Royalty: Magic? AU

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"Princess Pansy is staying for dinner, Am, just thought you should know," Hermione called through Amisty's cracked door as she rushed past. "I've set out your dress to dry already. You know how she is."

Amisty groaned, "Ugh, I can't stand her! I swear, she only pays any attention to this town because she loves to spite me!"

"Unfortunately, she's royalty, and that means she's allowed to do anything she wants," Hermione replied.

Amisty sighed again, running a brush haphazardly through her messy, black curls and stomping down the back steps to the garden. As Hermione said, her peach dress was hanging from the clothesline, ruffling slightly in the gentle breeze. Amisty pointedly turned her back to it, instead sinking to her knees and tugging up the radishes and potatoes from the soft, fertile soil. She took her time, dreading the moment she'd have to wash off and play nice with a princess who despised her.

"Amisty River!" Mrs. Weasley shouted from the fifth-floor window, clearly frustrated. "You need to be ready in ten minutes, the princess is arriving soon!"

"Sorry, Mrs. Weasley!" Amisty yelled back, lugging the wicker basket overflowing with vegetables into the shade. "I lost track of time."

"You did not," Harry teased, shouldering her lightly as he took the basket off of her hands and carried it off into the back.

"Shut up, Harry," She growled, but her mouth was twitching.

"I've drawn you a bath upstairs," Mrs. Weasley rushed past, frantically sweeping the floor. "Now, please, for the love of god, Amisty, be polite."

"I'll try," Amisty replied as sweetly as she could manage, trudging up the steps and to the bathroom after pulling down her dress. A wooden tub sat in the middle full of warm, clean water and foaming white bubbles, as well as homemade soap and a sponge. She shed her work clothes, scrubbing out the dirt from underneath her fingernails and the dust from her hair. When she stepped out the water was dark, and her skin was rubbed pink.

"Three minutes, Amisty!" Ginny knocked on the door.

"I know, I know!"

She wrung out her hair as best she could, detangling it with her fingers, and slipped on the dress. The soft, worn fabric was pale with age and a bit rough around the edges, but it would have to do. As soon as she opened the door, Hermione whirled her off into their shared bedroom, somehow managing to tie her up in a corset so quickly she didn't even have time to complain.

"'Mione..." She started.

"I know you hate it, but Mrs. Weasley insisted," Hermione explained, tying the leather cords into a neat little bow.

Amisty made a noncommittal noise, knowing there was no disagreeing at the Burrow when Mrs. Weasley made a decision.

"They're here!" Ron shouted up the steps.

"We have to hurry," Hermione grabbed Amisty's wrist, dragging her down the steps and into the kitchen just as the familiar clip-clopping of horses could be heard around the corner.

Everyone was dressed in their best clothes. Even Harry had attempted to tame his hair, but in all honesty it looked as messy as it always did. The new polish on his boots and green of his shirt made up for it, though. Ginny had braided delicate white flowers into the strands of her fiery red hair, and the twins were both wearing the only pair of unstained pants they owned. Ron had the ratty scarf he hated tied around his neck, and Hermione was wearing the elegant blue dress she always looked stunning in.

"I want you all on your best behavior, understood?" Mrs. Weasley demanded, giving a pointed look to the twins. "No pranks, no snide remarks, and certainly no insults."

"Yes, ma'am," They chorused back, the same reply they said every year when the royals made their rounds throughout the kingdom. Not a moment too soon, the familiar crisp knock on the wooden front door echoed in the quiet of the farmhouse.

"Not a single insult!" Mrs. Weasley hissed, her severe expression quickly morphing into a polite smile as she swung open the door. "Princess Pansy! What a wonderful surprise."

Amisty suppressed a snort, lifting her skirt and dipping into a low curtsy with a smile that was dangerously close to a scowl. She lifted her head, fully prepared to hear some scalding remark about her dress or appearance, and came face to face with the pointed profile of Prince Draco Malfoy.

Her breath caught in her throat.

He was, with no doubt, stunningly handsome. All royalty was, after all, but he seemed to defy all boundaries of earthen beauty. Platinum blond hair that swept just above his brow reflected the warm sunlight like woven silk, and his sharp facial structure practically radiated the aristocratic ideal. His eyes were the sharp, calculating color of a sword's blade, drinking in information with every sparse glance.

"And Prince Draco," Mrs. Weasley was clearly surprised by the unexpected arrival as well. "I hadn't known you'd be joining us today."

"He's new to the kingdom," The princess cooed, stroking his arm as her voice dripped with adoration. "I'm giving him a bit of a tour. Though..." She cast a disdainful look around the Burrow, her nose wrinkling, "I would have preferred a more... sophisticated establishment."

Amisty scowled bitterly, her voice no more than a whisper, "Then leave. I can feel myself losing intelligence."

Prince Draco's lip twitched. She felt a flicker of pride and quickly smothered it down. This was royalty. Royalty didn't associate with her kind unless absolutely necessary. Like this.

Princess Pansy hadn't seemed to have noticed, but she had always tuned out Amisty as much as she possibly could. A difficult feat, considering Amisty happened to be the local nobilities finest artisan and ended up designing and creating half the jewelry and accessories for the royal family. She definitely made purposeful additions to Pansy's items in particular, including adding one infuriating little pin that would constantly prick the princess in the back of her skull when she moved her head on Pansy's favorite tiara. It gave Amisty immense joy to see her smile through the pain as she conversed with other royals.

"Well..." Mrs. Weasley's smile was strained, "I'm overjoyed you decided to come here."

"We were informed that your farm had some of the best cuisine in the kingdom," Prince Draco replied, flashing a charming smile.

Amisty took a minuscule step back, exchanging a split-second glance with Hermione.

"Oh... oh, well thank you very much!" Mrs. Weasley beamed, her smile entirely genuine this time. "Amisty, why don't you show our lovely guests around as I prepare dinner?"

It was in no way a request, no matter how she formatted the question.

"Of course," Amisty forced her lips into a smile, already dreading what was certain to be a miserable evening.

"I'm terribly sorry to say that I can't manage a venture outdoors today," The princess smiled sweetly. "I've seemed to forgotten to wear the proper shoes."

Amisty almost sighed in relief, "Well, in that case - "

"I'd like to take a look around, if you wouldn't mind, Miss?" Prince Draco interrupted, still smiling that charming smile.

Princess Pansy's lip twitched.

"I'm sure Amisty would love to," Mrs. Weasley replied, throwing said girl a severe look.

"Yep," Amisty grit out, pleading she sounded as polite as need be.

"Start in the garden, you know it best," Mrs. Weasley smiled, shooing Amisty off to the door before turning back to the princess. "Now, Princess Pansy..."

Mrs. Weasley's voice faded out as the garden door closed, leaving Amisty and Prince Draco standing in an awkward silence outside. Amisty tugged at the wrinkles in her skirt, not quite meeting his gaze.

"It's a beautiful garden, Miss..." He paused, taking her hand. "I don't believe I ever heard your name."

Amisty cleared her throat, cheeks pink, "Erm... Amisty River, your highness."

"Miss River," He smiled, apparently amused with her flustered expression.

"That's not all there is," She pulled her hand away carefully, setting off on the path that winded through the flowers and herbs and trees. "This is just the vegetable patch."

"Just the vegetable patch?" He cast a shocked gaze around, his silver eyes alight with surprise. "How could you top this?"

Amisty's lip twitched, verging on a smile but uncertain if he was just playing up the humble royalty act. That's what had tricked her into Pansy's trap in the first place, after all.

"A lot of hard work and time, I suppose," She replied, careful to keep her voice polite. "I didn't start it, but Mrs. Weasley gives me work in the summer before I go upstate for healer training."

"You're a talented girl, Miss River," He smiled warmly and she cast her gaze to the ground.

She gave herself a little shake, getting her mind back on task, "Here, the tree groves are just through here."

In fact, his well-timed compliments were affecting her more than she thought. She pressed her palms to her cheeks, mortified to feel how warm they had become.

And she had no idea why she decided to bring him to the tree grove of all places. The most secluded and romance tinged area of the whole garden. Mrs. Weasley liked to refer to it as the 'Lover's Hollow.' She truly was an idiot.

She gulped, her steps faltering, "You know, I think it'd be a better idea to just -- "

And she turned around only to collide with the prince himself. He steadied her gently, silver eyes running over her flushed cheeks with the faintest tug of a sympathetic smile on his face.

"Miss River, I know it must be quite shocking to have a member of royalty accompanying you, but I assure you, it's no different than if you were to walk with a friend," He reassured gently, holding out a hand. "I don't wish to make you uncomfortable. We may return to the farm if you'd prefer."

"No, no, it's alright," Amisty rushed out, her cheeks even redder. "I just got a bit flustered, that's all. It's not much longer, your highness."

She turned resolutely on her heel, striding deeper into the shade of the trees into the tiny alcove. The leaves were lush and vibrant, soft underfoot and rustling softly overhead. Amisty took a deep breath through her nose, relishing in the musty, familiar scent of the forest. She did her rounds, checking on the flowers and bushes that lined the edges and adjusting branches here and there. Standing on tiptoe, she reached up for the bluebird's nest, her fingers barely brushing the twigs.

"Here," Prince Draco reached up behind her, his chest brushing against her back as he gently took the nest down.

Amisty stiffened, her pulse quickening, "Um... t-thank you."

"You're welcome," He replied, handing her the nest. She looked down, examining the five powder blue eggs with a faint smile, her eyes sparkling.

"Hello," She whispered under her breath, shifting a stray stick back into place carefully. "You look lovely."

Glancing down at the next once more and then back at the tree branch it had been perched on, she frowned, "Erm... your highness, could -- "

"I'd love to," He cut her off, stepping forward and placing the nest back carefully.

"Thank you very much," Amisty smiled hesitantly.

Prince Draco dipped into a tiny bow, his eyes sparkling, "It was my honor, Miss River."

I'm sorry. I'm tired and wasn't able to finish the next chapter and I feel really bad... so have another AU that's probably gonna have a part two because I didn't like the way this ended. Thanks for reading!

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