out of the room as we proceeded in our small silence.

I may not know them all personally, but these people are the kind that are goal-driven, they love their authorities to the point they would not let anything compromise it even at the cause of risking their lives fighting against the World's Organization when if one thinks about it, they don't have to do anything that would kill them at all. In the first place, they were only dragged in this war in exchange for the Sect giving them home and power.

It's me saying the entire Grimhouse follows the Grims not because they fear their authorities and power, but because these people believe Grims are capable of finally eradicating the World's Organization once and for all--at least, that's how the Sect was supposed to be. But in my three years here, I learned how these Grims have been dividing the Sect. Each one of these people have factions following them, loyalists that will do anything their Master or Mistress desires.

Clerix, the former First Master Grim, passed me the title hurriedly to more or less escape from this power play, I know for a fact he's just too lazy to deal with these things though. As a new Grim, most servants here and other important figures don't really trust me and for these Grims, my position as the First is just a title because one wrong move, my authority here in this Sect will crumble making my plan to use their numbers and resources against the World's Org would become useless.

Considering they've been at this power play for years already, I can only wonder when will they finally retaliate and go into war against each other. They certainly would, just not openly. After all, it's still a law not to harm another Grim or their apprentices that is otherwise of course, if the situation calls upon such drastic measures.

For three years now, I've been prioritizing my own war against my primary enemy and my achievements so far have brought me some of my own loyalists, as Azto would often report to me, and the fact that my faction here has been growing day by day, albeit slowly, leaves these Grims threatened that they might not be able to outpower my authority if my power within the Sect grows.

Which means if they're planning to eliminate me, especially that I have no apprentice to pass my title on if they somehow manage to, one of them would eventually become the First Grim and they would have to do that soon. I can't help but shake my head at the thought. I've been busy dealing with my own personal enemies that I didn't pay any attention to what exactly is going on inside this Sect. If it weren't for Azto and other apprentices secretly helping me out, surely they would have already eliminated me off my position.

The main headquarters of the Sect was supposed to be back in Skovallia, a small outskirt land just above this Romaine Kingdom but I made the entire Sect move here three years ago where nether energy can break free any moments now if the barrier isn't strong enough to hold against it. They had been furious about it at start, but knowing I was the First Grim, they couldn't really say anything against my decisions. I think that was the first time their authorities were actually threatened.

I made them move here to make it easier for my part to navigate the extent of nether energy. As long as the barrier is there, the entire Kingdom is safe from the threat of crumbling to death and Romaine is actually grateful for that enough to swear a lifetime of allegiance not to the Sect, but to me. I can't have these pathetic power-hungry bastards to use my own effort against me, can I?

The other reason was to make sure the orcs I left back in Skovallia won't be converted into one of these people's faction. I may have inflicted fear to the orcs, but that doesn't mean they aren't angry with me. They'll have to do what I want them to whether they want to or not.

The constructions of the four towers in one of the overwhelming mana sites are going along well, as Azto had last reported to me. I gave those orcs five years to finish those four tourmaline towers, and they don't have a choice but to do it.

In the first place, I had been very patient with them, but the orcs have only resorted to violence by trying to murder me when I'm showing them kindness once and since then, I don't ever try showing them anything but force and cruelty. There's always going to be those kinds that will not cooperate at all unless you make them, and what's better to do that by making them feel fear?

The tower still under construction by the intersecting river on the edge of the Kingdom seems to be finishing rather quickly. The group of orcs I set there for the work don't fear the nether energy at all, considering the orcs have been practically bathing in it in the Orc Country, the only difference is that most of them cannot harness it at all. Still, if this pace continues, I could see the tower in full operation a few months after this. 

The door opened again, more servants entering to add deserts to the table. I saw Azto along the small crowd, eventually coming to my side to place the lavender tea. I would really prefer vanilla at the moment, but they just had to be picky which teas are for noble and which are for commoners. I didn't know even drinking teas now here in the south have standard aristocratic ways.

"I notice you haven't been drinking your wine, First Mistress." The Third Master, Erwin, spoke which broke the quietude. "Is the wine prepared by the Fourth Master for you, perhaps, not to your liking?"

The noble culture here in the south is a lot different from what I've gotten myself used to. I've traveled some parts of the world throughout my years and the southern countries have the most strangest traditions. Apparently, wines are considered a sign of truce by most and refusing to drink it after another person had offered the wine means you have ill-intentions toward them.

He waited for the chance to ask me that question specifically where more servants could obviously hear what we're talking about. If this goes on, the entire Sect might as well just know I've disrespected and attempted harm against the Fourth Grim. With that kind of rumour and words roaming around, other factions will come at me, finally finding the one mistake they could eliminate me with from my authority as the First Grim.

Now, I could just drink this damn wine and be done with it to show them they can't lure me into their own game. The problem is that, alcohols make me throw up. Its herrenous, absolutely nauseating. I tried, I truly did, taking a drink once in my three years here, but my face would turn pale and my heart would beat so erratically that no matter what the flavour is, it would just leave a terrible aftertaste in my mouth.

Liquors won't work too, or even just the tiniest drop of both. I may can manipulate emotions, but I can't biologically manipulate my body and its sense of taste, unfortunately. Plus, this entire Sect has a detection system which means any attempt on using energy and everyone would know. I can't show them me being that pathetic and this clear irritation isn't helping me calm down at all.

I took a sip from the lavender tea, then another, and again--until I drank all of it without actually calming a bit. If they had only brought in some vanilla or even jasmine! I silently clicked my tongue. I could see the Fourth Master's smirk at this and it only made me clench my fist more. We've already finished our own breakfast, and the servants are still replacing the plates with another plates of our own preferred deserts. They won't leave anytime soon, I concur.

"Wines do not suit my taste in general, and it was quite insensitive of you to offer knowing that, Mr. Zesc." I said, noticing the Fourth Master frown a little before grinning.

"Oh, my apology, First Mistress. I simply did not know. I would have, however, if only you have attended most of our gathering invitations. I am hurt to think you have deliberately ignored us for so how many times now."

He's choosing his words well, and I could feel these servants mocking me because of these Grims. If it had been any other day, I could have fought him off through words, but I'm in a foul mood today. How dare he mock me right in front of everyone?

"I have much important things to deal with as the First Grim of the Sect. Such gatherings simply do not fit inside my busy schedule. I admire your luxuries, of course. I merely hope I do not have to do anything at all like you do." I smiled, they all know it was me saying they've done nothing at all for this Sect.

"You--!" The Fourth Master stood, slamming his palm on the table that made the servants flinch.

"I ask you to calm yourself, Fourth Master." The Third Master, Erwin, said. "I urge you not to make a fool out of yourself."

"No, I have enough of this woman! Who does she think she is to disrespect us like that?!"

"My, I have only continued what you had started. Though my words are of a fact, no?" I smirked, clasping my hands together on the table. "Throughout all your years of authority, have you even got closer to defeating the World's Organization or have made plans and effort like I do? No. You people apparently have been to busy making sure you stay into power enough not to care what you must do here as Grims."

"That is a line you dare not cross, Ke'ala." The Second Mistress spoke with her usual blank face, I could feel her anger though. "Servants. Leave the room now."

The servants hurried out of the room, eventually disappearing our of sight. I'm sure this would create quite a ruckus outside though, it should be just a matter of time now. They decided to mock me first, I've been very patient with their hostilities for so long now--even went as far as ignored the poison-filled meals I have been getting over the years if it had not been for Azto making sure they were safe to consume in the end. But I'm tired of this little game.

Erwin scoffed, his serious façade finally breaking that into a scorn as he stood up with his other hand right behind him. He grabbed the wine glass, completely drinking the liquid inside before slowly wiping his lips dry with the table napkin.

"We have been trying to understand your situation, Ke'ala. We do not know where and why you are here, but you have crossed the line. Today, your rule as the First will come to an end." He declared with such great intensity.

"Master Erwin, I ask of you not to threaten Mistress Ke'ala with such words--" Azto had tried to step in, only to be interrupted by the Second Mistress.

"Do not interfere, young man." Her snake had hissed at her words. "Otherwise, you too will meet your demise." Her snake had suddenly turned into a cane, using it for her to stand.

"I ask you to reconsider. This is treason--"

"I said silence!"

Azto was suddenly blown away toward the other side, his back hitting the wall so hard it creates a dent on it when Christia lifted her cane that sent a powerful gust of wind. Along with that was the small rumbling of the ground, heavy footsteps resounding just outside the room and after a few seconds, a crowd of black-veiled men cleaved their way inside with their weapons raised.

"Out with the tyranny of the First Grim! Out with the tyranny of the First Grim! Out with the tyranny of the First Grim!" They chanted like a mantra, over and over again. There were at least a hundred of them behind that door, their voice echoing throughout the hall.

"Is that what you're going to make things look like? That I'm a tyrant and I must be killed for the sake of the Sect?" I scoffed, not minding my formality anymore.

"Our other factions are currently heading to the river, Ke'ala." Darvalli grinned, his eyes dilating in satisfaction thinking they had cornered me. "I don't know what that tower is for, but we're going to destroy that. Perhaps that would show you not to mess with us."

"Idiots." I muttered, shaking my head in dismay.

"I...I urge you greatly not to do that, dear Masters and Mistress." Azto spoke, his voice heavy as he walked again beside me. "I would have to take drastic measures otherwise."

"Is that a threat?" Erwin frowned. "Insolent! This is the problem with untrained people like you!"

A magic circle appeared on his front, circulating until it turned purple that exuded chains that headed straight for Azto. My assistant had blinked at this, avoiding the chains but ten more men came forward. He managed to defeat them easily considering who he is, but the chains had wrapped around his ankle before he even realized it. The chain was easy to break, but it sucked out all his energy that he knelt, his body turning paler and paler.

"My magic is nothing to be underestimated of. It will absorb your energy dry until you can no longer stand." Erwin went beside the kneeling man, I looked away when he grabbed a sword from a fallen servant and impaled my assistant with it right at the stomach.

"All of that and you have never even gotten out of your seat." Christia spoke. "You do not even care about your comrades, you barely have reactions to what happened at all when you could have jumped in to save him."

"If any of you deliver me a perfect brew of vanilla or jasmine," I crossed my arms, leaning over the back of the soft-futton chair as I draped my leg atop another. "I will let this little commotion slip, I would even go as far as forget it ever happening."

"What?!" Darvalli roared angrily.

"I'm saying that I'm willing to give you a chance to redeem yourselves."

"Preposterous!" Erwin said with displeasure. "Take her to the prison! We're done here. Impale her legs so she is not able to escape." The three Grims turned around, walking slowly towards the door as dozens of their men ran to me, screaming my title and associating it with tyranny. They were

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